Yang group @ USTC

Welcome to the Laboratory of Fullerene Functional Materials! Our research group was established in December 2007, and affiliated to Department of Material Sciences and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). The main research of our group is focused on nanocarbons, spanning from the synthesis and functionalization of nanocarbons (mainly fullerenes) to their applications in energy conversion (such as perovskite solar cells) and storage.

Latest News
  • 2024-6-10: Jinpeng Xin and Ziqi Hu's paper "Short Didysprosium Covalent Bond Enables High Magnetization Blocking Temperature of a Direct 4f-4f Coupled Dinuclear Single-Molecule Magnet" was accepted by J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!
  • New本课题组长期招聘聘期制科研人员(特任副研究员和博士后),待遇丰厚![招生招聘]
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