CV |
Publications |
Teaching |
Fundings |
I obtained Ph.D. and B.S in Department of Electronic Science and Technology in University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2008 and 2003. My Ph.D. supervisor was Dr. Harry Shum. I worked in Visual Computing Group in Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) as a research intern under supervision of Dr. Ying-Qing Xu and Dr. Sing Bing Kang since July 2004 to Aug. 2008. During 2008~2010, I worked with Prof. Julie Dorsey and Prof. Holly Rushmeier on sketching related projects at Computer Graphics Lab at Yale. I joined School of Information Science in USTC since 2010. I visited Stanford University and worked in Prof Leonidas Guibas's Lab as a visiting associate professor from Feb 2017 to Aug. 2017. My research interests include image-based 3D modeling, sketch-based content creation, and medical image analysis. |
[2024-7-20] Our paper "Dual attribute-spatial relation alignment for 3D visual grounding" won the Best Paper Award of the 3DMM Workshop 2024. [2024-5-2] Our paper "GaussianPro" have been accepted by ICML 2024. [2024-3-1] Two papers have been accepted by CVPR 2024. [2024-1-16] Two papers have been accepted by ICLR 2024. [2023-12-9] Our paper "Learning Multimodal Volumetric Features for Large-Scale Neuron Tracing" have been accepted by AAAI 2024. [2023-12-5] Our paper "Region-Enhanced Feature Learning for Scene Semantic Segmentation" have been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia. [2023-7-15] Two papers have been conditionally accepted by ICCV 2023. [2023-6-24] Our paper "Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Domain Adaptative Mitochondria Segmentation" has been provisionally accepted for presentation MICCAI 2023. [2023-3-1] Our paper "Paint by Example: Exemplar-based Image Editing with Diffusion Models"[Paper] [ Project ] has been accepted by CVPR 2023. [2023-1-23] Our paper "Semantics-Preserving Sketch Embedding for Face Generation"[Project] has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Multimedia. |
Selected Publications
UC-NERF: Neural Radiance Field for under-calibrated multi-view cameras [Project][PDF] |
MovingParts: Motion-based 3D Part Discovery in Dynamic Radiance Field [Project][PDF] |
Region-Enhanced Feature Learning for Scene Semantic Segmentation [PDF] |
Learning Multimodal Volumetric Features for Large-Scale Neuron Tracing [Project][PDF] |
Semantics-Preserving Sketch Embedding for Face Generation[Project][PDF] |
DPF-Net: Combining Explicit Shape Prior in Deformable Primitive Field for Unsupervised Structural Reconstruction of 3D Objects [Project][PDF] |
Task-Independent Knowledge Makes for Transferable Representations for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning[Project] [PDF][Code] |
Dual Progressive Prototype Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning [Project][PDF][Code] |
S2R-DepthNet: Learning a Generalizable Depth-Specific Structural Representation [Paper] [Code] |
Unsupervised Learning for Cuboid Shape Abstraction via Joint Segmentation from Point Clouds [Paper][Code] |
Structure-Guided Deep Video Inpainting [Pdf] |
Laplacian Pyramid Neural Network for Dense
Continuous-Value Regression for Complex Scenes [Pdf][Project][Code] |
DeepFacePencil: Creating Face Images from Freehand Sketches [Pdf][Project][Code] |
Reconstructing Piecewise Planar Scenes with Multi-view Regularization[Pdf] |
Neuronal population reconstruction from ultra-scale optical microscopy images via progressive learning[Project] |
Accurate Segmentation of Synaptic Cleft with Contour Growing Concatenated with a ConvNet [Pdf] |
LinesToFacePhoto: Face Photo Generation From Lines With Conditional Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks [Pdf] |
Ground-Aware Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving [Project][Pdf] |
Structure-Aware Residual Pyramid Network for Monocular Depth Estimation[Project][Pdf] |
Preventing Self-Intersection with Cycle Regularization in Neural Networks for Mesh Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image [Project][Pdf] |
A Two-Stream Mutual Attention Network for Semi-supervised Biomedical Segmentation with Noisy Labels[PDF] |
Automatic Generation of Vivid LEGO Architectural Sculptures[PDF] |
Point Sets Joint Registration and Co-Segmentation[PDF] |
Designing Deployable 3D Scissor Structures with Ball-and-Socket Joints. [PDF] |
Sketch-Based Tree Modeling Using Markove Random Filed [PDF][Video(divx)] |
Sketching Reality: Realistic Interpretation of Architectural Designs [PDF][Video(divx)] |
微软亚洲研究院高校合作项目, 2020.01~2020.12,项目负责人。
基于视觉和语义的室内场景理解与实时建模,61632006,2017.01~2021.12, 国家自然科学基金, 重点项目, 子课题负责人
数据驱动的室内场景设计与建模, 2015.01-2018.12, 61472377,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 项目负责人
基于拓扑结构对大规模图像集的交互三维场景建模, 2012.01-2014.12, 国家自然科学基金 青年基金, 项目负责人