Welcome to Jie Ma's Home Page
Ma (马), Jie (杰)
I am a professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
I was a Hedrick Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, UCLA, and a Postdoctoral Associate at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in 2011 from the School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Xingxing Yu.
Back in 2007, I recieved my B.S. degree from the School of Mathematical Sciences, USTC. For more information please see my Curriculum Vitae as below.
I currently serve as a Managing Editor at the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B and as an Associate Editor at the SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.
I have been honored to receive funding from prestigious sources, including the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金) in 2016, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金) in 2021,
and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (国家重点研发计划) in 2023.
Email address: jiema (at) ustc.edu.cn
Research Interests:
Extremal Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics, and their applications to Information Theory and Theoretical Computer Science.
Curriculum Vitae: CV
- Independent paths and K_5-subdivisions, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 100(6) (2010), 600-616.
Journal Version
- On several partition problems of Bollobas and Scott, Jie Ma, Pei-Lan Yen and Xingxing Yu, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 100(6) (2010), 631-649.
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- Bounds for pairs in partitions of graphs, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu,
Discrete Mathematics 310(15-16) (2010), 2069-2081.
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- Circumference of 3-connected claw-free graphs and large Eulerian subgraphs of 3-edge-connected graphs, Mark Bilinski,
Bill Jackson, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 101(4) (2011), 214-236.
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- A note on Lovasz removable path conjecture, Jie Ma,
Journal of Combinatorics 2(1) (2011),103-109.
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- Partitioning 3-uniform hypergraphs, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 102(1) (2012), 212-232.
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- A problem of Erdos on the minimum number of k-cliques,
Shagnik Das,
Hao Huang, Jie Ma,
Humberto Naves
and Benny Sudakov, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 103(3) (2013), 344-373.
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- Approximate min-max relations on plane graphs, Jie Ma, Xingxing Yu and Wenan Zang,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 26(1) (2013), 127-134.
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- Large feedback arc sets, high minimum degree subgraphs, and long cycles in Eulerian digraphs ,
Hao Huang, Jie Ma, Asaf Shapira,
Benny Sudakov and Raphael Yuster,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 22(6) (2013), 859-873.
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- K_5-subdivisions in graphs containing K_4^{-}, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 103(6) (2013), 713-732.
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- Longest common subsequences in sets of words, Boris Bukh and Jie Ma, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 28(4) (2014), 2042–2049.
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- Subdivisions of K5 in graphs containing K_{2,3}, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 113 (2015), 18-67.
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- Discrepancy of random graphs and hypergraphs, Jie Ma,
Humberto Naves and Benny Sudakov, Random Structures & Algorithms 47(1) (2015), 147-162.
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- Coloring digraphs with forbidden cycles, Zhibin Chen, Jie Ma and Wenan Zang, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 115 (2015), 210-223.
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- Maximizing proper colorings on graphs, Jie Ma and
Humberto Naves, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 115 (2015), 236-275 .
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- Graphs containing topological H, Jie Ma, Qiqin Xie
and Xingxing Yu, J. Graph Theory 82(2) (2016),121-153.
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- On Judicious bipartitions of graphs, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu,
Combinatorica 36 (2016), 537-556.
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- Cycles with consecutive odd lengths, Jie Ma, European J. Combin. 52 (2016), 74-78.
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- Diameter critical graphs, Po-Shen Loh and Jie Ma,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 117 (2016), 34-58.
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- On edges not in monochromatic copies of a fixed bipartite graph, Jie Ma, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 123 (2017), 240–248.
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- Some extremal results on complete degenerate hypergraphs,
Jie Ma, Xiaofan Yuan and Mingwei Zhang, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 154 (2018), 598-609.
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Cycle lengths and minimum degree of graphs, Chun-Hung Liu and Jie Ma, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 128 (2018), 66-95.
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Coloring graphs with two odd cycle lengths, Jie Ma and Bo Ning, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32(1) (2018), 296-319.
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Cycles with two blocks in k-chromatic digraphs,
Ringi Kim,
Seog-Jin Kim,
Jie Ma and Boram Park, J. Graph Theory 88 (2018), 592-605.
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Cycles of given lengths in hypergraphs, Tao Jiang and Jie Ma, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 133 (2018), 54-77.
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- Decomposing C4-free graphs under degree constraints, Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang, J. Graph Theory 90 (2019), 13-23.
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- On tight cycles in hypergraphs, Hao Huang and Jie Ma, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 33(1) (2019), 230-237.
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- On problems about judicious bipartitions of graphs, Yuliang Ji, Jie Ma, Juan Yan and Xingxing Yu, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 139 (2019), 230-250.
