1. Wenzhong Wang published his work "Equilibrium inter-mineral titanium isotope fractionation: Implication for high-temperature titanium isotope geochemistry" on GCA.
  2. Wenzhong Wang and Yinhan Xu published his work "Velocity and density characteristics of subducted oceanic crust and the origin of lower-mantle heterogeneities" on Nature Communications.
  3. Shangqin Hao published his work "Elasticity of akimotoite under the mantle conditions: Implications for multiple discontinuities and seismic anisotropies at the depth of∼ 600–750 km in subduction zones" on EPSL.
  4. Wenzhong Wang published his work "Carbon isotopic signatures of super deep diamonds mediated by iron redox chemistry" on GPL.
  5. Yonghui Li published his work "First-principles investigation of equilibrium K isotope fractionation among K-bearing minerals" on GCA.
  6. Yahui Song published his work "First-principles investigation of the concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of Ca isotopes in forsterite”" on Acta Geochimica.
  7. Longyu Duan published his work "Thermodynamic and elastic properties of grossular at high pressures and high temperatures: A first‐principles study" on JGR.
  8. Wenzhong Wang published his work "Constraining olivine abundance and water content of the mantle at the 410-km discontinuity from the elasticity of olivine and wadsleyite" on EPSL.
  9. Wenzhong Wang published his work "Equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation among aqueous Mg2+, carbonates, brucite and lizardite: Insights from first-principles molecular dynamics simulations" on GCA.
  10. Chen Zhou published his work "First-principles calculations of equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation: Implications for oldhamite formation and evolution of lunar magma ocean" on EPSL.
  11. Yonghui Li published his work "First-principles investigation of the concentration effect on equilibrium fractionation of K isotopes in feldspars" on GCA.

Materials at high temperature and pressure

Our group uses first-principles calculations to study minieral properties:

  1. 1) Lattice dynamics and thermodynamics properties of materials
  2. 2) Thermoelasticity and sound velocities of materials
  3. 3) Phase transition, impurities effect on materials properties
  4. 4) Equilibrium isotope fractionation coefficient

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