Prof. Dr. Ligang Liu (刘利刚) |
- 2024.12.07. CSIAM GDC“图形与几何计算前沿”研讨会将于2024年12月20日在中国科学技术大学召开
- 2024.10.16. 与黄山学院联合成功举办Chinagraph
2024大会和Pacific Graphics 2024大会
- 2024.10.11. 获得中国计算机图形学杰出奖
- 2024.07.28. We have 3 papers accepted by Siggraph
Asia 2024 (journal track).
- 2024.06.18. CSIAM GDC“几何建模与图形计算”前沿讲习班将于2024年7月8-12日在中国科学技术大学召开,欢迎各位同仁注册参加!
- 2024.06.05. CSIAM GDC
- 2024.05.04. 第十二届中国科技大学《计算机图形学》暑期课程
- 2024.03.28. We have 1 paper accepted by Siggraph 2024 (journal track).
- 2023.12.14. Our Siggraph Asia 2013 paper
"Cost-effective Printing of 3D Objects with Skin-Frame Structures" won the
Siggraph Asia 2023 Test-of-Time Award (时间检验奖)[link]
- 2023.08.02. We have 3 papers accepted by Siggraph
Asia 2023
(journal track).
- 2023.06.09.
- 2023.03.26. We have 4 papers accepted by Siggraph 2023
(journal track).
- 2023.01.10. 在线课程GAMES
- 2022.08.04. We have 2 papers accepted by Siggraph
Asia 2022 (journal track).
- 2022.06.18.
- 2022.05.20. We will have 5 papers to be
presented at Siggraph 2022.
- 2022.03.26. We have 3 papers accepted by
Siggraph 2022.
- More...
Trans. on
Graphics发表论文五十余篇。曾获得中国计算机图形学杰出奖(2024)、首届Siggraph Asia时间检验奖 (Test-of-Time
- My research interest is Computer
graphics and CAD/CAE/CAM. (什么是计算机图形学?)
- 学习资料
- 学术著书
- 鲍虎军,黄劲,刘利刚. 《离散几何处理与应用》,科学出版社,2021年4月.
- 陈发来,刘利刚.《几何与图形》,高等教育出版社,2019年11月.
- 王国瑾,刘利刚.《几何计算、逼近与处理》,科学出版社,2015年2月.
2017 2016
2014 Earlier (before 2014) |
Selected Publications (2025) |
Eigenvalue Blending for
Projected Newton.
Yuan-Yuan Cheng, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Eurographics), 44(2), 2025. |
Local-to-Global Optimization of NeRF with No Pose Prior.
Dongbo Shi, Shen Cao, Bojian Wu, Jinhui Guo,
Lubin Fan, Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Jieping Ye.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Eurographics), 44(2), 2025. |
A Multi-Modal
Attention-Based Approach for Points of Interest Detection on 3D Shapes.
Zhenyu Shu, Junlong Yu, Kai Chao, Shiqing
Xin, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics (Early Access), 2025. |
3D Shape Segmentation
with Potential Consistency Mining and Enhancement. [DOI]
Zhenyu Shu, Shiyang Li, Shiqing Xin, Ligang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
(Early Access), 2025. |
Imperceptible 3D Point
Cloud Attacks on Lattice-based Barycentric Coordinates.
Keke Tang, Ziyong Du, Weilong Peng, Xiaofei
Wang, Daizong Liu, Ligang Liu, Zhihong Tian.
The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025. |
Selected Publications (2024) |
MV2MV: Multi-View Image
Translation via View-Consistent Diffusion Models. [Project page] [DOI]
Youcheng Cai, Runshi Li, Ligang
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 43(6), Article 252: 1–12, 2024. |
mpcMech: Multi-Point
Conjugation Mechanisms. [Project page] [DOI]
Ke Chen, Siqi Li, Peng Song, Jianmin Zheng,
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 43(6), Article 211: 1–14, 2024. |
Stochastic Normal
Orientation for Point Clouds. [Project page] [DOI]
Guojin Huang, Qing Fang, Zheng Zhang,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 43(6), Article 188: 1–11, 2024. |
Smooth Bijective
Projection in a High-order Shell. [Project page] [DOI]
Shibo Liu, Yang Ji, Jia-Peng Guo, Ligang
Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 43(4), Article 247: 1–18, 2024. |
Inverse-designed 3D
sequential metamaterials achieving extreme stiffness. [DOI]
Jiacheng Han, Xiaoya Zhai, Lili Wang, Di
Zhang, Junhao Ding, Winston Wai Shing Ma, Xu Song, Wei-Hsin Liao,
Ligang Liu, Jun Wu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Materials & Design, 247, 113350:
1-12, 2024. |
Enhancing Spatiotemporal
Resampling with a Novel MIS Weight. [DOI]
Xinyue Pan, Jiaxuan Zhang, Jiancong Huang,
Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Eurographics), 43(2), 15049: 1-13, 2024. |
Surface Cutting and
Flattening to Target Shapes. [DOI]
Yuanhao Li, Wenzheng Wu,
Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Pacific Graphics), 43(7), 15223: 1-11, 2024. |
Symmetric Piecewise
Developable Approximations. [DOI]
Ying He, Qing Fang, Zheng Zhang, Tielin
Dai, Kang Wu, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Pacific Graphics), 43 (7), 15242: 1-12, 2024. |
Representation based Internal Self-supporting Structure via Ellipsoid
Hollowing for 3D Printing. [DOI]
Shengfa Wang, Jun Yang, Jiangbei Hu, Na
Lei, Zhongxuan Luo, Ligang Liu.
Pacific Graphics (Conference
track), 1-12, 2024. |
Build orientation
optimization considering thermal distortion in additive manufacturing. [DOI]
Weiming Wang, Shan Li, Li Yang, Jiepeng
Liu, Yi Xia, Ligang Liu.
Computer Aided Geometric Design,
114, 102393: 1-18, 2024. |
Piecewise Developable
Modeling Via Implicit Neural Deformation and Feature-Guided Cutting. [DOI]
Kang Wu, Zheng-Yu Zhao, Zheng Zhang,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics,
30 (9): 5993-6004, 2024. |
Topology Optimization
via Spatially-varying TPMS.
Wenpeng Xu, Peng Zhang, Menglin Yu, Li
Yang, Weiming Wang,
Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, 30 (8): 4570-4587, 2024. |
A Parametric Design
Method for Engraving Patterns on Thin Shells. [DOI]
Jiangbei Hu, Shengfa Wang, Ying He, Na Lei,
Zhongxuan Luo, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics,
30 (7): 3719-3730, 2024. |
Semi-supervised 3D Shape
Segmentation via Self Refining.
Zhenyu Shu, Teng Wu, Jiajun Shen, Shiqing
Xin, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
33: 2044-2057, 2024. |
Computational Design of
Custom-Fit PAP Masks.
Yukun Lu, Yuhang Wang, Peng Song, Hang
Siang Wong, Yingjuan Mok, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics (Proc. SMI),
122, 103998: 1-11, 2024. (Best Paper Award) |
microstructures design via anisotropic thermal diffusion.
Qi Wang, Qing Fang, Xiaoya Zhai, Ligang
Liu, Xiaoming Fu.
Computers&Graphics (Proc. SMI),
122, 103977: 1-12, 2024. |
Learning Neural
Volumetric Pose Features for Camera Localization.
Jingyu Lin, Jiaqi Gu, Lubin Fan, Bojian Wu,
Bing Deng, Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Jieping Ye.
European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV), 1-15, 2024. |
FLAT: Flux-aware
Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks on 3D Point Clouds.
Keke Tang, Lujie Huang, Weilong Peng,
Daizong Liu, Xiaofei Wang, Yang Ma, Ligang Liu, Zhihong Tian.
European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV), 1-15, 2024. |
NeRF Synthesis with
Shading Guidance.
Chenbin Li, Yu Xin, Gaoyi Liu, Xiang Zeng,
Ligang Liu.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(Proc. CAD/Graphics 2023), 14250: 235-249, 2024. |
Platform-independent Context-aware Shader Performance Predictor.
Zitan Liu, Yikai Huang,
Ligang Liu.
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive
3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 7(1), Article 1: 1-17, 2024. |
Deblur-GS: 3D Gaussian
Splatting from Camera Motion Blurred Images.
Wenbo Chen,
Ligang Liu.
