2017 Spring School On Cosmology - "Early Universe: Theory and Observations"

February 26th - March 3rd 2017, Shanghai

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The Department of Physics at Fudan University and the Department of Astronomy at the University of Science and Technology of China will host the Spring School on “Early Universe Cosmology: Theory and Observations” from February the 26th 2017, Sunday, to March the 3rd 2017, Friday. The school will be held in the Handan Road campus of Fudan University. All graduate students in the field of cosmology, high energy astrophysics as well as theoretical physics are most welcome to attend the School.

The exploration of the early universe physics lies in the centre of the scopes of cosmologists, astro-physicists and fundamental physicists. Thanks to the great developments in a number of cosmological experiments in the past decades, our knowledge about the early universe can be traced back to the moment near the big bang. Based on consolidated analyses of cosmological perturbations, a number of theoretical predictions were made within the standard paradigm of the inflationary hot big bang for the observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the large scale structure of our universe. From an observational point of view, many predictions from the inflationary hot big bang have been verified and measured with very high precision, leading us to a new era of the so-called "precision cosmology". All these cutting-edge topics in the field of the early universe cosmology are tightly related and still keep bringing us surprises, and thus, have attracted a lot of interest of young researchers. After the accomplishment of the Planck satellite mission by the European Space Agency, cosmologists are gradually converging to an agreement about initiating a next generation of CMB experiments worldwide. In particular, a new CMB polarization project is under design in the Ngari region of Tibet, China.

With the purpose of improving the preparation of young students who are interested in related fields, we organize the 2017 Spring School on Cosmology - “Early Universe: Theory and Observations”, which covers several hot topics including, but not limited to, the standard hot big bang model, inflationary models, cosmological perturbation theory, the CMB physics, cosmological gravitational waves, the large scale structure of the universe, and so on.

The latest round of notice can be downloaded here.

Additionally, in order to improve academic interactions of young scholars in the field of cosmology, the Department of Astronomy at USTC and the Department of Physics at Fudan University will host the 2017 CfA@USTC Junior Cosmology Symposium: Early Universe & Chinese Ngari CMB Project from March 3rd to 5th at the city of Hefei. All young experts in relevant fields are most welcome to attend. More information can be found here.

Organizing committee: Antonino Marciano, Yi-Fu Cai, Wen Zhao, Yong-Shi Wu, Yang Zhang


Department of Physics, Fudan University
Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, USTC
The NSFC Director Fund for Chinese Ngari project
The NSFC "Galaxies and Quasars" Innovation Group
CAS Key Laboratory of Cosmology and Galaxy