Course personnel | Textbooks | Readings | Schedule | Links
Course personnel
Instructor | Phone | Course Time | Place | |
Yu Zhang | 63603804 | yuzhang at | Tuesday 9:45~12:10 | 3412 |
git repositories
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Final Exam
3A109, 9:00-11:00 Jan.7,2019Q&A Session
3A105, 15:00 Jan.4,2019Programming Assignment
Type System(Due: Jan 6,2019)Part II: Formal Semantics
- Dec.11:
Hoare Logic
, Monad (Monads in pictures) [PFPL] - Dec.4:
, Control Flow [PFPL] - Nov.27:
, Overloading and Type Classes [PFPL] - Nov.20:
General Recursion
, Type and Propositions , Polymorphisms(P1-7) [PFPL] - Nov.13:
Typed lambda calculus and Algebraic Data Types
[PFPL], - Nov.6:
Fundamentals (P16-)
, OCaml (, Cornell CS 3110: Data Structures and Functional Programming)
Ref. Learn X in Y Minutes - OCaml, Real World OCaml - Oct.30:
Fundamentals (P1-15)
Part I: Static Program Analysis
- Dec.11:
Symbolic Execution
, e.g. Sym-While - Oct.30:
Pointer Analysis
- Oct.23:
Interprocedural Analysis
, Control Flow Analysis , Pointer Analysis
Homework: HW6 - Oct.16: Widening and Narrowing
, Path Sensitivity , Interprocedural Analysis (P1-19)
Homework: HW5 - Oct.9: Lattices and Fixpoints
, Examples of Flow Sensitive Analyses
Homework: HW4 - Sept.25: Type analysis and the unification solver
, Lattices (P1-13) (TIP-GitHub)
Homework: HW3 - Sept.18: Introduction to program analysis and TIP
, Type analysis and the unification solver (TIP-GitHub) - Sept.11: Course Info
(6in1), Review of Compilers (6in1)
Homework: HW1
- [PPA] Flemming Nielson et al. Principles of Program Analysis (2nd Edition). Springer, 2005.
- [SPA]
Anders Møller and Michael I. Schwartzbach.
Lecture notes on Static Program Analysis, Sept. 2018.
- [PFPL]
Robert Harper.
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages. 2nd Edition,
Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- [TPL]陈意云、张昱.
程序设计语言理论(第2版).高等教育出版社, 2010.
- [TAPL]
B. C. Pierce.
Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press, 2002.
CIS 500: Software Foundations - Fall 2007
马世龙等译. 类型和程序设计语言.电子工业出版社,2005. -
John C. Mitchell.
Foundations for Programming Languages. MIT Press, 1996.
许满武等译. 程序设计语言理论基础.电子工业出版社,2006.
- B. C. Pierce. Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press, 2005.
Supplementary Readings
- C.A.R. Hoare.
Hints on programming language design.
Stanford University. Technical Report: CS-TR-73-403. 1973.
- Niklaus Wirth(Pascal之父).
On the Design of Programming Languages.
Information Processing. 74, pages 386-393, New York, N.Y., 1974. North-Holland Publishing Co.
- Peter Wegner.
Programming languages - the first 25 years.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-25, No. 12, pp. 1207-1225, 1976.
- Guy L. Steele.
Growing a Language. OOPSLA 1998 Keynote.
- C.A.R. Hoare.
An axiomatic basis for computer programming. CACM 12(10), 1969, pages 576 - 580.
- Leslie Lamport.
The Future of Computing: Logic or Biology.
- Philip Wadler.
Proofs are Programs: 19th Century Logic and 21st Century Computing. June 2000, updated November 2000.
- ......
- System Software and Software Security Lab, USTC
- The Teaching About Programming Languages Project
- ACM SIGPLAN(ACM Special Interesting Group on Programming Languages)
- Lambda the Ultimate
- PLT Online
- Resources for Programming Language Research, CMU
- HyperNews Computing Languages List