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive
3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 7(1), Article 18: 1-15, 2024. |
Issue on Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing (Proc. of GMP
2024). [link]
Ligang Liu,
Zbyněk Šír, Zichun Zhong
(Guest Editors) Computer Aided
Geometric Design, June, 2024. |
Selected Publications (2023) |
DiffFR: Differentiable
SPH-based Fluid-Rigid Coupling for Rigid Body Control. [Project page] [DOI]
Zhehao Li, Qingyu Xu, Xiaohan Ye, Bo Ren,
Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 42(6), Article 180: 1–17, 2023. |
Online Scene CAD
Recomposition via Autonomous Scanning. [Project page] [DOI]
Changhao Li, Junfu Guo, Ruizhen Hu,
Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 42(6), Article 250: 1–16, 2023. |
Efficient Cone
Singularity Construction for Conformal Parameterizations. [Project page] [DOI]
Mo Li, Qing Fang, Zheng Zhang, Ligang
Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 42(6), Article 232: 1–13, 2023. |
ETER: Elastic
Tessellation for Real-Time Pixel-Accurate Rendering of Large-Scale NURBS
Models. [Project page] [DOI]
Ruicheng Xiong, Yang Lu,
Cong Chen, Jiaming Zhu, Yajun Zeng, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 42(4), Article 133: 1–13, 2023. |
Scratch-based Reflection
Art via Differentiable Rendering.
page] [DOI]
Pengfei Shen, Ruizeng Li, Beibei Wang, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 42(4), Article 65: 1–12, 2023. |
ScanBot: Autonomous
Reconstruction via Deep Reinforcement Learning. [Project
page] [DOI]
Hezhi Cao, Xi Xia, Guan Wu, Ruizhen Hu, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 42(4), Article 157: 1–16, 2023. |
Evolutionary Piecewise
Developable Approximations. [Project
page] [DOI]
Zheng-Yu Zhao, Mo Li, Zheng Zhang, Qing
Fang, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 42(4), Article 120: 1–14, 2023. |
Robust 3D Shape
Classification via Non-local Graph Attention Network. [link]
Shengwei Qin, Zhong Li, Ligang Liu.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
5374-5383, 2023. |
An Optimized,
Easy-to-use, Open-source GPU Solver for Large-scale Inverse
Homogenization Problems. [DOI]
Di Zhang, Xiaoya Zhai, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66: Article 207, 2023. |
Geometric Optimization via Local Parameterizations. [DOI]
Bo-Yi Hu, Chunyang Ye, Jian-Ping Su, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
29(2): 1318-1329, 2023. |
Dual-Level Adaptive and
Discriminative Knowledge Transfer for Cross-Domain Recognition. [DOI]
Min Meng, Mengcheng Lan, Jun Yu, Jigang Wu,
Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,
25: 2266-2279, 2023. |
Computing Smooth
Preferred Feed Direction Fields with High Material Removal Rates for
Efficient CNC Tool Paths.
Zirui Wang, Shibo Liu, Ligang Liu,
Qiang Zou, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer-Aided Design, 164,
103591, 2023. |
Numerical Coarsening
with Neural Shape Functions.
Ning Ni, Qingyu Xu, Zhehao Li, Xiao-Ming Fu,
Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum, 42(6), 2023. |
Practical Construction
of Globally Injective Parameterizations with Positional Constraints. [DOI]
Qi Wang, Wen-Xiang Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Cheng,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computational Visual Media,
9(2): 265–277, 2023. |
Modeling with Discrete
Equivalence Classes of Planar Quads.
Tian-Yu Zhu, Zeng-Hao Xu, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computers & Graphics (Proc.
CAD/Graphics), 2023. |
单材料几何微结合设计研究综述. (in
计算机学报,46(5): 960-986, 2023. |
to the Special Section on Shape Modeling
International (SMI2023). [DOI]
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Ligang Liu,
Michela Mortara
(Guest Editors) Computers & Graphics,
96, October, CAG3833, 2023. |
Selected Publications (2022) |
Collaborative Autoscanning with Mode Switching for Multi-Robot Scene
Reconstruction. [DOI]
Junfu Guo, Changhao Li, Xi Xia, Ruizhen Hu,
Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH
41(6), Article 198: 1–13, 2022. |
Exact 3D Path Generation
via 3D Cam-Linkage Mechanisms.
Yingjie Cheng, Peng Song, Yukun Lu, Wen Jie
Jeremy Chew, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH
41(6), Article 225: 1–13, 2022. |
Piecewise Approximations for Triangular Meshes. [DOI]
Zheng-Yu Zhao, Qing Fang, Wenqing Ouyang,
Zheng Zhang, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
41(4), Article 43: 1–13, 2022. |
Computing Sparse
Integer-Constrained Cones for Conformal Parameterizations. [DOI]
Mo Li, Qing Fang, Wenqing Ouyang, Ligang
Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
41(4), 2022. |
WallPlan: Synthesizing
Floorplans by Learning to Generate Wall Graphs. [DOI]
Jiahui Sun, Wenming Wu, Ligang Liu,
Wenjie Min, Gaofeng Zhang, Liping Zheng.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
41(4), 2022. |
Computational Mirror Cup
and Saucer Art. [DOI]
Kang Wu, Renjie Chen, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
41, 2022. |
HeadNeRF: A Real-time
NeRF-based Parametric Head Model. [Project
page] [DOI]
Yang Hong, Bo Peng, Haiyao Xiao, Ligang
Liu, Juyong Zhang.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June, 2022. |
SAniHead: Sketching
Animal-like 3D Character Heads Using a View-surface Collaborative Mesh
Generative Network.
Dong Du, Xiaoguang Han, Hongbo Fu, Feiyang
Wu, Yizhou Yu, Shuguang Cui, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
28(6): 2415-2429, 2022. |
Computational Design of
Self-actuated Deformable Solids via Shape Memory Material.
Yucheng Sun, Wenqing Ouyang, Zhongyuan Liu,
Ning Ni, Yann Savoye, Peng Song, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
28(7): 2577-2588, 2022. |
Mesh Total Generalized
Variation for Denoising. [DOI]
Zheng Liu, YanLei Li, Weina Wang, Ligang Liu, Renjie
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
28(12): 4418-4433, 2022. |
Efficient Representation
and Optimization for TPMS-Based Porous Structures.
Jiangbei Hu, Shengfa Wang, Baojun Li,
Fengqi Li, Zhongxuan Luo, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
28(7): 2615-2627, 2022. |
A Support-free Infill
Structure Based on Layer Construction for 3D Printing.
Wenpeng Xu, Yi Li, Menglin Yu, Dongxiao
Wang, Shouming Hou, Bo Li, Weiming Wang, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
28(12): 4462-4476, 2022. |
Learning-Based Intrinsic
Reflectional Symmetry Detection.
Yi-Ling Qiao, Lin Gao, Shu-Zhi Liu,
Ligang Liu, Yu-Kun Lai, Xilin Chen.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
29(9): 3799-3808, 2022. |
Easy2Hard: Learning to
Solve the Intractables From a Synthetic Dataset for Structure-Preserving
Image Smoothing. [DOI]
Yidan Feng, Sen Deng, Xuefeng Yan, Xin
Yang, Mingqiang Wei, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
and Learning Systems, 33 (12): 7223-7236, 2022. |
Large-Scale Worst-Case
Topology Optimization. [DOI]
Di Zhang, Xiaoya Zhai, Xiao-Ming Fu, Heming
Wang, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. Pacific Graphics), 41(6), 2022. |
Precise High-order
Meshing of 2D Domains with Rational Bézier Curves. [DOI]
Jin-Lin Yang, Shi-Bo Liu, Shuangming Chai,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. SGP), 41(X), 2022. |
Interactive Editing of
Discrete Chebyshev Nets. [Link]
Rui-Zeng Li, Jia-Peng Guo, Qi Wang,
Shuangming Chai, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. Eurographics), 41(2), 2022. |
Constrained Remeshing
Using Evolutionary Vertex Optimization. [Link]
Wen-Xiang Zhang, Qi Wang, Jia-Peng Guo,
Shuangming Chai, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. Eurographics), 41(2), 2022. |
Detecting 3D Points of
Interest using Projective Neural Networks. [DOI]
Zhenyu Shu, Sipeng Yang, Shiqing Xin,
Chaoyi Pang, Xiaogang Jin, Ladislav Kavan, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Multimedia,
24: 1637-1650, 2022. |
Efficient Representation
and Optimization of TPMS-Based Porous Structures for 3D Heat Dissipation. [DOI]
Shengfa Wang, Yu Jiang, Jiangbei Hu, Xin
Fan, Zhongxuan Luo, Yongjin Liu, Ligang Liu.
Computer-Aided Design, 142,
Article 103123, 2022. |
Function Representation
Based Analytic Shape Hollowing Optimization. [DOI]
Longfei Zhang, Shengfa Wang, BaojunLi, Yi
Wang, Zhongxuan Luo, Ligang Liu.
