USTC Summer School 2013 (001M0601)
图形与几何计算实验室 (Graphics&Geometric Computing Laboratory)
中国科学技术大学 (University of Science and Technology of China)
时间 |
授课老师 |
课程题目 |
7月3日 星期三 |
08:30-08:50 |
刘利刚 |
课程介绍 |
08:50-10:00 |
刘利刚 |
几何建模与处理及计算机图形学进展 |
10:15-11:45 |
童晶 |
从深度相机到三维打印--原理、应用、研究 |
15:00-16:00 |
张举勇 |
建筑几何研究进展(1) |
16:15-17:15 |
张举勇 |
建筑几何研究进展(2) |
7月4日 星期四 |
08:30-10:00 |
陈中贵 |
重心Voronoi图与最优Delaunay剖分及其应用(1) |
10:15-11:45 |
陈中贵 |
重心Voronoi图与最优Delaunay剖分及其应用(2) |
15:00-16:00 |
李新 |
基于T样条的几何造型(1) |
16:15-17:45 |
李新 |
基于T样条的几何造型(2) |
7月5日 星期五 |
08:30-10:00 |
刘永进 |
网格曲面上基于测地度量的Voronoi图构建 |
10:15-11:45 |
周世哲 |
Animated Line drawing and pattern-aware curve decoration |
15:00-16:00 |
邓建松 |
等几何分析(1) |
16:15-17:45 |
邓建松 |
等几何分析(2) |
7月6日 星期六 |
08:30-10:00 |
陈为 |
信息可视化与可视分析(1) |
10:15-11:45 |
陈为 |
信息可视化与可视分析(2) |
15:00-16:00 |
陈雪锦 |
基于图像的三维建模(1) |
16:15-17:45 |
陈雪锦 |
基于图像的三维建模(2) |
7月7日 星期日 |
08:30-10:00 |
吴春林 |
Variational methods for image processing and computer graphics(1) |
10:15-11:45 |
吴春林 |
Variational methods for image processing and computer graphics(2) |
15:00-16:00 |
杨周旺 |
压缩感知与几何稀疏建模(1) |
16:15-17:45 |
杨周旺 |
压缩感知与几何稀疏建模(2) |
7月8日 星期一 |
08:30-10:00 |
张磊 |
基于互联网图像/视频的图形学研究 |
10:15-11:45 |
刘利刚 |
全局思考、局部操作的方法 |
15:00-16:00 |
Seungyong Lee |
Image deblurring (1) |
16:15-17:15 |
Seungyong Lee |
Image deblurring (2) |
7月9日 星期二 |
08:30-10:00 |
Wotao Yin | Compressed sensing, sparse optimization with big data |
10:15-11:45 |
Jorg Peters |
Modeling with rational splines |
15:00-16:00 |
Seungyong Lee |
Image stylization (1) |
16:15-17:15 |
Seungyong Lee |
Image stylization (2) |
7月10日 星期三 |
08:30-10:00 |
Niloy Mitra |
Structure-aware geometry processing (1) |
10:15-11:45 |
Niloy Mitra |
Structure-aware geometry processing (2) |
15:00-16:00 |
Jorg Peters |
Subdivision algorithms (1) |
16:15-17:15 |
Jorg Peters |
Subdivision algorithms (2) |
17:15-17:35 |
刘利刚 |
课程总结 |
Jorg Peters, University of Florida, USA
Dr. Jorg Peters is Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at
University of Florida. He is interested in representing, analyzing and
computing with geometry. To this end he has developed new tools for
free-form modeling and design in spline, Bezier, subdivision and implicit
representations. He is heading the TIPS project to enable surgeon-educators
to author VR-based simulations with force feedback.
Dr. Peters obtained his Ph.D. in 1990 in Computer Sciences from the
University of Wisconsin, Carl de Boor advisor. In 1991 and 1992, Dr Peters
held positions at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute before moving to the computer science department of
Purdue University. In 1994, Dr. Peters received a National Young
Investigator Award. He was tenured at Purdue University in 1997 and moved to
the University of Florida in 1998 where he became full professor.
Dr. Peters serves as associate editor for the journal CAGD, APNUM, ACM ToG,
GMOD and served on various program committees as well as chair of the SIAM
interest group on geometric design. His students have built such useful
tools as BezierView and TIPS.
Niloy Mitra, University College London (UCL), UK
Niloy J. Mitra is an associate professor (Reader) in the Department of
Computer Science at University College London (UCL). Earlier, he co-founded
the Geometric Modeling and Visualization Center (GMSV) center at KAUST. He
received his Ph.D. degree and Masters in Electrical Engineering from
Stanford University. His research interests include shape understanding,
fabrication-aware design, geometric modeling, recreational art, and computer
graphics in general.
