218 Artificial Nacre-Like Bionanocomposite Films from the Self-Assembly of Chitosan-Montmorillonite Hybrid Building Blocks **
Hong-Bin Yao, Zhi-Hua Tan, Hai-Yu Fang, Shu-Hong Yu *
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(52), 10127-10131.
217 Ternary Heterostructured Nanoparticle Tubes: A Dual Catalyst and Its Synergistic Enhancement Effects for O2/H2O2 Reduction.
Chun-Hua Cui, Hui-Hui Li, Jin-Wen Yu, Min-Rui Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(48), 9149–9152.216 Biologically inspired, Strong, Transparent and Functional Layered Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Films
Hong-Bin Yao, Hai-Yu Fang, Zhi-Hua Tan, Li-Heng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(12), 2140-2145.Selected as Frontispiece paper.
Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials "Composite materials: Rivaling nature": http://www.natureasia.com/asia-materials/highlight.php?id=676
215 Mesostructured Assemblies of Ultrathin Superlong Tellurium Nanowires and Their Photoconductivity.
Jian-Wei Liu, Jian-Hua Zhu, Chuan-Ling Zhang, Hai-Wei Liang, Shu-Hong Yu*,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132 (26), 8945–8952.214 Templating Synthesis of Preloading Doxorubicin in Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres for Biomedical Application.
Yang Zhao, Li-Ning Lin, Yang Lu, Shao-Feng Chen, Liang Dong, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(46), 5255–5259.213 Carbonaceous Nanofiber Membranes for Selective Filtration and Separation of Nanoparticles.
Hai-Wei Liang, Lei Wang, Pei-Yang Chen, Hong-Tao Lin, Li-Feng Chen, Dian He, Shu-Hong Yu*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(42), 4691-4695.212 USTC: A Powerhouse of Talent.
Younan Xia*, Shu-Hong Yu*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(17), 1897-1899. Essay. Special Issue of USTC.
211 Controlled Synthesis of One-Dimensional Inorganic Nanostructures Using Pre-existing One-dimensional Nanostructures as Templates
Hai-Wei Liang, Shuo Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(35), 3925–3937, Review.ISI Highly Cited Paper
210 Coaxial Noble Metal Nano/microcables with Isolating Sheath: Synthetic Methodologies and Their Application as Interconnects,
Min-Rui Gao, Wei-Hong Xu, Lin-Bao Luo, Yong-Jie Zhan, Shu-Hong Yu*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(17), 1977-1981. Research News. Special Issue of USTC.209 Hydrophilic Co@Au yolk/shell nanospheres: synthesis, assembly and application for gene delivery,
Yang Lu, Yang Zhao, Le Yu, Liang Dong, Ce Shi, Ming-Jun Hu, Yun-Jun Xu, Long-Ping Wen, Shu-Hong Yu*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(12), 1407-1411.
208 Engineering carbon materials from the hydrothermal carbonization process of biomass Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Liheng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Markus Antonietti, Maria-Magdalena Titirici*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(7), 813-828. Invited Review, in Special Issue of New Carbon Materials.
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207 Polymer Controlled Crystallization of Unique Mineral Superstructures. Shao-Feng Chen, Jian-Hua Zhu, Jun Jiang, Guo-Bin Cai, Shu-Hong Yu*
Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(4), 540-545. Research News.Most Access: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/10008336/home/2089_mostaccessed_all.html
206 Nanomaterials Research with a Chinese Flavor. Shu-Hong Yu*, Younan Xia*,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20(21), 3628-3629.
Editorial for a Special Issue on “Nanomaterials Research by Chinese Scientists”
205 Magnetic alloy nanorings loaded with gold nanoparticles: synthesis and applications as multimodal imaging contrast agents, Yang Lu, Ce Shi, Ming-Jun Hu, Yun-Jun Xu, Le Yu, Long-Ping Wen, Yang Zhao, Wei-Ping Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*,
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204 Ordering of Disordered Nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned, Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface,
Hong-Yan Shi, Bo Hu, Xiao-Chun Yu, Rong-Li Zhao, Xi-Feng Ren, Shi-Lin Liu, Jian-Wei Liu, Mei Feng, An-Wu Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*
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203 Synthesis of Superparamagnetic CaCO3 Mesocrystals for Multistage Delivery in Cancer Therapy. Yang Zhao, Yang Lu, Yan Hu, Jian-Ping Li, Liang Dong, Li-Ning Lin, Shu-Hong Yu*,
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202 Water Soluble Magnetic Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets: In-situ Synthesis and Magnetic Resounce Imaging Applications Huai-Ping Cong, Jia-Jun He, Yang Lu, Shu-Hong Yu*
Small 2010, 6(2), 169-173. VIP paper.
