![]() |
79. Selective
electrocatalytic conversion of primary alcohols to
nitriles on nickel-cobalt nitride/oxide tandem
electrocatalyst |
78. Electronic Skin as
Human-robot Interface for Human Grasp Recognition in
Homecare Robot |
77. Enhanced catalytic
oxidation of hydrazine of CoO/Co3O4
heterojunction on N-doped carbon |
76. Inhibitor and
Activator: Dual Role of Subsurface Sulfide Enables
Selective and Efficient Electro-Oxidation of Methanol to
Formate on CuS@CuO Core-Shell Nanosheet Arrays |
75. Enhancing
hydrazine-assisted hydrogen production by constructing
CoP-Co2P bifunctional catalysts |
74. In situ grown
oxygen-vacancy-rich copper oxide nanosheets on a copper
foam electrode afford the selective oxidation of alcohols
to value-added chemicals |
73. Programmable
Multi-stimuli-responsive and Multimodal Polymer Actuator
Based on a Designed Energy Transduction Network |
72. Facile Sol-gel
Preparation of High-entropy Multielemental
Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxidation of Methanol and
Urea |
71. In situ grown Co9S8
nanocrystals in sulfur-doped carbon matrix for
electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine |
70. Nickel
nanocrystal/sulfur-doped carbon composites as efficient
and stable electrocatalysts for urea oxidation reaction |
69. Water-Resistant and
Stretchable Conductive Ionic Hydrogel Fibers Reinforced by
Carboxymethyl Cellulose |
68. Biopolymer-templated
deposition of ordered and polymorph TiO2 thin
films for improved SERS sensitivity |
67. Dynamic
crotonylation of EB1 by TIP60 ensures accurate spindle
positioning in mitosis |
66. Synthesis of Planar
Chiral 2-Aryl Aroylferrocenes via Palladium-Catalyzed C-C
Bond Cleavage/Ring-Opening Reaction |
65. Significantly
enhanced capacitance of symmetrical supercapacitor based
on Cu-CuxS@S-C electrode by thiourea electrolyte additive |
64. Carbon
monoxide-resistant copper-cobalt nanocrystal@
nitrogen-doped carbon electrocatalysts for methanol
oxidation reaction |
63. Highly Conductive
and CO-resistant Cobalt-based Monolithic Electrodes for
Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol |
62. Using Thiourea as a
Catalytic Redox-active Additive to Enhance the Performance
of Pseudocapacitive Supercapacitors |
61. Ultrasonically
Surface-Activated Nickel Foam as a Highly Efficient
Monolith Electrode for the Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol
to Formate |
60. Microalgae
biomass-derived nitrogen-enriching carbon materials as an
efficient pH-universal oxygen reduction electrocatalyst
for Zn-air battery |
59. Continuous
Mechanical Tuning of Plasmonic Nanoassemblies for Tunable
and Selective SERS Platforms |
58. Solvent-Directed
Transition Metal-Free C每C Bond Cleavage by
Azido-1,3,5-triazines and Their Stability-Reactivity
Paradox |
57. All-Polymer
Ultrathin Flexible Supercapacitors for Electronic Skin |
56. Robust Copper
Nanocrystal/Nitrogen-doped Carbon Monoliths as Carbon
Monoxide-Resistant Electrodes for Methanol Oxidation
Reaction |
55. Porous Layered
Cobalt Nanocrystal/Nitrogen-doped Carbon Composites as
Efficient and CO-resistant Electrocatalysts for Methanol
Oxidation Reaction |
54. Efficient Cascade
Resonance Energy Transfer in Dynamic Nanoassembly for
Intensive and Long-Lasting Multicolor Chemiluminescence |
53. Tandem Selective
Reduction of Nitroarenes Catalyzed by Palladium
Nanoclusters |
52. Synthesis and
Antiproliferative Activities of OSW坼1 Analogues Bearing
2§坼O坼p坼Acylaminobenzoyl Residues |
51. Acetylation of ezrin
regulates membrane每cytoskeleton interaction underlying
CCL18-elicited cell migration |
50. Stretchable and
Shelf-Stable All-Polymer Supercapacitors Based on Sealed
Conductive Hydrogels |
49. Nickel
Nanocrystal/Nitrogen-doped Carbon Composites as Efficient
and Carbon Monoxide-Resistant Electrocatalysts for