Computer-Aided Design, 144,
Article 103156, 2022. |
3D Shape Segmentation
Using Soft Density Peak Clustering and Semi-Supervised Learning. [DOI]
Zhenyu Shu, Sipeng Yang, Haoyu Wu, Shiqing
Xin, Chaoyi Pang, Ladislav Kavan, Ligang Liu.
Computer-Aided Design, 145,
Article 103181, 2022. |
Untangling all-hex
meshes via adaptive boundary optimization. [DOI]
Qing Huang, Wen-Xiang Zhang, Qi Wang,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Graphical Models, 121,
Article 101136, 2022. |
Mumford-Shah mesh processing via nonsmooth nonconvex regularization. [DOI]
Chunxue Wang, Zheng Liu, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics, 106,
222-236, 2022. |
Structure–texture image
decomposition via non-convex total generalized variation and
convolutional sparse coding. [link]
Chunxue Wang, Linlin Xu, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer, 2022. |
Survey on Computational
3D Visual Optical Art Design. [DOI]
Kang Wu, Xiao-Ming Fu, Renjie Chen,
Ligang Liu.
Visual Computing for Industry,
Biomedicine, and Art, 2022. |
Selected Publications (2021) |
Computing Sparse Cones
with Bounded Distortion for Conformal Parameterizations.
Qing Fang, Wenqing Ouyang, Mo Li, Ligang
Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 40(6): Article 262, 1-9, 2021. |
Spatial-Temporal Motion
Control via Composite Cam-follower Mechanisms.
Yingjie Cheng, Yucheng Sun, Peng Song,
Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 40(6): Article 270, 1-15, 2021. |
Tailored Reality:
Perception-Aware Scene Restructuring for Adaptive VR Navigation.
Zhi-Chao Dong, Wenming Wu, Zenghao Xu, Qi
Sun, Guanjie Yuan, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics,
40(5): Article 193, 1-15, 2021. |
Real-time Locally
Injective Volumetric Deformation.
Wentao Liao, Renjie Chen, Yuchen Hua,
Ligang Liu, Ofir Weber.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 40(4): Article 74, 1-16, 2021. |
Modeling and Fabrication
with Specified Discrete Equivalence Classes.
Zhong-Yuan Liu, Zhan Zhang, Di Zhang,
Chunyang Ye, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 40(4): Article 41, 1-12, 2021. |
Voting for Distortion
Points in Geometric Processing.
Shuangming Chai,
Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
27(4): 2469-2480, 2021. |
Real-time Denoising
Using BRDF Pre-integration Factorization. [DOI]
Tao Zhuang, Pengfei Shen, Beibei Wang,
Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics),
40(7): 173-180, 2021. |
Learning Part Generation
and Assembly for Sketching Man-Made Objects. [DOI]
Dong Du, Xiaoguang Han, Heming Zhu, Yinyu
Nie, Shuguang Cui, Yizhou Yu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum,
40(1): 222-233, 2021. |
Inversion-free Geometric
Mapping Construction: A Survey. [link]
Xiao-Ming Fu, Jian-Ping Su, Zheng-Yu Zhao,
Qing Fang, Chunyang Ye, Ligang Liu.
Computational Visual Media,
7, 289–318, 2021. |
Surface Reconstruction
via Cooperative Evolutions. [DOI]
Wuyue Lu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Aided Geometric Design
(Special Issue on Computational Geometric Design),
77, Article 101831, 2021. (Best Paper Award, 1st Place) |
StereoPIFu: Depth Aware
Clothed Human Digitization via Stereo Vision. [Project
page] [DOI]
Yang Hong, Juyong Zhang, Boyi Jiang, Yudong
Guo, Ligang Liu, Hujun Bao.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June, 2021. |
Error-bounded Edge-based
Remeshing of High-order Tetrahedral Meshes. [DOI]
Zhong-Yuan Liu, Jian-Ping Su, HaoLiu,
Chunyang Ye, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu. .
Computer-Aided Design (Proc. SPM), 139, Article 103080, 2021. |
Quad Meshing with Coarse
Layouts for Planar Domains. [DOI]
Chi Zhang, Shuangming Chai, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer-Aided Design (Proc. SPM), 140, Article 103084, 2021. |
UrbanVR: An immersive
analytics system for context-aware urban design. [DOI]
Chi Zhang, Wei Zeng, Ligang Liu.
Computers &
Graphics, 99, 128-138, 2021. |
Instance-level 3D Shape
Retrieval From A Single Image by Hybrid-Representation-Assisted Joint
Embedding. [link]
Qian-Fang Zou, Ligang Liu, Yang Liu.
The Visual Computer, 37,
1743-1756 2021. |
Total Generalized
Variation Based Retinex Image Decomposition. [link]
Chunxue Wang, Huayan Zhang, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer, 37,
77–93, 2021. |
A Revisit of Shape
Editing Techniques: from the Geometric to the Neural Viewpoint.
Yu-Jie Yuan, Yu-Kun Lai, Tong Wu, Lin Gao,
Ligang Liu.
Journal of
Computer Science and Technology,
36, 520–554, 2021. |
Issue on Computational Geometric Design. [link]
Carolina Vittoria Beccari, Ligang Liu,
Michael Scott
(Guest Editors) Computer Aided
Geometric Design, May, 2021. |
Special Issue on Geometric Modeling and Processing.
Ligang Liu,
Scott Schaefer
(Guest Editors) IEEEE Computer
Graphics and Its Applications, 41, May-June, 2021. |
Forward to the
special section on Chinagraph 2020. [link]
Ligang Liu
(Guest Editor) Computers & Graphics,
96, May, 2021. |
Selected Publications (2020) |
Efficient Bijective
Parameterizations. [DOI]
Jian-Ping Su, Chunyang Ye, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 39(4):Article 111, 1-8, 2020. |
Error-Bounded Compatible
Remeshing. [DOI]
Yang Yang, Wen-Xiang Zhang, Yuan Liu,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 39(4): Article 113, 1-15, 2020. |
Generative Flows with
Matrix Exponential. [link]
Changyi Xiao, Ligang Liu.
The 37th International Conference on
Machine Learning (ICML), PMLR 119:10452-10461, 2020. |
Scribble-Based 3D Shape
Segmentation via Weakly-Supervised Learning.
Zhenyu Shu, Xiaoyong Shen, Shiqing Xin,
Qingjun Chang, Jieqing Feng, Ladislav Kavan, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(8):
2671-2682, 2020. |
FPConv: Learning Local
Flattening for Point Convolution. [DOI]
Yiqun Lin, Zizheng Yan, Haibin Huang, Dong
Du, Ligang Liu, Shuguang Cui, Xiaoguang Han.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 4293-4302, 2020. |
BCNet: Learning Body and
Cloth Shape from A Single Image. [link]
Boyi Jiang, Juyong Zhang, Yang Hong, Jinhao
Luo, Ligang Liu, Hujun Bao.
The 16th European Conference on
Computer Vision (ECCV), 18-35, 2020. |
Practical Fabrication of
Discrete Chebyshev Nets. [DOI]
Hao-Yu Liu, Zhong-Yuan Liu, Zheng-Yu Zhao,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. Pacific Graphics), 39(7): 13-26, 2020. |
Bijective Parameterizations of Very-Large-Scale Models. [DOI]
Chunyang Ye, Jian-Ping Su, Ligang Liu,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Pacific Graphics), 39(7): 1-12, 2020. |
Metric First
Reconstruction for Interactive Curvature-aware Modeling. [DOI]
Qing Fang, Zheng-Yu Zhao, Zhong-Yuan Liu,
Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu.
Computer-Aided Design
(Proc. SPM), 126, Article 102863, 2020. (Best Paper Award
(3rd place)) |
Cross-Domain Retrieving
Sketch and Shape using Cycle CNNs. [DOI]
Mingjia Chen, Changbo Wang, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics (Proc.
SMI), 89:50-58, 2020. |
VIPNet: A Fast and
Accurate Single-View Volumetric Reconstruction by Learning Sparse
Implicit Point Guidance. [DOI]
Dong Du, Zhiyi Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Shuguang
Cui, Ligang Liu.
The 8th International
Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 553-562, November, 2020. |
Learning Intrinsic
Decomposition of Complex-Textured Fashion Images.
Xiangyu Zhu, Xiaoguang Han, Wei Zhang, Jian
Zhao, Ligang Liu.
IEEE International Conference
on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2020. |
Selected Publications (2019) |
Data-driven Interior
Plan Generation for Residential Buildings.