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201 Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver indium tungsten oxide mesocrystals and their selective photo-publictioncatalytic properties
Bo Hu, Li-Heng Wu, Shu-Juan Liu, Hong-Bin Yao, Hong-Yan Shi, Gong-Pu Li and Shu-Hong Yu*,
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199 Hierarchical Hollow Co9S8 Microspheres: Solvothermal Synthesis, and Magnetic, Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Properties.
Yu-Xue Zhou, Hong-Bin Yao, Yi Wang, Hui-Li Liu, Min-Rui Gao, Pei-Kang Shen, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16(39), 12000-12007.198 In situ controllable synthesis of magnetite nanocrystals/CoSe2 hybrid nanobelts and their enhanced catalytic performance.
Min-Rui Gao, Shuang Liu, Jun Jiang, Chun-Hua Cui, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*,
J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20(42), 9355-9361.Selected as Hot Article:
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Hong-Bin Yao, Li-Heng Wu, Chun-Hua Cui, Hai-Yu Fang, Shu-Hong Yu*,
J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 5190 - 5195. Inside Cover.196 Hierarechical Silver Indium Tungsten Oxide Mesocrystals with Morphology-, Pressure-, and Temperature-dependent Lumniescent Properties,Bo Hu, Li-Heng Wu, Zhi Zhao, Meng Zhang, Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Juan Liu, Hong-Yan Shi, Ze-Yun Ding, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nano Research 2010, 3, 395-403.
195 Large scale photochemical synthesis of M@TiO2nanocomposites (M = Ag, Pd, Au, Pt) and their optical properties, CO oxidation performance, and antibacterial effect
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Hong-Bin Yao, Xiao-Bo Li, Si-Yuan Ai, Shu-Hong Yu*
Nano Research 2010, 3(2), 81-91.193 Synthesiss of Polyacrylic Acid Stabilized Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles and Their Application for Removal of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions in Water, Guo-Bin Cai, Gui-Xia Zhao, Xiang-Ke Wang, and Shu-Hong Yu*,
J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 12948–12954.
192 Mineralization of Calcite Ribbons on an Allium fistulosum L. Bulb Inner Membrane in a Ethanol-Water Mixed Solvent under Control of Polyacrylic Acid by a Double Diffusion Method.
Lei Liu, Bo Hu, Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Juan Liu, Shang-Bing Wang, Jun Jiang, Guo-Bin Cai, Shu-Hong Yu*,
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CrystEngComm 2010, 12(1), 234-241.
190 Crystallization of CaCO3 Mesocrystals and Complex Aggregates in a Mixed Solvent Media Using Polystyrene Sulfonate as a Crystal Growth Modifier Xin Geng, Lei Liu, Jun Jiang, Shu-Hong Yu*,
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189 Selective Synthesis of Zn1-xMnxSe Nanobelts and Nanotubes from [Zn1-xMnxSe](DETA)0.5 Nanbelts in Solution (x = 0-0.15) andTheir EPR and Optical Properties.
Meng Zhang, Yang Lu, Jia-fu Chen, Tie-Kai Zhang, You-Yu Liu, Yuan Yang, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*
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Langmuir 2010, 26 (12), 10102–10110 .186 Gram-Scale, Low-Cost, Rapid Synthesis of Highly Stable Mg-ACC nanoparticles and Their Long Term PreservationJun Jiang, Min-Rui Gao, Yun-Hao Qiu, Shu-Hong Yu*,
Nanoscale 2010, 2(11), 2358-2361, Invited Paper.
Theme Issue of Crystallization. Cover.
185 Small organic molecule templating synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials: their nanostructures and properties,
Hong-Bin Yao, Min-Rui Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*
Nanoscale 2010, 2(3), 323-334. Invited Review.Top 10 paper: http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/NR/top10.asp
184 Excitation of surface plasmons in a single silver nanowire using higher-order-mode light,
Guo-Ping Guo, Rui Yang, Xi-Feng Ren*, Lu-Lu Wang, Hong-Yan Shi, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Guang-Can Guo,
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2010, 42(5), 1751-1754.