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¡¡ Graduate Programs


Graduate Programs
MS's Programs
Ph.D's Programs
Graduate Courses






       Doctoral Programs

        Admission:  Excepting students who are directly recommended from the current excellent graduates, the specialization enrolls graduate students from all over the country who have received the Master¡¯s degree or equivalent and passed the entrance examination, two times every year, the spring and the fall, respectively. The examination consists of three subjects:

1.  English (required by the USTC)

2. Analysis and Algebra  B (A common subject required by the specialization)

3. Combinatorics and Graph Theory ( Special subject)

        Thesis for Doctor¡¯s Degree: The student who has completed the required courses will freely select a research subject under guide of the supervisor as his or her pursuit in the thesis. The thesis in quality is required to reach the level that is able to be published by some academic journal that enjoys greater reputation at home and abroad.

 Additional Requirement:  Following the requirement of the Graduate School, USTC, before received his or her Doctor¡¯s degree, the candidate is required to provide at least two research papers published or accepted by some qualified journals that academic reputation is not less than the national core journals¡¯.