Wenming Wu, Xiao-Ming Fu, Rui Tang, Yuhan
Wang, Yu-Hao Qi, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph Asia), 38(6),
Article 234: 1-12, 2019. |
Redirected Smooth
Mappings for Multi-user Real Walking in VR.
Zhi-chao Dong, Xiao-Ming Fu, Zeshi Yang, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Graphics, 38(5),
Article 149: 1-17, 2019. |
Computational Peeling Art Design.
Hao Liu, Xiaoteng Zhang, Xiao-Ming Fu,
Zhi-Chao Dong, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph), 38(4),
Article 64: 1-12,
2019. |
Atlas Refinement with
Bounded Packing Efficiency.
Haoyu Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu, Chunyang Ye,
Shuangming Chai, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph), 38(4),
Article 33: 1-13, 2019. |
Deep Reinforcement
Learning of Volume-guided Progressive View Inpainting for 3D Point Scene
Completion from a Single Depth Image.
Xiaoguang Han, Zhaoxuan Zhang, Dong Du,
Mingdai Yang, Jingming Yu, Pan Pan, Xin Yang, Ligang Liu, Zixiang
Xiong, Shuguang Cui.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), oral
234-243, June, 2019. |
EdgeNet: Deep Metric
Learning for 3D Shapes.
Mingjia Chen, Qianfang Zou, Changbo Wang, Ligang Liu.
Aided Geometric Design (Proc. GMP),
2019. |
Computational Design of
Steady 3D Dissection Puzzles.
[Video] [DOI]
Keke Tang, Peng Song, Xiaofei Wang, Bailin
Deng, Chi-Wing Fu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics
Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 38(2): 291-303,
2019. |
Practical Foldover-Free
Volumetric Mapping Construction.
Jian-Ping Su, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics
Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics),
38(7): 287-297,
2019. |
Computing Surface
PolyCube-Maps by Constrained Voxelization.
Yang Yang, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics
Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics),
38(7): 299-309,
2019. |
Deep Video-Based
Performance Synthesis from Sparse Multi-View Capture.
Mingjia Chen, Changbo Wang, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics
Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics),
38(7): 543-554,
2019. |
Multi-Normal Estimation
via Pair Consistency Voting.
Jie Zhang, Junjie Cao, Xiuping Liu, He
Chen, Bo Li, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
25(4): 1693-1706, 2019. |
Static/Dynamic Filtering
for Mesh Geometry.
Juyong Zhang, Bailin Deng, Yang Hong, Yue
Peng, Wenjie Qin, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
25(4): 1774-1787, 2019. |
Detecting 3D Points of
Interest Using Multiple Features and Stacked Auto-encoder.
Zhenyu Shu, Shiqing Xin, Xin Xu, Ligang
Liu, Ladislav Kavan.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
25(8): 2583-2596, 2019. |
Mesh Denoising Guided by
Patch Normal Co-filtering via Kernel Low-rank Recovery.
Mingqiang Wei, Jin Huang, Xingyu Xie,
Ligang Liu, Jun Wang, Jing Qin.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
25(10): 2910-2926, 2019. |
Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models.
Yang Yang, Xiao-Ming Fu, Shuangming Chai,
Shi-Wei Xiao, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
25(10): 2999-3010, 2019. |
Designing deployable 3D
scissor structures with ball-and-socket joints. [DOI]
Xuejin Chen, Haoming Jiang, Tingting Xuan,
Lihan Huang and Ligang Liu.
Journal Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA), 30(1): 1-13, 2019. |
Feature-convinced mesh
denoising. [DOI]
Tao Li, Wei Liu, Hao Liu, Jun Wang, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 101(1):
17-26, 2019. |
Accurate and Fast
Classification of Foot Gestures for Virtual Locomotion. [DOI]
Xinyu Shi, Junjun Pan, Zeyong Hu, Juncong
Lin, Shihui Guo, Minghong Liao, Ye Pan, Ligang Liu.
IEEE International Symposium on
Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), October, 2019. |
Selected Publications (2018) |
Object-aware Guidance
for Autonomous Scene Reconstruction.
[Project page]
Ligang Liu, Xi Xia, Han Sun, Qi Shen,
Juzhan Xu, Bin Chen, Hui Huang, Kai Xu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph),
37(4), Article 104: 1-12, 2018. |
page] [DOI]
Ligang Liu, Chunyang Ye, Ruiqi Ni,
Xiao-Ming Fu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph),
37(4), Article 41: 1-12, 2018. |
Anderson Acceleration
for Geometry Optimization and Physics Simulation.
Yue Peng, Bailin Deng, Juyong Zhang, Fanyu
Geng, Wenjie Qin, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph),
37(4), Article 42: 1-14, 2018. |
3D Face Reconstruction
With Geometry Details From a Single Image.
Luo Jiang, Juyong Zhang, Bailin Deng, Hao
Li, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Image Processing, 27(10): 4756-4770, 2018. |
MIQP-based Layout Design
for Building Interiors.
[Project page]
Wenming Wu, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu,
Peter Wonka.
Graphics Forum (Proc.
Eurographics), 37(2),
2018. |
Advanced Hierarchical
Spherical Parameterizations.
page] [DOI]
Xin Hu, Xiao-Ming
Fu, Ligang Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
24(6): 1930-1941, 2018. |
Support-Free Hollowing.
page] [DOI]
Weiming Wang, Yongjin Liu, Jun Wu,
Shengjing Tian, Charlie C.L. Wang, Ligang Liu, Xiuping Liu.
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
24(10): 2787-2798, 2018. |
Hollowing for 3D Printing via Voronoi Diagram of Ellipses. [DOI]
Mokwon Lee, Qing Fang, Joonghyun Ryu,
Ligang Liu, Deok-Soo Kim.
Design, 101: 23-36, 2018. |
Sphere-based Cut
Construction for Planar Parameterizations. [DOI]
Shuangming Chai, Xiao-Ming Fu, Xin Hu, Yang
Yang, Ligang Liu.
Computer&Graphics (Proc. SMI), 74: 66-75, 2018. |
Propagated Mesh
Normal Filtering. [DOI]
Bin Liu, Junjie Cao, Weiming Wang, Ning Ma,
Bo Li, Ligang Liu, Xiuping Liu.
Computer&Graphics (Proc. SMI), 74: 119-125, 2018. |
Structural Optimization for Frame Structures. [DOI]
Shuangming Chai, Baiyu Chen, Mengyu Ji,
Zhouwang Yang, Manfred Lau, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu.
(Proc. ICVRV), 97: 80-88,
2018. |
Grasp planning via
hand-object geometric fitting.
[Paper] [Video]
Peng Song, Zhongqi Fu, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer,
34(2): 257-270, 2018. |
Mesh Denoising via Total
Variation and Weighted Laplacian Regularizations. [DOI]
Saishang Zhong, Zhong Xie, Weina Wang,
Zheng Liu and Ligang Liu.
Journal Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA), 29 (3-4):1-12, 2018. |
Special Issue of
Geometric Modeling and
Processing (GMP 2018).
David Bommes, John A. Evans, Ligang Liu
(Guest Editors) Computers Aided
Geometric Design, 62:1-2, 2018. |
Selected Publications (2017) |
Smooth Assembled
Mappings for Large-Scale Real Walking.
[Project page]
Zhi-Chao Dong, Xiao-Ming
Fu, Chi Zhang, Kang Wu, Ligang Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 36(6), Article 211: 1-13, 2017. |
Computational Design of
Wind-up Toys.
[Project page]
Peng Song, Xiaofei Wang, Xiao Tang,
Chi-Wing Fu, Hongfei Xu, Ligang Liu, Niloy J. Mitra
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 36(6), Article 238: 1-13, 2017. |
Interlocking Furniture.
[Project page]
Peng Song, Chi-Wing Fu, Yueming Jin,
Hongfei Xu, Ligang Liu, Pheng-Ann Heng, Daniel Cohen-Or
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 36(6), Article 174: 1-14, 2017. |
Rib-reinforced Shell
[Project page]
Wei Li, Anzong Zheng, Lihua You, Xiaosong
Yang, Jianjun Zhang, Ligang Liu.
Graphics Forum (Proc.
Pacific Graphics),
36(7): 15-27, 2017. |
Self-supporting Frame
Weiming Wang, Sicheng Qian, Liping Lin,
Baojun Li, Baocai Yin, Ligang Liu, Xiuping Liu.
Computers &
Graphics (Proc. SMI),
66, 154-161, 2017. |
Cross Section based
Hollowing and Structural Enhancement.