Seungyong Lee, Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech. (POSTECH),
Seungyong Lee is a professor of computer science and engineering at the
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea. He received
the PhD degree in computer science from the Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1995. From 1995 to 1996, he worked at the
City College of New York as a postdoctoral research associate. Since 1996,
he has been a faculty member of POSTECH, where he leads the Computer
Graphics Group. From 2003 to 2004, he spent a sabbatical year at MPI
Informatik in Germany as a visiting senior researcher. From 2010 to 2011, he
worked at Adobe Research in Seattle as a visiting professor. His current
research interests include image and video processing, non-photorealistic
rendering, 3D surface reconstruction, and graphics applications.
Wotao Yin, University of California, Los Angeles,
Wotao Yin is a professor with Department of Mathematics at UCLA. His
research interests lie in computational optimization and its applications in
image processing, machine learning, medical imaging, and other inverse
problems. He received his B.S. in mathematics from Nanjing University in
2001, and then M.S. and Ph.D. in operations research from Columbia
University in 2003 and 2006, respectively. During 2006-2013, he held
positions as assistant and associate professors at Rice University. He won
NSF CAREER award in 2008 and Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2009.
His recent work has been in optimization algorithms for large-scale and
distributed signal processing and machine learning problems..
Asia以及ACM TOG、IEEE TVCG、CGF等国际著名会议和期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。目前作为课题负责人主持国家自然科学青年基金和北京市自然科学基金面上项目各一项,作为子课题负责人参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、863计划、武器装备预研项目等课题。
Dr. Wu obtained his Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of
China in 2006. After taking several Research Fellow positions, he joined
Nankai University in 2012 as an associate professor. His research interests
are in mathematical methods and algorithms in image processing and computer
graphics. Dr. Wu has published nearly 20 research papers including several
in top journals such as SIAM J. Imaging Sciences and ACM TOG.
Title: Structure-aware geometry processing
Lecturer: Niloy Mitra, UCL, UK
Shape structure is about the arrangement and relations between shape parts.
Structure-aware shape processing goes beyond local geometry and low level
processing, and analyzes and processes shapes at a high level. It focuses
more on the global inter and intra semantic relations among the parts of
shape rather than on their local geometry. With recent developments in easy
shape acquisition, access to vast repositories of 3D models, and
simple-to-use desktop fabrication possibilities, the study of structure in
shapes has become a central research topic in shape analysis, editing, and
modeling. A whole new line of structure-aware shape processing algorithms
has emerged that base their operation on an attempt to understand such
structure in shapes. The algorithms broadly consist of two key phases: an
analysis phase, which extracts structural information from input data; and a
(smart) processing phase, which utilizes the extracted information for
exploration, editing, and synthesis of novel shapes. Our goal is to both
give the practitioner an overview of available structure-aware shape
processing techniques, as well as identify future research questions in this
important, emerging, and fascinating research area.
Title: Subdivision and Surfaces
Lecturer: Jorg Peters, University of Florida, USA
Subdivision is a conceptually simple approach to creating smooth shape from
faceted geometry. But subdivision is more than just mesh refinement. The
underlying refinement of functions, box splines in particular, and the
interpretation of subdivision surfaces as splines with singularities help
understanding the rules, uses and limitations of subdivision. The lectures
will leverage and complement the easily available sources on subdivision for
graphics and geometry and explain its relation to surface generation and
computing on surfaces.
Title: Image Deblurring
Lecturer: Seungyong Lee, POSTECH, Korea
Motion blur is a common artifact that produces disappointing blurry images
with inevitable information loss. It is caused by the nature of imaging
sensors that accumulate incoming lights for an amount of time to produce an
image. During exposure, if the camera sensor moves, a motion blurred image
will be obtained. Image (motion) deblurring is a computational process to
remove motion blurs from a blurred image to obtain a sharp latent image.
This lecture will first introduce the problem definition, basic approach,
and recent research trends of image deblurring, and then present research
results of POSTECH on image deblurring, such as fast motion deblurring, text
deblurring, and video deblurring.
Title: Image Stylization
Lecturer: Seungyong Lee, POSTECH, Korea
In contrast to photo-realistic image synthesis, which is a common goal of
computer graphics, non-photorealistic rendering targets to create
expressive, artistic, and interpretative images. Image stylization processes
an input image to produce a variety of stylized images with intended
abstraction. This lecture introduces recent research results of POSTECH on
image stylization, such as line drawings of images, image abstraction, and
directional stippling (hedcut illustration). Research results of POSTECH on
3D non-photorealistic rendering, where the inputs are 3D models with
geometric information, will be briefly introduced as well.