Methanol Oxidation Reaction |
48. Cu-Catalyzed Site-
and Enantioselective Ring-Opening of Cyclic
Diaryliodoniums with 1,2,3-Triazoles |
47. Actuating smart:
Photoresponsive hydrogel pillars can be conveniently tuned
to achieve either phototropic orientation or phototactic
swimming |
46. Solvent-Directed
Click Reaction between Active Methylene Compounds and
Azido-1,3,5-Triazines |
45. Semi-crystalline
Conductive Hydrogels for High-Energy and Stable Flexible
44. Programmable Polymer
Actuators Perform Continuous Helical Motions Driven by
Moisture |
43. Electroconductive
Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications |
42. Crystalline
Multi-Metal Nanosheets Array with Enriched Oxygen
Vacancies as Efficient and Stable Bifunctional
Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting |
41. Strong and
Stretchable Polypyrrole Hydrogels with Biphase
Microstructure as Electrodes for Substrate-free
Stretchable Supercapacitors |
40. Nickel Nanocrystal
Assembled Nanoparticles as an Efficient Electrocatalyst
for Hydrogen Evolution from Neutral Water |
39. Extremely Strong and
Tough Polythiophene Composite for Flexible Electronics |
38. Bioinspired
Ultra-stretchable and Anti-freezing Conductive Hydrogel
Fibers with Ordered and Reversible Polymer Chain Alignment |
37. Intrinsically Safe
and Shelf-Stable Diazo-Transfer Reagent for Fast Synthesis
of Diazo Compounds |
36. Hierarchical Porous
N-doped Graphene Monoliths for Flexible Solid-State
Supercapacitors with Excellent Cycle Stability |
35. Supramolecular
Hydrogels for High-Voltage and Neutral-pH Flexible
Supercapacitors |
34. Electrosynthesis of
CuO Nanocrystal Array as a Highly Efficient and Stable
Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction |
33. Natural eggshell
membranes exhibiting programmable shape recovery
characteristics |
32. Solvent-Triggered
Self-Folding of Hydrogel Sheets |
31. Chemoselective
solution synthesis of pyrazolic-structure-rich
nitrogen-doped graphene for supercapacitors and
electrocatalysis |
30. Electrosynthesis of
and Co(OH)2
Ultrathin Nanosheet Arrays for Efficient Electrocatalytic
Water Splitting in Alkaline and Neutral Media |
29. Cobalt-based
Nanosheet Arrays as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Overall
Water Splitting |
28. Enhancing the
Properties of Conductive Polymer Hydrogels by Freeze-thaw
Cycles for High- performance Flexible Supercapacitors |
27. Efficient
Co-Nanocrystal-Based Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation from
Borohydride |
26. Firefly-mimicking
intensive and long-lasting chemiluminescence hydrogels |
25. Magnetically Directed
Soft Actuators Driven by Moisture |
24. Bioinspired Design of
Strong, Tough and Highly Conductive Polyol-Polypyrrole
Composites for Flexible Electronics |
23. Efficient
Mini-Transporter for Cytosolic Protein Delivery |
22. Strong and Robust
Polyaniline-based Supramolecular Hydrogels for Flexible
Supercapacitors |
21. Cobalt Nanocrystal
Assembled Hollow Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic
Hydrogen Generation from Neutral-pH Water |
20. A Self-sustaining
Pyroelectric Nanogenerator Driven by Water Vapor |
Graduate and Postdoctoral Research 19. Guo, L.; Ma, M.; Zhang, N.; Anderson, D.G.; Langer, R.* ※Stretchable Polymeric Multielectrode Array for Conformal Neural Interfacing§. Adv. Mater., 2014, 26, 1427-1433. |
18. Kim Y.; Lobatto M.E.; Kawahara T.; Lee Chung B; Miezawska AJ; Sanchez-Gaytan BL; Fay F, Senders M; Calcagno C; Becraft J; Saung MT; Gordon RE; Ma M.; Farokhzad OC; Fayad ZA; Mulder WJM; Langer R.* ※Probing nanoparticle translocation across the permeable endothelium in experimental atherosclerosis§. PNAS, 2014, 111, 1078-1083. |
