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Current Seminar

Seminar via Zoom (2020. 2-2020. 7) Suday 16:00-17:00
  Date Speaker Topic
  2020. Mar. 1 Xiao-Wu Chen The injective dimension of the radical
  2020. Mar. 8 Xiao-Fa Chen Cluster-tilting
  2020. Mar.15 Xiao-Wu Chen Pull-back rings
  2020. Mar.22 Dawei Shen (HNU) Singularity categories
  2020. Mar.15 Ren Wang GLS algebras and skew group algebras
  2020. Apr. 5 Yang Luo The McKay correspondence I
  2020. Apr. 12 Xin-Chao Ma The McKay correspondence II
  2020. Apr. 19 Xin-Chao Ma The McKay correspondence III
  2020. Apr. 26 Huanhuan Li (AHU) Hochschild homology of LPA
  2020. May 3 Yiyu Cheng Weighted projective lines I
  2020. May 10 Yiyu Cheng Weighted projective lines II
  2020. May 17 Yiyu Cheng Weighted projective lines III
  2020. May 24 Yiyu Cheng Weighted projective lines IV
  2020. May 31 Yiyu Cheng Weighted projective lines V
  2020. Jun 14 Weiguo Lv Algebraic Morse theory I
  2020. Jun 21 Weiguo Lv Algebraic Morse theory IILeavitt path algebras
  2020. Jun 14 Xiao-Wu Chen Leavitt path algebras

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