09/09/2007-We had a welcome party for new members!
06/24/2007-Yulin, Zihao and Jingyu's graduations are celebrated
in our group today!
06/19/2007-Yulin, Zihao and Jingyu finished their undergraduate
defenses this morning and Zihao and Jingyu will be leaving soon.
01/24/2007-Xiaogang has become a father recently, his son was born
on Jan 17, say congratulations to him!
12/26/2006-Our group welcomes Prof. Yong Zhang from NUS!
09/20/2006--Our NNSFC proposal is approved!
06/13/2006--Group picture updated today.
05/25/2006--It is good to see our webpage counter has reached its
four-digit numbers!
05/23/2006--We just had our first group meeting. The Deng group
members gathered in Rm 202 of the Chem Building and had a happy and
relaxed discussion on various topics---of course the biggest one is
RESEARCH:-). As of today group meeting will become one important event
on our weekly calendar!