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Since 2006



1.  Some Results of R-Edge-Connectivity of Even Regular Graphs. Applied Math. J. Chinese Univ. 14B (3)(1999), 366-370. MR2000c:05109  (Article Full Text PDF, 143B) 

2.  The Connectivity of Generalized de Bruijn Digraphs. J. China Univ. Sci. Tech. 29 (3) (1999), 311-315. MR2000i:05112 (Article Full Text) 

3.  A Short Proof of Vizing's Theorem. J. China Univ. Sci. Tech. 29 (2) (1999), 199-201. MR1 725 507  (Article Full Text)

4.  Designing of Optimal Double Loop Networks . Science in China, 42E (5) (1999), 462-469; MR2000j:90066.   (Article Full Text) 

5Designing of Optimal Double Loop Networks (in Chinese). Science in China, 29E (3) (1999), 272-278. MR2000j:90066. (Article Full Text) 

6.  The Infinite Families Without Tight or Nearly-Tight Optimal Double Loop Networks (in Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 44A (5) (1999), 486-490. MR1 710 132  (Article Full Text) 

7.  Some Results of Arithmetic and Balanced Graphs (with Jian Shen and Zhan-Zong Li). J. China Univ. Sci. Tech. 28 (2) (1998), 183-193. MR99j:05164 (Article Full Text) 

8.  Connectivity of Cartesian Product Digraphs and Fault-Tolerant Routings of Generalized Hypercubes. Applied Math. J. Chinese Univ. 13B (2) (1998), 179-187. MR99e:05083  (Article Full Text) 

9.  (d, m)-Dominating Numbers of m-Connected Graphs (with Li Hao). Rapports de Reachere, LRL, CNRS Universite de Paris-Sud, 1130 (1997).