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1. Ricci flow smoothing for locally collapsing manifolds (in collabration with S.S. Huang), Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61 (2022), no.2.
2. On Ilmanen's multiplicity one conjecture for mean curvature flow with type-I mean curvature, (in collabration with H.Z. Li), Journal of European Mathematical Society 24 (2022), no.1,37-135.
3. On the structure of Ricci shrinkers, (in collabration with H.Z. Li and Y. Li), Journal of functional analysis 280 (2021), 108955.
4. On the regular-convexity of Ricci shrinker limit spaces, (in collaboration with S.S. Huang, Y Li), Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 771(2021), 99-136.
5. Collapsing geometry with Ricci curvature bounded below and Ricci flow smoothing, (in collabration with S.S. Huang and X.C. Rong), Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications(SIGMA) 16(2020), no 123.
6. Heat Kernel on Ricci Shrinkers, (in collabration with Y. Li), Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59(2020), article number:194.
7. Space of Ricci flows(II)---part B: weak compactness of the flows, (in collabration with X.X.Chen), Journal of Differential Geometry, 116(2020), 1-123.
8. Remarks of weak-compactness along K\"{a}hler Ricci flow, (in collabration with X.X.Chen), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, 2019.
9. The extension problem of the mean curvature flow(I), (in collaboration with H.Z. Li), Inventiones Mathematicae, 218(2019),no.3, 721-777.
10. Rigidity of Vector Valued Harmonic maps of linear growth, (in collaboration with S.S. Huang), Geometriae Dedicata, 202 (2019),no1,357-371.
11. The Rigidity of Ricci shrinkers of dimension four, (in collabration with Y. Li), Transactions of American Mathematical Society, vol. 371(2019), no 10, 6949-6972.
12. The local entropy along Ricci flow---part A: the no-local-collapsing theorems, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, vol. 6(2018), no, 3, 267-346.
13. K\"ahler-Ricci flow, K\"{a}hler-Einstein metric and K-stability, (in collaboration with S. Song, X.X.Chen), Geometry and Topology, vol. 22(2018), no. 6, 3145-3173.
14. Regularity scales and convergence of the Calabi flow, (in collabration with H.Z. Li, K. Zheng), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 28(2018), no 3, 2050-2101.
15. Space of Ricci flows(II)---part A: moduli of singular Calabi-Yau space, (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, vol. 5(2017).
16. On the structure of almost Einstein manifolds, (in collaboration with G.Tian), Journal of American Mathematical Society, vol. 28(2015), no. 4, 1169-1209.
17. On the conditions to extend Ricci flow(III), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Int. Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2013, no. 10, 2349-2367.
18. On the conditions to extend Ricci flow(II), Int. Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2012, no. 14, 3192-3223.
19. Space of Ricci flows(I), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Communications in Pure and Applied Math, vol. 65(2012), no. 10, 1399-1457.
20. The K\"{a}hler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (I), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Journal of European Mathematical Society, vol. 14(2012), no.6, 2001-2038.
21. The K\"{a}hler Ricci flow on Fano surfaces (I), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 270(2012), no 1-2, 577-587.
22. Remarks on K\"{a}hler Ricci flow, (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 20(2010), no. 2.
23. K\"{a}hler Ricci flow with small initial $E_1$ energy (I), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen, H.Z. Li), Geometric and Functional Analysis, vo. 18(2009), no. 5, 1525-1563.
24. On the conditions to extend Ricci flow, Int Math Res Notices(2008), Vol. 2008.
1.Canonical diffeomorphisms of manifolds near spheres, (in collaboration with X.R. Zhao), arXiv:2109.14803, submitted.
2.Ricci integrals,local functionals and the Ricci flow, (in collaboration with Y.Q. Ma), arXiv:2109.02449, submitted.
3.Rigidity of round cylinders in Ricci shrinkers, (in collaboration with Y. Li), arXiv:2108.03622, submitted.
4.The local entropy along Ricci flow---Part B: the pseudo-locality theorems, arXiv:2010.09981, submitted.
5. Rigidity of the first Betti number via Ricci flow smoothing, (in collaboration with S.S.Huang), arXiv:2004.09762, submitted.
6. Space of Ricci flows(II), (in collaboration with X.X.Chen), arXiv: 1405.6797, with furtherdetails, and published in part A and part B.
7. Ricci flow on orbifold, arXiv:1003.0151.
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的教学(2012年秋季 - 2018年春季)
2014年秋季,数学865, 几何学高级专题。
2011年春季,Mat 202,线性代数与应用。
2010年秋季,Mat 201,多变量微积分。
2010年春季,Mat 202,线性代数与应用。
2009年秋季,Mat 327,微分几何导论。
2009年秋季,Mat 203,高级多变量微积分。
2009年春季,Mat 202,线性代数与应用。
2008年秋季,Mat 202,线性代数与应用。