Welcome to Feiniu's Cyberspace!


2001, 3 --- 2004, 3
PhD, Pattern Recognition & Intelligent Systems
University of Science and Technology of China
1998, 9 --- 2001, 2
MS, Industry Design
Hefei University of Technology
1994, 9 --- 1998, 7
BS, Mechanical Engineering
Hefei University of Technology
Professional Experience:

Monitoring and Forecasting Thermal Disasters of City and Decision-making Support System for Emergency;
Research on CAI software;
ECG Simulation Forward Problem based on Darn 1000 high performance parallel computer;
A virtual endoscopy system based on PC;
Participate in the ICIG 2002 conference(8/16-8/18).

Computer Skills:
Visual C++, C Programming;Delphi, Pascal Programming;
OpenGL, DirectX, Socket Programming;
Intel IA-32 SIMD assembler Programming, including MMX/SSE/SSE2;
Web HTML, CGI, PHP Programming;
3D Modeling softwares, such as 3DS MAX,Pro/E, Solid Works, AutoCAD, etc. Video & Audio nonlinear edit softwares, such as After Effect, etc.