电话: 0551-63603345
Research ID:
邮箱: huanghb[at]ustc.edu.cn
地址: 中国科学技术大学西区
研究方向: 计算流体力学、格子玻尔兹曼方法、多相流、流固耦合
Personal Introduction Research Publication Teaching Funding
Journal Publications ('*' is the corresponding author, 2005----):
93. K. Liu, H.B. Huang*, Dynamics of weighted flexible ribbons in a uniform flow, J. Fluid Mech. 990, A11 (2024)
92. Y.F. Ma, H.B. Huang*,Scaling maximum spreading of droplet impacting on flexible substrates, J. Fluid Mech. 958, A35 (2023)
91. X.T. Chang, H.B. Huang*, X.Y. Lu, J. Hou, Width effect on contact angle hysteresis in a patterned heterogeneous microchannel, J. Fluid Mech. 949, A15 (2022)
90. C. Xu, X.C. Liu, K. Liu, Y.F. Xiong, H.B. Huang*, A free flexible flap in channel flow, J. Fluid Mech. 941, A12 (2022)
89. K. Liu, X.C. Liu, H.B. Huang*, Scaling the self-propulsive performance of pitching and heaving flexible plates, J. Fluid Mech. 936, A9 (2022).
88. C.C. Wang, H.B. Huang*, P. Gao and X-Y Lu, Effect of surfactants on the long-wave stability of two-layer oscillatory film flow, J. Fluid Mech. 928,A19, (2021).
87. K. Liu, H.B. Huang*, Wake transition of an unconstrained self-propelled flexible flapping plate. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9(3), 033102 (2024).
86. Y.F. Ma, H.B. Huang*, Clinching 1/2 scaling: Deciphering spreading data of droplet impact. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9(11), 113601 (2024).
85. H.L.Wang, Y.F. Ma, H.B. Huang*, Droplet dynamics passing through the flexible constriction in the channel. Phys. Fluids 36(5) 052114 (2024).
84. Y.T. Lu, H.B. Huang*, Flexible non-Brownian filament in intensified shear flow. Phys. Fluids 36(9) 093347 (2024).
83. H.Y. Hu, R.P. Tian, D.X. Wang, M. Ding, & H.B. Huang, Three-Dimensional Study of Vortico-Acoustic Interaction in a Simulated Solid Rocket Motor. AIAA Journal, 1-14.(2024).
82. H.Y. Feng, H.B. Huang, J. Hou, C. Li, & B. Wei, Viscosity of capsule suspensions: Effects of internal-external viscosity ratio and capsule rupture release, Phys. Rev. Fluids,9(9), 093602 (2024).
81. J.Q. Xiong, X.C. Liu, H.Y., Feng, H.B. Huang*, Inertial migration of spherical and oblate particles in a triangular microchannel. Phys. Rev. E, 108(6): 065105 (2023).
80. C.Y. Wang, P. Yu, H.B. Huang*, Reinforcement-learning-based parameter optimization of a splitter plate downstream in cylinder wake with stability analyses, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8(8): 083904 (2023).
79. H.Y. Feng, J.G. Zheng, B. Wei,J. Hou, H.B. Huang*,Capsule distributions and flow properties in curved tubes. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8(1), 013604 (2023).
78. X. C. Liu, K. Liu, & H.B. Huang*, Collective behavior and hydrodynamic advantage of side-by-side self-propelled flapping foils. Phys. Rev. E, 105(6), 065105 (2022).
77. X.C. Liu, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Elliptical particle suspensions in Couette flow, Phys. Rev. Fluids 7(4): 044303 (2022).
76. Yu, H., Liu, B., Wang, C., Liu, X., Lu, X. Y.*, & Huang, H., Deep-reinforcement-learning-based self-organization of freely undulatory swimmers. Phys. Rev. E, 105(4), 045105 (2022).