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- On a conjecture of Bondy and Vince, Jun Gao and Jie Ma, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 141 (2020), 136-142.
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- Some sharp results on the generalized Turan numbers, Jie Ma and Yu Qiu,
European J. Combin. 84 (2020), 103026.
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- Stability results on the circumference of a graph,
Jie Ma and Bo Ning, Combinatorica 40 (2020), 105-147.
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- A conjecture of Verstraete on vertex-disjoint cycles, Jun Gao and Jie Ma, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 34(2) (2020), 1290–1301.
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- Monochromatic subgraphs in iterated triangulations, Jie Ma,
Tianyun Tang and Xingxing Yu, Electron. J. Combin. 27(4) (2020), P4.18.
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- Some extremal results on 4-cycles, Jialin He,
Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 149 (2021), 92-108.
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- A strengthening on odd cycles in graphs of given chromatic number,
Jun Gao, Qingyi Huo and Jie Ma, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 35(4) (2021), 2317–2327.
Journal Version
- Counting critical subgraphs in k-critical graphs, Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang,
Combinatorica 41 (2021), 669–694. Journal Version
- Non-repeated cycle lengths and Sidon sequences, Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 245 (2021), 639–674. Journal Version
- Extremal problems of Erdos, Faudree, Schelp and Simonovits on paths and cycles,
Binlong Li,
Jie Ma and Bo Ning,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 152 (2022), 399-414.
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- Sparse halves in K4-free graphs,
Xizhi Liu and Jie Ma, J. Graph Theory 99(1) (2022), 5-25. Journal Version
- On Turan exponents of bipartite graphs, Tao Jiang,
Jie Ma and Liana Yepremyan,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 31(2) (2022), 333-344. Journal Version
- A unified proof of conjectures on cycle lengths in graphs, Jun Gao, Qingyi Huo,
Chun-Hung Liu and Jie Ma, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2022(10) (2022), 7615-7653.
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- On the rainbow matching conjecture for 3-uniform hypergraphs, Jun Gao,
Hongliang Lu, Jie Ma and Xingxing Yu,
Science China Mathematics 65 (2022), 2423-2440. Journal Version
- Minimizing cycles in tournaments and normalized q-norms, Jie Ma and Tianyun Tang, Combinatorial Theory 2(3) (2022), #6.
Journal Version
- Negligible obstructions and Turan exponents, Tao Jiang,
Zilin Jiang and Jie Ma, Annals of Applied Mathematics 38(3) (2022), 356-384. Journal Version
- The minimum number of clique-saturating edges,
Jialin He, Fuhong Ma, Jie Ma and Xinyang Ye,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 159 (2023), 42-60. Journal Version
- Some exact results on 4-cycles: stability and supersaturation, Jialin He, Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang,
CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics 4 (2023), 74-128. Journal Version
- Tight bounds towards a conjecture of Gallai,
Jun Gao and Jie Ma, Combinatorica 43 (2023), 447-453.
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- Towards a conjecture of Birmele-Bondy-Reed on the Erdos-Posa property of long cycles,
Jie Ma and Chunlei Zu, J. Graph Theory 103 (2023), 148-158.
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- Upper bounds on the extremal number of the 4-cycle,
Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 55(4) (2023), 1655-1667.
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- Bipartite-ness under smooth conditions,
Tao Jiang, Sean Longbrake and Jie Ma,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32(4) (2023), 546-558.
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- Linear cycles of consecutive lengths, Tao Jiang, Jie Ma
and Liana Yepremyan,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 163 (2023), 1-24. Journal Version
- On the maximum number of edges in k-critical graphs,
Cong Luo, Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32(6) (2023), 900-911.
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- On local Turan density problems of hypergraphs,
Chunqiu Fang, Guorong Gao, Jie Ma and Ge Song, SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica 54(11) (2024), 1795-1806.
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- Optimal bisections of directed graphs,
Guanwu Liu, Jie Ma and Chunlei Zu, Random Structures & Algorithms 64(1) (2024), 138-153.
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- A property on monochromatic copies of graphs containing a triangle,
Hao Chen and Jie Ma, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 38(1) (2024), 316–326.
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- On two cycles of consecutive even lengths,
Jun Gao,
Binlong Li, Jie Ma and Tianying Xie,
J. Graph Theory 106(2) (2024), 225-238.
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- The inducibility of oriented stars,
Ping Hu, Jie Ma,
Sergey Norin and
Hehui Wu,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 168 (2024), 11-46. Journal Version
- A stability result of the Pósa lemma, Jie Ma and
Long-Tu Yuan, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 38(2) (2024), 1757-1783.
