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2 1. Lecture room 5401: 2(15:55-18:20); 5(14:00-15:35). |
Lecture 1 Brief review of Gauss 1827 and Riemann 1854; Smooth manifolds; Riemannian metric tensor. Lecture 2 Existence of Riemannian metric; Pull-back metric; Product metric; Length of curves and distance function. Lecture 3 Metric structure; Looking for shortest curves; Geodesic equations. Lecture 4 Exponential map and normal coordinates; Riemannian polar coordinates; local existence and uniqueness of shortest curves. Lecture 5 Totally normal neighborhood; Cut points and cut locus; Existence of the shortest curve between two points. Lecture 6 Hopf-Rinow Thoerem; Existence of shortest curves in given homotopy classes. Lecture 7 Riemannian covering map; Affine connections: an introduction. Lecture 8 Affine connections: Locality and existence; Comparison with Lie derivative; Covariant derivative of smooth vector fields along a curve. Lecture 9 Induced connections; Parallelism; Covariant derivatives of tensor fields; What is special for the connection determined by Christoffel symbols? Lecture 10 Levi-Civita connections; First and second variation formulae of energy functional. Lecture 11 Gauss lemma revisited; Curvature tensor and its geometric intuition; Riemann's original idea; Covariant differentiation. Lecture 12 Ricci identity; Hessian, gradient, divergence and Laplacian. Lecture 13 Divergence: Lie derivative of volume form; Riemannian manifolds with zero curvature tensor are locally isometric to Euclidean spaces; Bianchi identities. Lecture 14 Sectional curvature; Schur Theorem. Lecture 15 Ricci curvature tensor and Schur Theorem; Scalar curvature; Bochner identity. note Lecture 16 Bakry-Emery calculus; Seconde variation formula revisited; Synge Theorem; Bonnet-Myers Theorem. Lecture 17 Jacobi field (by Prof. Jianqing YU). Lecture 18 Existence of simply connected space forms; Length of geodesic circles. Lecture 19 Jacobi fields as critical points of the index form; Conjugate points and their characterization as critical points of exponential map; Piecewise smooth variations and index form; Algebraic properties of index form and occurancy of conjugate points (I). Midterm Exam (Lecture 1-16) Lecture 20 Algebraic properties of index form and occurancy of conjugate points (II); Morse Index Theorem: Reduction to finite dimensional spaces. Lecture 21 Morse Index Theorem: completion of the proof; Cartan-Hadamard Theorem. Lecture 22 Uniqueness of simply-connected space forms; Convex functions. Lecture 23 Convexity of distance functions on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds; Convex neighborhoods; Cut points revisited. Lecture 24 Structure of complete Riemannian manifolds; Sturm's comparison theorem and its geometric translation due to Bonnet; Extensions to higher dimensional manifolds: Morse-Schoenberg comparison theorem. Lecture 25 Rauch comparison theorem and its applications. Lecture 26 Hessian and Laplacian comparison; Riemannian volume measure. Lecture 27 Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorem. Lecture 28 Applications of relative volume comparison; Splitting theorem: Buseman function Lecture 29 Splitting theorem: totally geodesic submanifolds and the proof. notes Lecture 30 Topological sphere theorem: Klingenberg's injectivity radius estimates Lecture 31 Topological sphere theorem: Berger and Tsukamoto's proof notes |
Homework 1 |
B tian18@mail.ustc.edu.cn |