Zachary J. Smith (储扎克) & Kaiqin Chu (储开芹)

Lab for Multimodal Biomedical Imaging & Therapy (MBIT),
USTC, Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation

Hiking up DaShu Mountain
View of Eastern Hefei from peak of DaShu Mountain
Chillaxing in the summer heat
Photonics West, San Francisco 2017
MBIT board game night
MBIT family photo: 2017
CBME, Beijing 2017
CBME, Beijing 2017 (2)
MBIT faculty dinner
Hotpot with Dr. Dou in Chongqing
Tong's successful thesis defense
Summer Lab Party 2019
Dai Yichuan's PhD defense
Celebrating 2020's graduates!
2021: Three Fresh PhDs!
2021: MBIT joint party 🎉🎉🎉
2021: 2022 lab photo