Weiming Wang, Baojun Li, Sicheng Qian,
Yongjin Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Ligang Liu, Baocai Yin, Xiuping
The Visual
Computer (Proc. CGI),
33 (6-8), 949-960, 2017. |
Manifold Construction
Over Polyhedral Mesh.
Chun Zhang, Ligang Liu.
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 5(3): 317-333, 2017. |
Efficient mesh denoising
via robust normal filtering and alternate vertex updating.
Tao Li, Jun Wang, Hao Liu, Ligang Liu.
Frontiers of
Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 18(11):1828-1842,
2017. |
Feature Matching using
Quasi-conformal Maps.
Chunxue Wang, Ligang Liu.
Frontiers of
Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 18(5): 644-657,
2017. |
Fast color transfer from
multiple images.
Asad Khan, Luo Jiang, Wei Li, Ligang Liu.
Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities (Series B), 32(2):
183-200, 2017. |
Deep Face Feature for
Face Alignment.
Boyi Jiang, Juyong Zhang, Bailin Deng,
Yudong Guo, Ligang Liu.
arXiv, 2017. |
Special Issue of
CAD/Graphics Conference 2017.
Dinesh Manoch, Ligang Liu, Kai Xu
(Guest Editors) Computers &
Graphics, 70, A3-A6, December, 2018. |
基于机械结构的动态物体设计的研究进展. (in
中国科学技术大学学报,47 (2): 99-116, 2017. |
基于离散网格的流形曲面构造综述. (in
刘利刚,张纯. 大学数学,33 (2):
1-15, 2017. |
Selected Publications (2016) |
FrameFab: Robotic
Fabrication of Frame Shapes.
[Project page]
Yijiang Huang, Juyong Zhang, Xien Hu,
Guoxian Song, Zhongyuan Liu, Lei Yu, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph Asia),
35(6), Article 224: 1-11 2016. |
Highly Informed Robotic
3D Printed Polygon Mesh - A Novel Strategy of 3D Spatial Printing.
Lei Yu, Yijiang Huang, Zhongyuan Liu, Sai
Xiao, Ligang Liu, Guoxian Song, Yanxin Wang.
Conference of The Association for Computer Aided
Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 2016. |
CofiFab: Coarse-to-Fine
Fabrication of Large 3D Objects.
[Project page]
Peng Song, Bailin Deng, Ziqi Wang, Zhi-Chao Dong, Wei Li,
Chi-Wing Fu, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph),
35(4), Article 45: 1-11, 2016. |
Construction of
Manifolds via Compatible Sparse Representations.
[Project page]
Ruimin Wang, Ligang Liu, Zhouwang
Yang, Kang Wang, Wen Shan, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(2), Article
14: 1-10, 2016. |
Designing Planar
Deployable Objects via Scissor Structures. [Project
Ran Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Xuejin Chen,
Chao Ding, Luo Jiang, Jie Zhou, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, 22(2): 1051-1062, 2016. |
Unsupervised 3D Shape
Segmentation and Co-segmentation via Deep Learning.
Zhenyu Shu, Chengwu Qi, Shiqing Xin, Chao
Hu, Li Wang, Yu Zhang, Ligang Liu.
Aided Geometric Design
(Proc. GMP), 43: 39-52, 2016. |
Bijective Spherical
Parametrization with Low Distortion.
Chunxue Wang, Xin Hu, Xiaoming Fu,
Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics (Proc. SMI),
58: 161-171, 2016. |
Surface Approximation
via Sparse Representation and Parameterization Optimization.
Linlin Xu, Ruimin Wang, Zhouwang Yang,
Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Ligang Liu.
Design (Proc. SPM),
78: 179-187, 2016. |
3D Model Classification
via Principal Thickness Images.
Zhenyu Shu, Shiqing Xin, Huixia Xu,
Ladislav Kavan, Pengfei Wang, Ligang Liu.
Design (Proc. SPM),
78: 199-208, 2016. |
Shape context based mesh
saliency detection and its applications: a survey.
Xianyong Liu, Ligang Liu, Weijie
Song, Yanping Liu, Lizhuang Ma.
and Graphics,
57: 12-30,
2016. |
Upright Orientation of
3D Shapes with Convolutional Networks.
5.0M] [Code]
Zishun Liu, Juyong Zhang, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 85: 22-29, 2016. |
Structural Analysis for 3D Printing.
Wenpeng Xu, Wei Li, Ligang Liu.
Journal of
Computer Science and Technology
(Proc. CVM), 31(3):
439-449, 2016. |
Global Stiffness
Structural Optimization for 3D Printing under Unknown Loads.
Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Yuan Liu, Xuefeng Liu,
Zhouwang Yang, Dongming Yan, Ligang Liu.
Journal of
Computer Graphics Techniques,
5(3): 18-38, 2016. |
A survey on Sketch Based
Modeling Systems.
Chao Ding, Ligang Liu.
Frontiers of Computer Science,
10(6): 985-999, 2016. |
P^2: a robust and
rotationally invariant shape descriptor with applications to mesh
Xianyong Liu, Lizhuang Ma, Ligang Liu.
Applied Mathematics - A Journal
of Chinese Universities (Series B), 31(1): 53-67, 2016. |
A Perceptual Aesthetics
Measure for 3D Shapes.
Kapil Dev, Manfred Lau, Ligang Liu.
2016. |
An explicit fairing
indicator for 2D curves.
Xiaoguang Han, Qing Zhang, Guangchang Dong, Ligang Liu.
Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing, 26(1): 26-39, 2016. |
Euclidean and Hamming
Embedding for Image Patch Description with Convolutional Networks.
Zishun Liu, Zhenxi Li, Juyong Zhang,
Ligang Liu.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW),
1145-1151, 2016. |
Special Issue of
Computational Visual Media Conference
[PDF, 0.6M]
Yukun Lai and Ligang Liu
(Guest Editors) Graphical
Models, Volume 85, 2016. |
Special Issue of
Computational Visual Media Conference
[PDF, 0.6M]
Ligang Liu
and Ralph R. Martin
(Guest Editors) Journal of
Computer Science and Technology, Volume 31, Number 3, 2016. |
Selected Publications (2015) |
Interaction Context
(ICON): Towards a Geometric Functionality Descriptor.
[Project page]
Ruizhen Hu, Chenyang Zhu, Oliver van Kaick,
Ligang Liu, Ariel Shamir, Hao Zhang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph),
34(4): article 83: 1-12, 2015. |
Fast Wavefront
Propagation (FWP) for Computing Exact Discrete Geodesics on Meshes. [Paper,
Chun-Xu Xu, Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Yong-Jin
Liu, Ligang Liu, Ying He.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, 21(7): 822-834, 2015. (2017 ICCM Best Paper
Award) |
Bi-normal Filtering for
Mesh Denoising. [Paper,
Mingqiang Wei, Jinze Yu, Wai-Man Pang,
Jun Wang, Jing Qin, Ligang Liu, Pheng-Ann Heng.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, 21(1): 43-55, 2015. |
Feature Learning for 3D Shapes with Multi-View Depth Images.
[Project page]
Zhige Xie, Kai Xu, Wen Shan, Ligang Liu,
Yueshan Xiong, Hui Huang.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific
Graphics), 34(7): 1-11, 2015. |
Guided Mesh Normal
[Project page]
Wangyu Zhang, Bailin Deng, Juyong Zhang,
Sofien Bouaziz, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific
Graphics), 34(7): 23–34, 2015. |
Quality Point Cloud
Normal Estimation by Guided Least Squares Representation.
Xiuping Liu, Jie Zhang, Junjie Cao,
Bo Li, Ligang Liu.
Computers &
Graphics (Proc. SMI), 51: 106–116, 2015. |
Printing 3D Objects with
Interlocking Parts.
[Project page][Paper] [Video][ScienceDirect]
Peng Song, Zhongqi Fu, Ligang Liu,
Chi-Wing Fu.
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (Proc. GMP), 35-36: 137-148, 2015. |
Slicing Optimization for Effective 3D Printing.
Weiming Wang, Haiyuan Chao, Jing Tong,
Zhouwang Yang, Xin Tong, Hang Li, Xiuping Liu, Ligang Liu.
Graphics Forum,
34(6): 148–160, 2015. |
Survey on Sparsity in
Geometry Modeling and Processing. [Paper,
Linlin Xu, Ruimin Wang, Juyong Zhang,
Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 82, 160-180,
2015. |
Boundary-dominant Flower
Blooming Simulation.
Jianfang Li, Min Liu, Weiwei Xu, Haiyi
Liang, Ligang Liu.
