报 告 题 目 及 摘 要

报告人: 蔡 立 (中国科学院数学与系统科学学院)
报告题目: The Gross-Prasad Conjecture for $U(2) \times U(1)$
报告摘要: The (refined) Gross-Prasad Conjecture is an explicit formula connecting the central value of some $L$-function and certain period integral. It is believed that the relative trace formula approach, suggested by Jacquet-Rallis, is available to give a proof of this conjecture. In this talk, we will focus on the case $U(2) \times U(1)$ which gives the first complete example how the relative trace formula solve this conjecture.

报告题目: Higher n-tilting modules
报告摘要: In this talk, I will recall some known results about (infinitely generated) 1-tilting modules over arbitrary rings on the level of derived module categories, and further, report some new advances on n-tilting modules, including some discussions about when certain triangulated categories can be realized as derived module categories via homological ring epimorphisms. Joint work with Changchang Xi.

报告题目: Homology and Cohomology of Hom-Lie (Leibniz) Algebras
报告摘要: Hom- Lie (Leibniz) algebra is a natural generalization of Lie (Leibniz) algebras. In this paper, we develop some structure theory, such as its homology groups and cohomology group. We give some examples of Hom-Lie (super) algebra, such as (super) Virasoro algebra and Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra of Hom-type and further their structure theory.

报告人:高 楠(上海大学)
报告题目: Homological conjectures and Gorenstein singular equivalences for algebras of
finite Cohen-Macaulay type
报告摘要: We study homological conjectures for finite-dimensional algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type using the language of Gorenstein derived category. The corresponding version of Happel's results are obtained. We also show that a relative stable equivalence of A and B induces a triangle-equivalence between the Gorenstein singularity category of A and that of B.

报告题目: The derivations and the automorphism groups of the Lie algebra $W^g(a,b)$
报告摘要: In this paper, we determine the derivation algebra and the automorphism group of the infinite-dimensional Lie algebra $W^g(a,b)$ ( for $a, b\in\mathbb C$) which is the semi-direct product Lie algebra of the Witt algebra and its tensor density module ${\rm\bf I^g}(a,b)$.

报告题目: Applications of the Iwasawa main conjectures
报告摘要: In this talk we will introduce some applications of the Iwasawa main conjectures for imaginary quadratic fields. Especially we will give some new results concerned with the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for CM elliptic curves.

报告人:吕 恒 (西南大学,上海大学)
报告题目: On generalized Dedekind p-groups
报告摘要: Berkovich posed such problem: Study the finite p-group G satisfies the conditions that, for each non-normal subgroup H of G, (N_1) $H^G=HG$; (N_2) $|H^G: H|\le p$; (N_3) $\exp(H^G)=H$. In this talk, we first investigate the properties of the finite p-groups satisfying condition N_1, and then investigate the properties of finite p-groups satisfying conditions N_1, N_2 and N_3. We study some generalized p-groups and solve the problem posed by Yakov Berkovich.

报告人:罗 栗(华东师范大学)
报告题目:Hom-Lie superalgebra structures on finite-dimensional simple Lie superalgebras
报告摘要:This is a joint work with Bintao Cao. Hom-Lie superalgebras, which can be considered as a deformation of Lie superalgebras, are Z_2-graded generalization of Hom-Lie algebras. In this talk, we shall show that there is only the trivial Hom-Lie superalgebra structure over a finite-dimensional simple Lie superalgebra, which is a super countpart of the result due to Jin and Li for Hom-Lie algebras.

报告题目: Representation of conformal current type Lie algebras
报告摘要: In this talk, we will investigate highest weight modules of conformal current type Lie algebras. The character formulas for some irreducible modules will be given. This is a joint work with Dong Liu, and Wei Jiang.

报告题目: 有限p群若干问题的研究
报告摘要: 本报告主要由三个部分组成。首先介绍我在有限p群的某些分类问题上的工作;其次介绍我在有限p群某些计数问题上的工作;最后谈一下目前正在进行的一些工作和未来的一些工作设想。

报告题目: On the generalized norms and strongly closed subgroups of groups
报告摘要: The norm of a group was introduced by R. Baer and H. Wielandt. The concept of strong closure played fundamental roles in the study of finite groups, especially in the Classification of the Finite Simple Groups. In this talk, we introduce the new advances of the generalized norms and strongly closed subgroups of groups.

报告人:许 宾(北京大学)
报告题目: Reducibility of induced representations and base change
报告摘要: In this lecture, we consider the relation between the reducibility of induced representations of quasi-split unitary groups defined over p-adic fields and the base change problem for unitary groups. In particular, we will focus on the group U(3,3) in detail.

报告人:杨南迎 (中国科学技术大学)
报告题目: Cancelled
报告摘要: Cancelled

报告人:赵玉凤 (北京大学)
报告题目: Generalized Verma Module over Lie Superalgebra E(5,10)
报告摘要: The exceptional infinite-dimensional linearly compact simple Lie superalgebra $E(5,10)$, which Kac believes, is the algebra of symmetries of the $SU_5$ Grand Unified Model. In this paper, we give a classification of all the degenerate generalized Verma module over the exceptional infinite-dimensional linearly compact simple Lie superalgebra $E(5,10)$.

报告题目: On the geometric structure of tempered dual of SL(N)
报告摘要: We will introduce a geometric structure of the representation of reductive p-adic groups which is called extended quotient, and a conjecture proposed by Aubert, Baum and Plymen. In this talk, we will focus on the representation of SL(N) over p-adic field $\mathbb{Q}_p$.