75. Kang, L.L., Cui, W., Lu, X. Y., & Huang, H.*, Hydrodynamic force induced by vortex–body interactions in orderly formations of flapping tandem flexible plates. Phys. Fluids, 34(2), 021901 (2022).
74. L.L. Kang, Z. R. Peng, , H.B. Huang, X-Y Lu & W. Cui*, Active external control effect on the collective locomotion of two tandem self-propelled flapping plates. Phys. Fluids, 33(10), 101901 (2021).
73. W.J. Wang, H.B. Huang, X-Y Lu*, Interplay of chordwise stiffness and shape on performance of self-propelled flexible flapping plate, Phys. Fluids 33, 091904 (2021)
72. Z.S. Lv, H.B. Huang*, Lattice Boltzmann Study of the Steady-State Relative Permeabilities in Porous Media, Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. , 13(3): 619 (2021) .
71. H.Y. Yu, X-Y Lu, H.B. Huang*, Collective locomotion of two uncoordinated undulatory self-propelled foils, Phys. Fluids 33, 011904 (2021).
70. H.Y. Feng, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Rheology of capsule suspensions in plane Poiseuille flows, Phys. Fluids 33, 013302 (2021)
69. W. Feng, H.B. Huang*, Fast prediction of immiscible two-phase displacements in heterogeneous porous media with convolutional neural network, Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. , 13, 140-162 (2021)
68. W.J. Wang, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Optimal chordwise stiffness distribution for self-propelled heaving flexible plates, Phys. Fluids 32, 111905 (2020)
67. K. Liu, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Hydrodynamic benefits of intermittent locomotion of a self-propelled flapping plate, Phys. Rev. E 102, 053106 (2020)
66. Y.F. Cui, X.T. Chang, H.B. Huang*, Experimental study of an ellipsoidal particle in tube Poiseuille flow, J. Hydrodyn. 32, 616-622 (2020)
65. Y.F. Xiong, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Numerical study of droplet impact on a flexible substrate, Phys. Rev. E 101, 053107 (2020)
64. J.J. Zhang, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Molecular Dynamics Study of Binary Nanodroplet Evaporation on a Heated Homogeneous Substrate, Langmuir 36(13), 3439-3451 (2020)
63. B. Liu, J.P. Tang, H.B. Huang*, and X-Y Lu, Deep learning methods for super-resolution reconstruction of turbulent flows, Phys. Fluids 32, 025105 (2020).
62. C.Y. Zhang, H.B. Huang, and X-Y Lu*, Effect of trailing-edge shape on the self-propulsive performance of heaving flexible plates, J. Fluid Mech. 887, A7 (2020).
61. J-J Huang*, H.B. Huang, and J-J Xu, Energy-based modeling of micro- and nano-droplet jumping upon coalescence on superhydrophobic surfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 141602 (2019) supplement
60. W.J. Wang, H.B. Huang*, and X-Y Lu, Self-propelled plate in wakes behind tandem cylinders, Phys. Rev. E 100, 033114 (2019)
59. X.T. Chang, H.B. Huang*, Y.P. Cheng, X-Y Lu, Lattice Boltzmann study of pool boiling heat transfer enhancement on structured surfaces, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 139, 588–599 (2019).
J.J. Zhang, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu,
Pinning-Depinning Mechanism of
the Contact Line during
Evaporation of Nanodroplets on
Heated Heterogeneous Surfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
57. X.C. Liu, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu, Lattice Boltzmann study of effective viscosities of porous particle suspensions. Comput. &Fluids 181, 135-142 (2019).
56. Z.R.
Peng, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu,
Collective locomotion of two
self-propelled flapping plates
with different propulsive
Phys. Fluids
30, 111901 (2018).
55. Z.R.
Peng, H.B. Huang, X-Y Lu*,
Hydrodynamic schooling of
multiple self-propelled flapping
Fluid Mech.
853, pp. 587-600 (2018).
54. Z.R.
Peng, H.B. Huang, X-Y Lu*,
Collective locomotion of two
closely spaced self-propelled
flapping plates.