Animation and Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA, Second Best Paper
Award), 26(3-4): 433-443, 2015. |
An Efficient Volumetric
Method for Non-rigid Registration.
Ran Zhang, Xuejin Chen, Takaaki Shiratori,
Xin Tong, Ligang Liu.
79: 1-11, 2015. |
Mesh saliency via
ranking unsalient patches in a descriptor space. [Paper,
Pingping Tao, Junjie Cao, Shuhua Li,
Xiuping Liu, Ligang Liu.
Computers & Graphics (Proc. SMI
2014), 46: 264-274, 2015. |
Special Issue of
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2015.
[PDF, 0.4M]
Mirela Ben-Chen and Ligang Liu
(Guest Editors) Computer Graphics
Forum, Volume 34, Number 5, 2015. |
3D打印中的几何计算研究进展. (in
刘利刚,徐文鹏,王伟明,杨周旺,刘秀平. 计算机学报,38
(6): 1243-1267, 2015. |
Selected Publications (2014) |
3D Printing Oriented
Design: Geometry and Optimization.
[Project page]
Ligang Liu, Charlie Wang, Ariel
Shamir, Emiy Whiting.
Asia Course 031, 2014. |
Robust Surface
Reconstruction via Dictionary Learning.
[Project page]
Shiyao Xiong, Juyong Zhang, Jianmin Zheng,
Jianfei Cai, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 33(6), Article 1: 1-12, 2014. |
Local Barycentric Coordinates.
[Project page]
Juyong Zhang, Balin Deng, Zishun Liu, Giuseppe Patane,
Sofien Bouaziz, Kai Hormann, Ligang Liu.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 33(6), Article 1: 1-12, 2014. |
Structure Completion for
Facade Layouts.
[Project page]
Lubin Fan, Przemyslaw Musialski, Ligang
Liu, Peter Wonka.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph
Asia), 33(6), Article 1: 1-10, 2014. |
Decoupling Noises and
Features via Weighted L1-analysis Compressed Sensing.
[Project page] Ruimin Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Ligang Liu,
Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(2), Article
1-12, 2014. |
Revisiting Optimal
Delaunay Triangulation for 3D Graded Mesh Generation.
Zhonggui Chen, Wenping Wang, Bruno Levy,
Ligang Liu, Feng Sun.
SIAM Journal
on Scientific Computing,
36(3): A930-A954,
2014. |
3D Shape Segmentation
and Labeling via Extreme Learning Machine. [Paper,
Zhige Xie, Kai Xu,
Ligang Liu, Yueshan Xiong.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
SGP), 33(5): 85-95, 2014. |
Globally Consistent
Rigid Registration. [Paper,
Yuan Liu, Wen Zhou, Zhouwang Yang,
Ligang Liu, Jiansong Deng.
Graphical Models (Proc. GMP),
76(5): 542-553, 2014. |
Spherical Parameterization. [Paper,
Chunxue Wang, Zheng Liu, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models (Proc. GMP),
76(5): 457-467, 2014. |
Grey Conversion via
Perceived-Contrast. [PDF,
Zhu, Ruizhen Hu, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer,
30(3):299-309, 2014. |
Shape Recognition of CAD
Models via Iterative Slippage Analysis. [Paper,
Bing Yi, Zhenyu Liu, Jianrong Tan,
Fengbei Cheng, Guifang Duan, Ligang Liu.
Computer-Aided Design, 55(1):
13-25, 2014. |
Confidence-Driven Image
Co-matting. [Paper,
Linbo Wang, Tianchen Xia, Yanwen Guo,
Ligang Liu, Jue Wang.
Computers & Graphics (Proc.
CAD/Graphics 2013, Best Paper Honorable Mention), 38(2): 131-139, 2014. |
Scale-Aware Shape
Manipulation. [Paper,
Zheng Liu, Weiming Wang, Xiuping Liu, Ligang Liu.
Journal of Zhejiang University
Science C (Computers & Electronics), 15(9): 764-775, 2014. |
Upright Orientation of
3D shapes via Tensor Rank Minimization. [Paper,
Weiming Wang, Xiuping Liu, Ligang Liu.
Journal of Mechanical Science and
Technology, 28(7): 2469-2477, 2014. |
Parametric Curves with
Implicit Domain. [Paper,
Weihong Zhang, Jiansong Deng, Zhouwang
Yang, Ligang Liu.
SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,
57(12): 2621–2634, 2014. |
Special Issue of
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2014.
[PDF, 0.4M]
Kai Hormann and Ligang Liu (Guest
Editors) Computer-Aided Design,
Volume 58, January 2015. |
Selected Publications (2013) |
Cost-effective Printing
of 3D Objects with Skin-Frame Structures.
[Project page]
[Test-of-Time Award at
Siggraph Asia 2023]
Weiming Wang, Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Zhouwang
Yang, Ligang Liu, Xin Tong, Weihua Tong, Jiansong Deng, Falai
Chen, Xiuping
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH
Asia), 32(5), Article 177: 1-10, 2013. |
Semantic Decomposition
and Reconstruction of Residential Scenes from LiDAR Data. [Project
page] Hui Lin, Jizhou Gao, Yu
Zhou, Guiliang Lu, Mao Ye, Chenxi Zhang, Ligang Liu, Ruigang Yang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH),
32(4), Article 66: 1-10, 2013. |
Consolidation of
Low-quality Point Clouds from Outdoor Scenes.
Jun Wang, Kai Xu, Ligang Liu, Junjie
Cao, Shengjun Liu, Zeyun Yu, Xianfeng Gu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. SGP), 32(5):
207-216, 2013. |
Modeling by Drawing with
Shadow Guidance. [Project
Lubin Fan, Ruimin Wang, Linlin Xu,
Jiansong Deng, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Pacific Graphics), 32(7): 157-166, 2013. |
A Video-based Interface
for Hand-Driven Stop Motion Animation Production. [Project
Xiaoguang Han, Hongbo Fu,
Hanlin Zheng, Ligang Liu, Jue Wang.
IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, 33(6): 70-81, 2013. |
Garment Personalization
via Identity Transfer. [Project
page] Roy Shilkrot, Daniel
Cohen-Or, Ariel Shamir, Ligang Liu.
IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, 33(4): 62-72, 2013. |
On Affine Rigidity. [Paper,
Steven J. Gortler, Craig Gotsman,
Ligang Liu, Dylan P. Thurston.
Journal of Computational Geometry,
4(1): 160-181, 2013. |
Laplace-Beltrami Operator from Differential Quantities. [Paper,
RuiminWang, Zhouwang Yang, Ligang Liu,
Qing Chen.
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 1(3): 331-350, 2013. |
Shape matching and
retrieval based on multiple feature descriptors. [PDF,
Weiming Wang, Xiuping Liu, Ligang Liu.
Computer Aided Drafting, Design and
Manufacturing, 23(1): 71-78, 2013. |
Geometry Curves: A
Compact Representation for 3D Shapes. [Project
Guo Li, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 75(5): 265-278, 2013. |
Mesh Saliency with
Global Rarity. [Project
Jinliang Wu, Xiaoyong Shen, Wei Zhu, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 75(5): 255-264, 2013. |
Mona Lisa alive: Create
Self-moving Objects using Hollow-face Illusion.
Jing Tong, Ligang Liu, Jin Zhou,
Zhigeng Pan.
The Visual Computer
(Proc. CGI), 29(6-8): 535-544, 2013. |
Selected Publications (2012) |
Multi-Scale Partial
Intrinsic Symmetry Detection. [Project
page] Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Wei
Jiang, Ramsay Dyer, Zhi-Quan Cheng, Ligang Liu, Baoquan Chen.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH
Asia), 31(6), Article 181: 1-12, 2012. |
Scanning 3D Full Human
Bodies using Kinects. [Project page]
Jing Tong, Jin
Zhou, Ligang Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Hao Yan.
IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Virtual
Reality), 18(4), 643-650, 2012. |
Variational Blue Noise
Sampling. [Project
Zhonggui Chen, Zhan Yuan, Yi-King Choi,
Ligang Liu, Wenping Wang.
IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(10): 1784-1796,
2012. |
Co-Segmentation of 3D
Shapes via Subspace Clustering. [Project
page] Ruizhen Hu, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum
(Proc. Symposium on Geometry Processing), 31(5):
1703-1713, 2012. |
Unsupervised Upright
Orientation of Man-Made Models. [PDF,
2.0M] Yong Jin,
Qingbiao Wu, Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models (Proc. GMP),
74(4): 99-108, 2012. |
Detail-Replicating Shape
Stretching. [PDF,
1.9M] [Demo at
Youtube] Ibraheem Alhashim,
Hao Zhang, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer,28(12):
1153-1166, 2012. |
Blue noise sampling on
Surfaces. [PDF,
1.7M] Yin Xu, Ruizhen Hu, Craig
Gotsman, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics, 36(4),
232-240, 2012. |
Sketch-based Mesh
Cutting: A Comparative Study. [Project
page] Lubin Fan, Min Meng,
Ligang Liu.