Title: Compressed sensing, sparse optimization with
big data
Lecturer: Wotao Yin, UCLA, USA
Sparse optimization has found interesting applications in many
data-processing areas such as compressed sensing, machine learning, signal
processing, medical imaging, finance, etc. After reviewing compressed
sensing and sparse optimization, this talk then introduces novel algorithms
tailored for very large scale sparse optimization problems with terabytes of
data. Besides the typical complexity analysis, we analyze the overhead due
to parallel and distributed computing. Numerical results are presented to
demonstrate the scalability of the parallel codes for handling terascale
problems on clusters and Amazon EC2.
Title: 信息可视化与可视分析
Lecturer: 陈为,浙江大学
Title: 3D Modeling from images (基于图像的三维建模)
Lecturer: 陈雪锦,中国科学技术大学
Image-based modeling is one of the hottest topics in Computer Graphics. An
image is the projection of a 3D scene to a 2D plane with certain projection
settings. In this talk, I will first introduce perspective projection model,
which is most close to the real camera model. Second, how to recover the
camera parameters (projection matrix) from images will be introduced. The
third part is to reconstruct the 3D structure from images. The structure can
be represented as 3D point cloud (Structure from Motion), depth map and
surface model (Stereo) or concise outlines (image-based modeling). As a
special type of images, sketch has been studied to represent design concept.
Finally, I will introduce my work on sketch-based modeling.
Lecturer: 陈中贵,厦门大学
Title: 等几何分析
Lecturer: 邓建松,中国科技大学
等几何分析(isogeometric analysis, IGA)是一种与传统的有限元分析在代码框架上完全兼容的计算机辅助工程(CAE)技术。其核心是对分析过程中的网格和逼近,采用一种统一的几何描述,这样可以有效避免网格生成的繁琐性,并且不会出现由于求解区域的逼近而导致的误差,从而使“设计-分析”过程达到更高精度和更加紧密的结合。本课程将从最简单的算例开始,讲解IGA的起源、框架和效果,并且给出应用T网格上的样条进行自适应IGA的算法。
Title: 基于T样条的几何造型
Lecturer: 李新,中国科技大学
Title: 网格曲面上基于测地度量的Voronoi图构建
Lecturer: 刘永进,清华大学
Lecturer: 童晶,河海大学
Title: Variational methods for image processing and
computer graphics
Lecturer: 吴春林,南开大学
In this lecture I will introduce variational methods for image processing
and computer graphics. In recent years variational methods have been proven
successful in imaging sciences. Both fundamental models in image processing
and generalizations in computer graphics applications will be introduced.
Title: 压缩感知与几何稀疏建模
(1) 压缩感觉的理论与算法,介绍压缩感知的相关理论,压缩感知模型的求解算法及其应用条件。
(2) 几何稀疏建模方法及应用,介绍稀疏建模方法(即如何获得信号的稀疏表达)在几何信号处理中的若干应用。
Title: 建筑几何研究进展
Title: 基于互联网图像/视频的图形学研究
Lecturer: 张磊,北京理工大学
Animated Line drawing and pattern-aware curve decoration
Lecturer: 周世哲,中国科技大学
Recent research works try to assist human's handwriting and drawing process
by guiding the curve shape with abstracted structure sketches and enhancing
low-level details with stroke stylization. We will discuss about several
methods on how to construct abstractions of line drawings by progressive
simplification and geometric fitting and their applications on inverse
animation of a plausible drawing process. In terms of curve decoration, we
will look into several synthesis-based line stylization methods, which owns
various advantages including distortion-free, exemplar pattern-awareness,
structure-preservation, etc. Besides novel workflow and optimization,
synthesis speed issues dealt with a parallel implementation will also be
Title: 几何建模与处理及计算机图形学进展
Lecturer: 刘利刚,中国科技大学
Title: 从形状理解、分析到建模
Lecturer: 刘利刚,中国科技大学
State-of-the-art papers in computer graphics.
journal papers, conference papers, or WWW materials as appropriate.
Computer Program Documentation Standards
Advices on Researches:
Mesh Models:
Mesh library on the internet:
Model formats:
OpenGL programming:
GUI toolkits:
Useful coding related sites on the internet:
Send any comments or
suggestions to Prof. Ligang Liu (
Copyright © 2013, Ligang Liu