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1. 图论及其应用   (a senior or beginning graduate level textbook)  

2. 图论及其应用(第2版)    ( a graduate textbook specified by the Ministry of Education of China )  

3. 图论及其应用(第3版,中国科学技术大学精品教材)




5. Topological Structure and Analysis of Interconnection Networks   (a reference book and graduate level textbook)

6.  Theory and Application of Graphs  (a senior or beginning graduate level textbook)


7.  组合数学  (潘永亮,徐俊明

 (a senior or beginning graduate level textbook)

8  组合网络理论 现代数学基础丛书108

(a senior graduate level textbook)

9. Combinatorial Theory in Networks  (Mathematics Monograph Series 26)(数学专著系列(英文版)26)

 (a reference book and graduate level textbook)

10. A First Course in Graph Theory (图论基础教程).(运筹与管理科学丛书24)

(a senior or beginning graduate level textbook)