Graphical Models, 74(6): 292-301,
2012. |
Interactive Two-Scale
Color-to-gray. [PDF,
Jinliang Wu, Xiaoyong Shen, Ligang Liu.
The Visual Computer (Proc.
Computer Graphics International), 28(6-8), 723-731, 2012. |
Aesthetic photo
composition by optimal crop-and-warp. [PDF,
Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics, 36(8):
955-965, 2012. |
Curve intersection using
hybrid clipping. [PDF,
Qi Lou, Ligang Liu.
Computers&Graphics (Proc.
Solid Modeling International), 36(5): 309–320, 2012. |
Selected Publications (2011) |
Animated Construction of
Line Drawings. [Project
page] Hongbo Fu, Shizhe Zhou,
Ligang Liu, Niloy J. Mitra.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 30(6), Article No.133: 1-10, 2011. |
Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling. [Project
page] Kai Xu, Hanlin Zheng,
Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ligang Liu, Yueshan Xiong.
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2011, 30(4), Article No.80: 1-10. |
iCutter: A Direct Cut
Out Tool for 3D Shapes. [Project
Min Meng, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu.
Journal of Computer Animation and
Virtual World, 22(4), 335-342, 2011. |
Embedding a Triangular
Graph within a Given Boundary. [Paper]
Yin Xu, Renjie
Chen, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu.
Computer Aided Geometric
Design, 28, 349-356, 2011. |
Paint Mesh Cutting.
Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu, Kun Liu.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 30(2),
603-611, 2011. |
Symmetry Hierarchy of Man-Made Objects. [Project
Yanzhen Wang,
Kai Xu, Jun Li, Hao Zhang, Ariel Shamir, Ligang Liu,
Zhiquan Cheng, Yueshan Xiong.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 30(2),
287-296, 2011. |
A Comparative Evaluation of
Foreground/Background Sketch-based Mesh Segmentation Algorithms.
Min Meng, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu.
Computers &Graphics (Proc. Shape Modeling
International), 35(3), 650-660, 2011. |
Capacity-Constrained Delaunay Triangulation for Point
Distributions. [Project
Yin Xu, Ligang Liu,
Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler.
Computers &Graphics (Proc. Shape Modeling International),
35(3), 510-516, 2011. |
Feature Enhancement by
Vertex Flow for 3D Shapes. [Paper]
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Bin Wang, Wenping Wang.
Computer-Aided Design and
Applications, 8(5), 649-664, 2011.
Selected Publications (2010) |
Reconstruction and Manipulation using Arterial Snakes. [Project
Guo Li, Ligang Liu, Hanlin Zheng, Niloy Mitra.
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 29(5),
Article No.152: 1-10, 2010.
Parametric Reshaping of
Human Bodies in Images. [Project
Shizhe Zhou,
Hongbo Fu, Ligang Liu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Xiaoguang Han.
ACM Transactions
on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH), 29(4),
Article No.126: 1-10, 2010.
As-Rigid-As-Possible Approach to Sensor Network Localization.
page] Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Craig Gotsman and Steven J. Gortler.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 6(4), Article 35:
1-21, 2010. |
B-Mesh: A Modeling System for Base
Meshes of 3D Articulated Shapes. [Project
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Yigang Wang.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific
Graphics), 29(7), 2169-2178, 2010. |
Realtime aesthetic image retargeting.
[Demo] [Talk]
Ligang Liu,
Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu.
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Computational
Aesthetic in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, pp.1-8,
2010. |
Optimizing Photo Composition.
Ligang Liu, Renjie Chen, Lior Wolf, Daniel Cohen-Or.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics),
29(2), 469-478, 2010. |
Nonhomogeneous Scaling
Optimization for Realtime Image Resizing.
page] Yong Jin, Ligang Liu,
Qingbiao Wu.
The Visual Computer (Proceedings
of CGI), 26(6-8), 769-778, 2010. |
Image Resizing by Quadratic Programming. [Paper] Renjie
Chen, Daniel Freedman, Zachi Karni, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu.
Proc. CVPR Workshop on Non-Rigid
Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment (NORDIA), 1-8, 2010. (The
Best Paper Award) |
Mesh reconstruction by meshless
denoising and parameterization. [Paper]
[Talk] Lei
Zhang, Ligang Liu, Craig Gotsman, Hua Huang.
Computers&Graphics (Proc. SMI),
34(3), 198-208, 2010. |
A Spectral Characterization of the
Delaunay Triangulation. [Paper] Renjie
Chen, Yin Xu, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27(4),
295-300, 2010. |
Approximately harmonic
projection: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm. [Paper] Binbin
Lin, Xiaofei He, Yuan Zhou, Ligang Liu, Ke Lu.
Pattern Recognition,
43, 3307-3313, 2010. |
Image Driven Shape Deformation using Styles.
[Paper] Guanghua
Tan, Wei Chen, Ligang Liu.
Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE C), 11(1), 27-35, 2010. |
resampling for patch-based texture synthesis in vector fields. [Paper] Renjie
Chen, Ligang Liu, Guangchang Dong.
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 38(1/2/3),
124-133, 2010.
Selected Publications (2009) |
Feature-Aligned Shape Texturing.
Kai Xu,
Daniel Cohen-Or, Tao Ju, Ligang Liu, Hao Zhang, Shizhe Zhou, Yueshan
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 28(5), Article No. 108: 1-7, 2009.
Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes. [Project
Kai Xu, Hao
Zhang, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Ligang Liu, Guo Li, Min Meng, Yueshan Xiong.
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA), 28(5), Article No. 138: 1-10, 2009. |
Approach for Computing Roots of Polynomials using Cubic Clipping. [Paper]
Ligang Liu,
Lei Zhang, Binbin Lin, Guojin Wang.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(5), 547-559, 2009. |
Selected Publications (before 2009) |
A Local/Global
Approach to Mesh Parameterization. [Project page]
Liu, Lei Zhang, Yin Xu, Craig Gotsman, Steven J. Gortler.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc.
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)), 27(5), 1495-1504,
2008. |
Non-Iterative Approach for
Global Mesh Optimization. [Project page]
Liu, Chiew-Lan Tai, Zhongping Ji, Guojin Wang.
Computer-Aided Design, 39(9), 772-782,
2007. |
Dual Laplacian Morphing for Triangular Meshes.
page] Jianwei Hu,
Ligang Liu, Guozhao Wang.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
(Proc. Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA)), 18, 271-277, 2007.
Easy Mesh Cutting. [Project
Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Zhonggui Chen, Guojin Wang.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 25(3), 283-291, 2006.
Dual Laplacian
Editing for Meshes. [Project
page] [Paper] Oscar
Kin-Chung Au, Chiew-Lan Tai, Ligang Liu, Hongbo Fu.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, 12(3), 386-395, 2006. |
Manifold Parameterization.
page] Lei
Zhang, Ligang Liu, Zhongping Ji, Guojin Wang.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. Computer Graphics
International), 4035, 160-171, 2006. |
based Approach for Planar Morphing. [Paper]
[Demo] [Talk]
Liu, Guopu Wang, Bo Zhang, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum.
Proc. Pacific Graphics, pp. 111-120, 2004. |
Synthesis of Bi-directional Texture Functions on Arbitrary Surfaces.
[Demo] [Talk]
Tong, Jingdan Zhang, Ligang Liu, Xi Wang, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum.
Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH), 21(3), 665-672, 2002.
- Professional Services
- Editor Board of Academic
- Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD),
Associate Editor, 2016-
- Computers & Graphics (C&G),
Associate Editor, 2018-
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG),
Associate Editor, 2016-2020
- Computer Graphics Forum (CGF),
Associate Editor, 2016-2020
- IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
Associate Editor, 2016-2020
- The Visual Computer (TVC),
Associate Editor, 2016-2022
- Computer-Aided Drafting, Design and
Manufacturing (CADDM), Associate Editor, 2012-2016
- 软件学报,责任编委,2015-2019
Organizing Conferences/Workshops
- Conference Co-chairs
- CSIAM GDC 2025, Aug. 20-22, 2025,
Yantai, Shandong, China
- Pacific Graphics 2024 (PG
2024), Oct. 13-16, 2024, Huangshan, China
Chinagraph 2024,
Oct. 10-13, 2024, Huangshan, China
GDC 2024, Aug.
