Due to the international affair policy of Fudan University, this time only students with Chinese nationality are allowed to register for the School.
Early Bird: 800 RMB. Please make the bank transfer to the account provided here by February 1st. Please DO KEEP the original receipt including a record with your name, affiliation and the use information, and then send a scanned version by email with an subject as "2017 Spring School on Cosmology Registration/Your Name" to "fdu_ustc_cosmology_school@yahoo.com" and/or “yifucai@fudan.edu.cn”. You will receive a FaPiao at the front desk of registration by showing the original receipt.
Regular: 1000 RMB. We can accept cash (preferred) and bank transfer (conditionally) on the registration day. FaPiao will be ready on March 2nd, on Thursday.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide much support due to the strict finance policy. The students will need to solve all travel and local accommodations by themselves. However, we will be very delighted to provide daily meals at University cafeteria, including lunch and dinner tickets.
More details about the travel and accommodation info refer to here.