Fluid Mech.
849, 1068-1095 (2018).
53. W.L.
Yang, H.B. Huang and W.X. Yan*,
Thermal Lattice Boltzmann
Simulation of Evaporating Thin
Liquid Film for Vapor
Appl. Sci.
8, 798 (2018).
52. B. Wei,
J. Hou*, H.B. Huang, M.C. Sukop,
Y.G. Liu, K. Zhou,
pressure for the rough
capillary: Semi-analytical
model, Lattice Boltzmann
J. Hydrology
562, 17-29 (2018).
51. J.J.
Huang*, J Wu, H.B. Huang,
An alternative method to
implement contact angle boundary
condition and its application in
hybrid lattice-Boltzmann
finite-difference simulations of
two-phase flows with immersed
European Physical Journal E
41(2): 17 (2018).
50. B. Wei,
H.B. Huang, J. Hou* and M.C.
Study on the meniscus-induced
motion of droplets and bubbles
by a three-phase Lattice
Boltzmann model.
Chemical Engineering Science
176 35–49 (2018).
Huang, H. Wei, X-Y Lu*,
Coupling performance of tandem
flexible inverted flags in a
uniform flow.
Fluid Mech.
837, 461-476 (2018).
48. X.T.
Chang, H.B. Huang*, and X-Y Lu,
Thermal lattice Boltzmann study
of three-dimensional bubble
growth in quiescent liquid.
Comput. & Fluids
159, 232–242 (2017).
47. Haibo
Huang*, and X-Y Lu,
An ellipsoidal particle in tube
Poiseuille flow.
J. Fluid Mech.
822, 664-688 (2017).
46. C.Y.
Zhang, H.B. Huang*, and X-Y Lu,
Free locomotion of a flexible
plate near the ground.
Phys. Fluids
29, 041903 (2017).
45. H.L.
Ye, H. Wei, H.B. Huang*, and X-Y
Two tandem flexible loops in a
viscous flow.
Phys. Fluids
29, 021902 (2017).
44. X.
Yang, H.B. Huang*, X-Y Lu,
The motion of a neutrally
buoyant ellipsoid inside square
tube flows.
Adv. Appl. Math. Mech.
9(2), 233-249 (2017).
43. C.
Tang, H.B. Huang, P. Gao, and
X-Y Lu*,
Self-propulsion of a flapping
flexible plate near the ground.
Phys. Rev. E
94, 033113 (2016).
42. H.L.
Ye, H.B. Huang*, Y. Sui, X-Y Lu,
Dynamics of a nonspherical
capsule in general flow.
Comput. & Fluids
31-40 (2016).
Yang, Haibo Huang*, X.Y. Lu,
Sedimentation of an oblate
ellipsoid in narrow tubes.
Phys. Rev. E
92, 063009 (2015).
Ye, Haibo Huang*, X.Y. Lu,
Numerical study on dynamic
sorting of a compliant capsule
with a thin shell.
Comput.& Fluids
110–120 (2015).
39. J.J.
Huang*, H.B. Huang, and S.L.
Phase-field-based simulation of
axisymmetric binary fluids by
using vorticity-streamfunction
Progress in Comput. Fluid
15(6), 352-371 (2015).
38. S. M.
Dash*, T.S., Lee, H.B. Huang,
Particle sedimentation in a
constricted passage using a
flexible forcing IB-LBM scheme.
Int. J. Comput. Methods
12, 1350095 (2015).
37. J.J.
Huang*, H.B. Huang, X.Z. Wang,
Wetting Boundary Conditions in
Numerical Simulation of Binary
Fluids by Using Phase-Field
Method: Some Comparative Studies
and New Development.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids
77: 123–158 (2015).
19. Haibo
Huang, M. Krafczyk, X.Y. Lu,
Forcing term in single-phase and
Shan-and-Chen-type multiphase
lattice Boltzmann models.
