The software WinHAP2.0 is free for non-commercial use. Linux and Windows executables are available for download:
The large-scale genotype dataset for testing can be downloaded here:
The original code can be downloaded here:
Now the code is a little confusing. Later, we will put it in order.
If the buttons do not work, you can send an e-mail to the authors which includes:
subject: Request for WinHAP Package
1. Name.
2. Affiliation.
3. Version of operating system.
4. Maximum datasize (# of genotypes in your data / # of SNPs in your data).
Program Usage
You can run the executables directly as follow:
$ ./WinHap2 genotypesfile haplotypesfile [options]
genotypesfile : The genotypes file which is inputed. Default value = "./".
haplotypesfile : The haplotypes file which is outputed. Default value = "./haplotypes.out".
-b (=1000)
Length of each segment except for the last one. The value should be larger than 1,000.
-p (=1) Number of threads used to compute.
-d (="./") Directory of temperary files. The software will build a folder named "winhap" in the
directory to store some temperary files which are needed during computing.
-s (=0) If the value=0, the "winhap" folder will be deleted after the result is got. If the value=1,
the folder will not be deleted. Any other value is not permited. In the folder, "subfile_*"
are the genotype segments got after first phase. "subresult_*" are the haplotype results
for the "subfile_*". "mergeresult_*" are the temperary files in last phase.
If you can't remember the parametres of the program, you can get help by running as follows
$ ./WinHap2 --help.
The program can also be run using the default parameters as follows:
$ ./WinHap2
If you want to use the default parameters, you must guarantee the file of exists, and the file is not empty.
InputFile formats:
One line per genotype, SNPs values are in {0,1,2,?}
0 - homozygous SNP with major allele
1 - homozygous SNP with minor allele
2 - heterozygous SNP
? - missing data
OutputFile formats:
Two haplotypes per genotype.
One line per haplotype, SNPs values are in {0,1}
0 - major allele SNP
1 - minor allele SNP
Sample input and output:
The input file contains 9 genotypes each with 96 SNPs.
The output file haplotypes.out is a result phased by WinHAP for, which contains 18 haplotypes each with 96 SNPs.
If you use WinHAP in public, please report the WinHAP version used and cite the publication:
Weihua Pan
Phone: +8615856386154
Office: 502, NHPCC(Hefei), USTC, Jinzhai Road
Yun Xu
Phone: +86-551-3602441
Since July 1, 2013.