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- Phase transitions of structured codes of graphs,
Bo Bai, Yu Gao, Jie Ma and Yuze Wu, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 38(2) (2024), 1902-1914.
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- Partitioning graphs with linear minimum degree,
Jie Ma and
Hehui Wu, Random Structures & Algorithms 65(3) (2024), 601-609.
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- Counting triangles in regular graphs,
Jialin He, Xinmin Hou, Jie Ma and Tianying Xie, J. Graph Theory 107(4) (2024), 759-777.
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- On two problems of defective choosability,
Jie Ma, Rongxing Xu and
Xuding Zhu, J. Graph Theory 108(2) (2025), 313-324.
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- Exploring the boundary of quantum correlations with a time-domain optical processor,
Science Advances 11 (2025), eabd8080. Journal Version
A joint work in quantum physics, see the full list of authors on arXiv.
- Improvements on induced subgraphs of given sizes,
Jialin He, Jie Ma and Lilu Zhao,
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, to appear.
Journal Version
- Weak rainbow saturation numbers of graphs,
Xihe Li, Jie Ma and Tianying Xie, J. Graph Theory, to appear.
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- Supersaturation beyond color-critical graphs,
Jie Ma and Long-Tu Yuan, Combinatorica, to appear.
- A hypergraph bipartite Turan problem with odd uniformity,
Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang, Combinatorica, to appear.
- A clique version of the Erdos-Gallai stability theorems, Jie Ma and
Long-Tu Yuan, Submitted.
- On extremal numbers of the triangle plus the four-cycle,
Jie Ma and Tianchi Yang, Submitted.
- A non-uniform extension of Baranyai's Theorem,
Jinye He, Hao Huang and Jie Ma, Submitted.
- Complexity of null dynamical systems and Sauer-Shelah lemmas,
Guorong Gao, Jie Ma, Mingyuan Rong and Tuan Tran, Submitted.
- Finding irregular subgraphs via local adjustments,
Jie Ma and Shengjie Xie, Submitted.
- Exact results on traces of sets,
Mingze Li, Jie Ma and Mingyuan Rong, Submitted.
- Kohayakawa-Nagle-Rodl-Schacht conjecture for subdivisions,
Hao Chen, Yupeng Lin and Jie Ma, Submitted.
- On the multicolor Turan conjecture for color-critical graphs,
Xihe Li, Jie Ma and Zhiheng Zheng, Submitted.
- Discrepancies of perfect matchings in hypergraphs,
Hongliang Lu, Jie Ma and Shengjie Xie, Submitted.
- Uniquely colorable hypergraphs,
Xizhi Liu, Jie Ma, Tianhen Wang and Tianming Zhu, Submitted.
- On codegree Turan density of the 3-uniform tight cycle C11,
Jie Ma, Submitted.
- Phase transition of degenerate Turan problems in p-norms,
Jun Gao,
Xizhi Liu, Jie Ma and
Oleg Pikhurko, Submitted.
- Complete tripartite subgraphs of balanced tripartite graphs with large minimum degree,
Yihan Chen, Jialin He, Allan Lo,
Cong Luo, Jie Ma and Yi Zhao, Submitted.
- Undecidability of polynomial inequalities in tournaments,
Hao Chen, Yupeng Lin, Jie Ma and Fan Wei, Submitted.
- On a conjecture of Pach-Spencer-Tóth for graph crossing numbers,
Kaizhe Chen and Jie Ma, Submitted.
2021 Spring [Extremal Combinatorics]
2020 Fall [Combinatorics]
2020 Spring [Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory]
2017 Spring [Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory]
2016 Fall [Combinatorics]
2016 Spring [Extremal and Probabilistic Graph Theory]
2015 Fall [Combinatorics]
2015 Spring [Combinatorial Networks]
Chinese Mathematical Society, China Society for Combinatorics and Graph Theory (CSCGT)
China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM), Activity Group on Graph Theory and Combinatorics with Applications
Operations Research Society of China (ORSC), Branch on Graph Theory and Combinatoric
Some useful links:
Recent Submissions of Combinatorics at arXiv
Coming Combinatorial Conferences from the home page of Prof. Douglas B. West
MathSciNet - American Mathematical Society
Google Scholar and Scopus
Open Problem Garden
Erdos' Problems on Graphs from UCSD
Online Matrix Calculator
欢迎报考或联系科大的研究生、博士生和博士后, 对图论组合感兴趣的同学请邮件联系(敬请附上个人简历)
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