





Research Seminars

Riemannian Geometry

(Spring semester, 2017)


Final Exam 2pm, June 8, 2017, Room: 5107

Mid-term Exam covering Lectures 1-9: 7pm, April 15, 2017, Room: 5207

Lecture notes and excercises

Lecture 1 Riemannian metric

Lecture 2 Geodesics (I)

[JJ, Sec. 1.4], [WSY, Chap. 3], [doC, Chap. 3.1-3.3],[PP, Chap. 5.5]

Lecture 3 Geodesics (II)

[JJ, Sec. 1.4], [JJ, Sec.1.6]

Lecture 4 Connections, Parallelism, and Covariant Derivatives (I)

Lecture 5 Connections, Parallelism, and Covariant Derivatives (II)

[doC, Chap. 2], [WSY, Chap. 1 and 2], [Spivak II, Chap. 6]

Lecture 6 Connections, Parallelism, and Covariant Derivatives (III)

[JJ, Sec.4.1], [doC, Chap. 9.1], Gauss' Lemma [CE, Lemma 1.6], [Spivak I, Chap. 9, Lemma 15]

Lecture 7 Curvature (I)

[doC, Chap. 9.2], [JJ, 4.1]

Lecture 8 Curvature (II)

Lecture 9 Curvature (III)

[Spivak II, Chap. 4D, Chap. 6, Thm 10], [PP, Chap. 2, Sec. 3]

Lecture 10 Curvature (IV)

[doC, Chap.9.3],[JJ, Thm 1.5.1], [PP. Chap. 6, Sec. 4], [WSY, Chap. 6]

Lecture 11 Space forms and Jacobi fileds (I)

[WSY, Chap.4],[XIN, Chap. 8 and 10]

Lecture 12 Space forms and Jacobi fileds (II)

[WSY, Chap.7],[Spivak IV, Chap.8,1-10]

Lecture 13 Space forms and Jacobi fileds (III)

[WSY, Chap. 5], [XIN, Chap.9], [Spivak IV, Chap.8, 11-14]

Lecture 14 Comparison theorems (I)

[Spivak IV, Chap.8, 15-23], [WSY, Chap. 8]

Lecture 15 Comparison theorems (II)

[Spivak IV, Chap.8, 26-32], [WSY, Chap. 10 and Chap. 8]

Lecture 16 Comparison theorems (III)

[Spivak IV, Chap.8, 33-36], [WSY, Chap. 8 and Chap. 11]

Lecture 17 Candidates for synthetic curvature conditions (I)

[JJ, Lemma 4.8.3-Corollary 4.8.5], [JJ2, Chap. 2]

Lecture 18 Candidates for synthetic curvature conditions (II)

[WSY, Chap. 12], [WC, Chap. 1]

Excercise 1

Excercise 2

Excercises 1 and 2 are due March 9 (Thursday)

Excercise 3

Excercise 4

Excercises 3 and 4 are due March 23 (Thursday)

Excercise 5

Excercise 6

Excercises 5 and 6 are due April 6 (Thursday)

Excercise 7

Excercise 7 are due April 20 (Thursday)

Excercise 8

Excercise 9

Excercise 10

Excercise 11

Excercises 8,9,10,11 are due May 04 (Thursday)

Excercise 12

Excercise 13

Excercise 14

Excercises 12,13, and 14 are due May 18 (Thursday)


[WSY] 伍鸿熙,沈纯理,虞言林,黎曼几何初步,高等教育出版社。

[WC] 伍鸿熙,陈维桓,黎曼几何选讲,北京大学出版社。

[XIN] 忻元龙,黎曼几何讲义,复旦大学出版社。

[JJ] Jürgen Jost, Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis, fifth edition, Universitext, Springer.

[JJ2] Jürgen Jost, Nonpositive Curvature: Geometric and Analytic Aspects, Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich, Birkhäuser.

[doC] M. P. do Carmo, Riemannian geometry, Birkhäuser.

[PP] Peter Petersen, Riemannian geometry, GTM 171, Springer.

[Spivak I] Michael Spivak, A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, Volume I, third edition, Publish or Perish.

[Spivak II] Michael Spivak, A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, Volume II, third edition, Publish or Perish.

[Spivak IV] Michael Spivak, A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, Volume IV, third edition, Publish or Perish.

[CE] J. Cheeger and E. Ebin, Comparison Theorem in Riemannian geometry, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1975.


桂耀挺 vigney@mail.ustc.edu.cn

1. First tutorial: Saturday 7:30 pm-, March 11, 2017, location: 5107

2. 习题课(Tutorial) 7:30- pm, Saturday, March 25, Room 5107.

Sol. Excercise 3 (by Yaoting Gui)

Sol. Excercise 4 (by Yaoting Gui)

Sol. Excercise 5 (by Yaoting Gui)

Sol. Excercise 6 (by Yaoting Gui)

Sol. Excercise 12,13,and 14 (by Yaoting Gui)


1. History about the work of Riemann, Christoffel, Ricci, Levi-Civita, and Einstein

2. A visual introduction to Riemannian curvatures and discrete generalizations by Yann Ollivier, including an interesting pictorial intuition about Bianchi Identity.