17. Ma, M.; Guo, L.; Anderson, D.G.; Langer, R.* ※Bio-inspired Polymer Composite Actuator and Generator Driven by Water Gradients.§ Science, 2013, 339, 186-189. Selected as Issue Highlights by Science Editors. Featured in a perspective paper by Kwon, S. ※Water-Responsive Polymer Composites on the Move.§ Science, 2013, 339, 150-151. Reported by NBC News, C&EN News, New Scientist, American Scientist, Boston Globe and MIT News. |
16. Ma, M.; Bong, D.* ※Controlled Fusion of Synthetic Lipid Membrane Vesicles.§ Acc. Chem. Res., 2013, 46, 2988每2997. |
15. Kim, Y.; Fay, F.; Cormode, D.P.; Sanchez, B.L.; Tang, J.; Hennessy, E.J.; Ma, M.; Moore, K.; Farokhzad, O.C.; Fisher, E.A.; Mulder, W.J.M.; Langer, R.*; Fayad, Z.A.* ※Single Step Reconstitution of Multifunctional High-Density Lipoprotein-Derived Nanomaterials Using Microfluidics.§ ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 9975每9983. |
14. Kim, Y.T.; Chung, B.L.; Ma, M.; Mulder, W.J.M.; Fayad, Z.A.; Farokhzad, O.C.; Langer, R.* ※Mass Production and Size Control of Lipid每Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles through Controlled Microvortices.§ Nano Lett., 2012, 12, 3587-3591. |
13. Ma, M.; Bong, D.* ※Protein Assembly Directed by Synthetic Molecular Recognition Motifs.§ Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 7296-7299. Selected as an OBC Hot Article. |
12. Ma, M.; Bong, D.* ※Determinants of Cyanuric Acid and Melamine Assembly in Water.§ Langmuir, 2011, 27, 8841每8853. |
11. Ma, M.; Chatterjee, S.; Zhang, M.; Bong, D.* ※Stabilization of Vesicular and Supported Membranes by Glycolipid Oxime Polymers.§ Chem.Comm., 2011, 47, 2853-2855. |
10. Ma, M.; Bong, D.* ※Directed Peptide Assembly at the Lipid-water Interface Cooperatively Enhances Membrane Binding and Activity.§ Langmuir, 2011, 27, 1480每1486. |
9. Ma, M.; Gong, Y.; Bong, D.* ※Lipid Membrane Adhesion and Fusion Driven by Designed, Minimally Multivalent Hydrogen-Bonding Lipids.§ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 16919-16926. |
8. Ma, M.; Paredes, A.; Bong, D.* ※Intra- and Intermembrane Pairwise Molecular Recognition Between Synthetic Hydrogen-bonding Phospholipids.§ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 14456-14458. |
7. Gong, Y.; Ma, M.; Luo, Y.M.; Bong, D.* ※Functional Determinants of a Synthetic Vesicle Fusion System.§ J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 6196-6205. |
6. Ma, M.; Qu, L.T.; Shi, G.Q.* ※Glucose Oxidase Electrodes Based on Microstructured Polypyrrole Films.§ J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 2005, 98, 2550-2554. |
5. Lai, C.B.; Xi, C.J.*; Chen, C.; Ma, M.; Hong, X.Y. ※Metallo-phosphorylation of Alkynes: Reaction of Alkynes with Cp2Zr(1-butene)(PR3) and Chlorophosphate.§ Chem. Comm., 2003, 21, 2736-2737. |
4. Liu, Z.; Shi, G.Q.*; Chen, F.E.; Ma, M. ※Dodecylamine supported layered tin iodide as semiconductor.§ Chinese J. Inorg. Chem., 2003, 19, 1185-1190. |
3. Ma, M.; Shi, G.Q.*; Xi, C.J. ※Polymer Precursor to Diamondlike Carbon Prepared by the Polymerization of 汐,汐,汐-Trichlorotoluene and Acetonitrile.§ J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 2003, 89, 16-23. |
2. Chen, Z.Z.; Li, Y.M.*; Kou, X.F.; Li, X.; Huang, F.R.; Wang, H.Y.; Ma, M.; Zhao, Y.F. ※Hydrolysis of dipeptide heptyl esters with Newlase F.§ Chinese Chem. Lett., 2001, 12, 693-696. |
1. Xi, C.J.*; Ma, M.; Li, X.D. ※Metallo-phosphorylation of Olefins: Reaction of Diethyl Chlorophosphate with Zirconocene-ethylene Complex.§ Chem. Comm., 2001, 24, 2554-2555. |
1. Ma, M.; Guo, L.; Anderson, D.G.; Farokhzad O.C.; Langer, R. ※Polymer composite actuator and generator driven by water gradients§. US patent No.9236556, WO/2014/071317 |
2. Kamaly, N.; Zhang, X.Q.;
Xu, X.Y.; Fredman, G.; Ma, M.;
Valencia, P.; Langer, R.; Tabas, I.; Farokhzad, O.C.
※Targeted Polymeric Inflammation-Resolving
Nanoparticles§. US20160022835, WO/2014/145749 |
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