Code & SoftwareDisentangled 3D Face Representation
Disentangled3DFaceRepresentation is the implementation of our CVPR 2019 paper “Disentangled Representation Learning for 3D Face Shape”. A given 3D face shape is decomposed into identity part and expression part, which are both encoded in a nonlinear way. Our model can be used for 3D face related applications like reconstruction and expression transfer. 3DFace Dataset
3DFace Dataset contains CoarseData and FineData augmented from 3131 images of 300-W with the method described in the paper CNN-based Real-time Dense Face Reconstruction with Inverse-rendered Photo-realistic Face Images. CoarseData is constructed by varying poses and expressions of the original images. FineData is constructed by transferring details from other images to the original images. We augment each image 30 times for both CoarseData and FineData. AASolver
AASolver is a C++ numerical optimization library for geometry optimization and physics simulation. This code implements the anderson acceleration algorithm from the paper Anderson Acceleration for Geometry Optimization and Physics Simulation. AASolver is released under BSD 3-Clause License. Mesh SDFilter
MeshSDFilter is a C++ library for mesh filtering. This code implements the mesh normal filtering algorithm from the paper Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry. MeshSDFilter is released under BSD 3-Clause License. Guided Mesh Normal Filtering
GuidedDenoising is a C++ library for mesh denoising, where the noise type could be any types like gaussian noise and impulsive noise. This library also includes the implementations of some classical denoising algorithms include bilateral mesh denoising, Non-iterative, feature-preserving mesh smoothing, Fast and Effective Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising, Bilateral Normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising, Mesh denoising via L0 minimization. GuidedDenoising is released under GNU LGPL V3 License. Local Barycentric Coordinates
LBC is a C++ library for computing local barycentric coordinates. LBC is released under GNU General Public License. WireFrameFabrication
WireFrameFabrication is a C++ library for wireframe fabrication sequence design. This code implements the algorithm from the paper FrameFab: Robotic Fabrication of Frame Shapes. WireFrameFabrication is released under GNU General Public License. $ell_{1}$ Subdivision Scheme for noisy curve and surface datas
$ell_1$-Subdivision is a Python library for curve and surface denoising. Multichannel Total Variation Minimization
MTV—$ell_{1}$ Solver is matlab library for solving multichannel total variation based models, especially for image restoration. Convex Active Contour for Interactive Image Segmentation
CAC—Segmentation is a software for interactive image segmentation by inputing foreground and background seeds as shown in the above figures as red curve and blur curve. |