Phys. Rev. E
84, 046710 (2011).
18. Z.T.
Li, G.J. Li, Haibo Huang, X-Y
Lattice Boltzmann study of
electrohydrodynamic drop
deformation with large density
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C
22(7), 729-744 (2011).
17. Haibo
Huang*, X-Y Lu, M.C. Sukop,
Numerical study of lattice
Boltzmann methods for a
convection-diffusion equation
coupled with Navier-Stokes
J. Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
44(5), 055001 (2011).
16. Haibo
Huang*, Lei Wang, X-Y Lu,
Evaluation of three lattice
Boltzmann models for multiphase
flows in porous media.
Computers & Mathematics with
61(12), 3606-3617 (2011).
15. Haibo
Huang*, H.W. Zheng, X-Y Lu, C.
An evaluation of a 3D
free-energy-based lattice
Boltzmann model for multiphase
flows with large density ratio.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids
63: 1193–1207 (2010).
14. Haibo
Huang*, X-Y Lu,
Relative permeabilities and
coupling effects in steady-state
gas-liquid flow in porous media:
a lattice Boltzmann study.
Phys. Fluids
21(9): 092104 (2009).
13. Haibo
Huang*, X-Y Lu,
Theoretical and numerical study
of axisymmetric Lattice
Boltzmann models.
Phys. Rev. E
80: 016701 (2009).
12. Haibo
Huang*, X-Y Lu,
Simulation of Gas Flow in
Microtubes by Lattice Boltzmann
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C
20(8): 1145-1153 (2009).
11. Haibo
Huang*, Z.T. Li, S.S. Liu, X-Y
Shan-and-Chen-type multiphase
lattice Boltzmann study of
viscous coupling effects for
two-phase flow in porous media.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids
61(3): 341-354 (2009).
10. A.
Cihan*, M.C. Sukop, J.S. Tyner,
E. Perfect, and Haibo Huang,
Analytical predictions and
lattice Boltzmann simulations of
intrinsic permeability for mass
fractal porous media.
Vadose Zone Journal
187-196 (2009).
9. K.J.
Cunningham*, M.C. Sukop, Haibo
Huang, P.F. Alvarez, H. A.
Curran, R.A. Renken, and J.F.
Prominence of
macroporosity in the karst
Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform
"super-K" zones.
Geological Society of America
121(1-2): 164-180 (2009).
8. M. C.
Sukop, Haibo Huang, C.L. Lin,
M.D. Deo, K. Oh, and J.D.
Distribution of multiphase
fluids in porous media:
Comparison between lattice
Boltzmann modeling and
micro-X-ray tomography.
Phys. Rev. E
77: 026710 (2008).
7. Haibo
Throne, M.G. Schaap, M.C. Sukop,
Proposed approximation for
contact angles in
multicomponent multiphase
lattice Boltzmann models.
Phys. Rev. E
066701 (2007).
6. Haibo
Huang*, T.S. Lee, C. Shu,
Hybrid lattice-Boltzmann
finite-difference simulation of
axisymmetric swirling and
rotating flows.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids
53(11): 1707-1726 (2007).
5. Haibo
Huang*, T.S. Lee, C. Shu,
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Gas
Slip Flow in Long Microtubes.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat & Fluid Flow
17(6): 587-607 (2007).
4. Haibo
Huang*, T.S. Lee, C. Shu,
Thermal curved boundary
treatment for the thermal
lattice Boltzmann equation.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C.
17(5): 631-643 (2006).
3. T.S.
Lee*, Haibo Huang*, C. Shu,
An axisymmetric incompressible
lattice Boltzmann model for pipe
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C.
17(5): 645-661 (2006).
2. Haibo
Huang, T.S. Lee, C. Shu,
Lattice-BGK simulation of steady
flow through vascular tubes with
double constrictions.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat &
Fluid Flow
16(2): 185-203 (2006).