Theorem 3.1.10 (c) is not true in general. See: Kulasinghe, P. and Bettayeb, S., Multiply-twisted hypercube with five or more dimensions is not vertex-transitive. Information Processing Letters, 53 (1995), 33-36.
There are some wrongs in Theorem 4.4.6. A correct version has been obtained. See: Jun-Ming Xu, Wide-Diameter of Cartesian Product Graphs and Digraphs. J. Combinatorial Optimization. 8(2)(2004), 171-181.
It has been mentioned in the end of Page 195 that we have not known yet whether or not the problem of finding a routing $\rho$ such that $\tau(G,\rho)=\tau(G)$ for a given graph $G$ is NP-complete. However, R. Saad [Complexity of the-forwarding index problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6 (1993), 418-427] showed that for any graph determining the vertex-forwarding index problem is NP-complete even if the diameter of the graph is two.