General Information


 Department of Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Material Science, University of Science and Technology of China

 Education and Research Experience

 Sept. 1999~Jul. 2002   QianJiang high School, Chongqing Province
 Sept. 2002~Jul. 2006   University of Science and Technology of China
                                   Major: Chemistry;   Degree: B.S. (07/2006)
 Sept. 2006~Sept 2007  First-year graduate study in Prof. Shu-Hong Yu’s group at University of Science and Technology of China
 Sept. 2007~Sept. 2008 Joint-training program in Prof. Jing Li’s group at Rutgers University

 Sept. 2008~Nov. 2011 University of Science and Technology of China

                                   Major: Inorganic Chemistry;   Degree: Ph. D. (11/2011) Advisor: Prof. Shu-Hong Yu

 Nov. 2011~Spet. 2012 Postdoc at USTC Co-Advisor: Prof. Qing Yang

 Sept. 2012~July 2015  Postdoc at Stanford University Co-Advisor: Prof. Yi Cui

 July 2015 ~ Present     Professor University of Science and Technology of China


 第60 届诺贝尔奖获得者大会林岛会员(2010)


 1. H. B. Yao, G. Y. Zheng, W. Y. Li, Z. W. Seh, Y. Cui,* “Sustainable Templates from Nature for Nanostructured Battery  Electrodes.” MRS spring meeting, San Fransico, 2014.
 2. H. B. Yao, S. H. Yu,* “Assembly of Two-Dimensional Building Blocks at Nanoscale to Construct Layered Structural Functional   Hybrid Films.” Gordon research conference, Italy, 2011.
 3. H. B. Yao, S. H. Yu,* “Nacre-inspired strong and functional hybrid films.” Developing Global Sustainability – China/U.S.  Partnerships conference, University of Michigan, U. S.,2011.
 4. H. B. Yao, S. H. Yu,* “Organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials: synthesis and properties.” 13th Asian Chemical Congress,  Shanghai, China, 2009.