15-18, 2024, Nanchang, China
CAD/CG 2024,
Aug. 15-18, 2024, Nanchang, China
GDC 2023, Aug.
18-20, 2023, Shanghai, China
- CCF CAD/CG 2021+2022, Aug. 22-25,
2022, Dalian, China
Geometric Modeling and Processing
2017 (GMP 2017),
April 17-19, 2017, Xiamen, China
Conference Program Co-chairs
2024, June 5-8, 2024, Qingdao, China
SMI 2023, July 4-6,
2023, Genova, Italy
Chinagraph 2020, Oct. 23-25, 2020, Xiamen, China.
- ChinaVR 2020, Sep. 16-19, 2020, Changchun, China.
- Eurographics Workshops (EG
2019), May 6-10, 2019, Genova, Italy.
- SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
(SIAM GD 2019), June 17-19, 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
- Geometric Modeling and Processing
2018 (GMP 2018), April
9-11, 2018, Aachen, Germany.
- The 15th International Conference
on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2017)
- The Computational Visual Media
Conference (CVM 2016)
Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE
- Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2014)
- Graphics conference of China (Chinagraph
Geometric Computing Workshop of the First Asian Conference on
Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE
- The 4th CSIAM
Geometric Design and Computing of China (GDC 2009)
- The 5th CSIAM
Geometric Design and Computing of China (GDC 2011)
- Program Committee Member
- Tutorial/Course and Invited Talks at Conferences
- "浅谈3D表达--发展与应用",Chinagraph
2024, Keynote talk, Huangshan, China
- "Computational 3D Art
Design", Keynote talk (online),
- "Computational 3D Visual
Art Design", Keynote talk (online),
SGP 2022
- “Fabrication aware
geometric design and optimization”,Keynote talk, Asian Conference on
Design and Digital Engineering , Nov. 1-3, 2018, Okinawa, Japan (ACDDE2018)
“面向性能的几何造型与设计”,特邀报告,全国计算机辅助设计与图形学大会,2017年10月11-14日,天津 (ChinaCAD&CG
“三维几何数据的稀疏学习和深度学习”,会前课程,全国计算机辅助设计与图形学大会,2017年10月11-14日,天津 (ChinaCAD&CG
“3D打印中的几何与计算问题”,特邀报告,全国计算机数学学术会议,2015年10月30日-11月2日,合肥 (CM
- "3D
printing oriented design: geometry and optimization", Siggraph Asia
course, Dec. 5, 2014.
- "Computer graphics in 3D
printing: opportunities and challenges", invited talk, "Advances in
Computer Graphics" of the CCF Advanced Disciplines Lectures, Aug. 26-28,
2013, Beijing, China (CCFADL41).
- "Knowledge-based
Geometric Modeling", invited talk, the 6th CSIAM
Geometric Design and Computing of China, July 19-21, 2013, Dalian,
China (GDC 2013)
- "3D Printing and Geometry
Processing in 3D Printing", tutorial, the 6th CSIAM
Geometric Design and Computing of China, July 19-21, 2013, Dalian,
China (GDC 2013)
- "Digital Geometry
Processing", tutorial, the 5th CSIAM
Geometric Design and Computing of China, Nov. 10-13, 2011, Guangzhou,
China (GDC 2011)
- "Geometric Modeling and
Processing", the First Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference on 3D Imaging,
Modeling, Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, May 16-19, 2011,
Hangzhou, China (3DIMPVT 2011)
- Attending Academic Conferences
- 第二届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,安徽合肥,2005年4月16日-21日 (GDC
- The 13rd Pacific Conference on Computer
Graphics and Application, Oct. 12-14, 2005, Macau, China (PG
- The 9th International Computer Aided
Design and Computer Graphics Conference, Dec. 7-10, 2005, Hong Kong,
China (CAD/CG 2005)
- The 6th International Conference on
Curves and Surfaces, Jun. 29-Jul. 5, 2006, Avignon, France (Curves&Surfaces
- The 2nd China-Korea Joint Conference on
Geometric and Visual Computing, Aug. 23-25, 2006, Hangzhou, China (CKJC
- Eurographics, Sep. 4-8, 2006, Vienna,
Austria (Eurographics
- The 14th Conference on CAD/CG of China,
Oct. 18-20, 2006, Jinan, China (CAD/CG
- The 3rd Conference on Intelligent CAD
and Digital Entertainment of China, Oct. 20-22, 2006, Jinan, China (CIDE
- The 33rd Graphics Interface conference,
May 28-30, 2007, Montreal, Canada
- ACM Solid and Physical Modeling
Symposium, June 4-6, 2007, Beijing, China (SPM
- 第三届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,甘肃兰州,2007年7月15日-22日 (GDC
- The 34th International Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Aug. 4-10,
2007, San Diego, USA (SIGGRAPH
- The 3rd Korea-China Joint Conference on
Geometric and Visual Computing, Aug. 22-24, 2007, Seoul, Korea (KCJC
Workshop on
Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces, Sep.10-14,
2007, Strobl, Austria
on Polyhedral Surfaces and Industrial Applications, Sep.14-18, 2007,
Strobl, Austria
- Geometric Modeling and Processing,
April 23-25, 2008, Hangzhou, China. (GMP
- The Sixth Eurographics Symposium on
Geometry Processing, July 2-4, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. (SGP
- The 35th International Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Aug. 11-15,
2008, Los Angels, USA (SIGGRAPH
- The 4th China-Korea Joint Conference on
Geometric and Visual Computing & IJCC Workshop, Aug. 25-26, 2008, Hefei,
China (CKJC
International Workshop on City
Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization at SIAT (2008), Dec. 9-11, 2008,
Shenzhen, China
- The 1st China-Israel Bi-National
Conference on Graphics and Geometric Computing, Oct. 10-12, 2009,
Beijing, China (CI
- Eurographics, May. 3-7, 2010,
Sweden (Eurographics
- International Symposium on
Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, June
14-15, 2010, London, The United Kingdom (CAe
- The 37th International Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, July 25-29,
2010, Los Angels, USA (SIGGRAPH
- Asian Conference on Design and Digital
Engineering, Aug. 25-28, 2010, Jeju, Korea (ACDDE
- Pacific
Graphics, Sep. 25-27, 2010, Hangzhou, China (PG 2010)
- The First Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference
on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization, and Transmission,
May 16-19, 2011, Hangzhou, China (3DIMPVT
- The 8th Dagstuhl Workshop on Geometric
Modeling, May 22-27, 2011, Dagstuhl, Germany (Dagstuhl
- The 2nd China-Israel Bi-National
Conference on Graphics and Geometric Computing, June 19-20, 2011,
Herzeliya, Israel (CI
- Shape Modeling International, June
22-24, 2011, Herzeliya, Israel (SMI
- The
Second Asian Conference on
Design and Digital Engineering, Aug. 22-24, 2011, Shanghai, China (ACDDE
- International Conference on
CAD/Graphics, Sep. 14-16, 2011, Jinan, China (CAD/Graphics
- 第五届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,广东广州,2011年11月12日-14日 (GDC 2011)
- Siggraph Asia, Dec. 12-15, 2011, Hong
Kong, China (SIGGRAPH Asia
- GMSV Summit 2012, April 25-27, KAUST,
Saudi Arabia
- Geometric Modeling and Processing,
June 18-22, 2012, Huangshan, China. (GMP
- Pacific Graphics, Sep. 11-14, 2012, Hong
Kong, China (PG 2012)
- 第六届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,辽宁大连,2013年7月19日-21日 (GDC 2013)
- "Advances in Computer Graphics" of the
CCF Advanced Disciplines Lectures, Aug. 26-28, 2013, Beijing, China (CCFADL41,
Workshop on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques at SIAT,
Nov. 18, 2013, Shenzhen, China
- The 6th ACM Siggraph Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia, Nov.
19-22, 2013, Hong Kong, China (SIGGRAPH
Asia 2013)
- The 9th Dagstuhl Workshop on Geometric
Modeling, May 25-30, 2014, Dagstuhl, Germany (Dagstuhl
- Computer Graphics Workshop of Taiwan,
July 10-11, 2014, Taipei (CGW
- The 41th International Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Aug. 10-14,
2014, Vancouver, Canada (SIGGRAPH
- 第七届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,江西吉安,2014年8月22日-24日 (GDC
- Chinagraph, Oct. 17-19, 2014, Wuhan,
China (Chinagraph 2014)
- Symposium on Solid and Physical
Modeling, Oct. 26-28, 2014, Hong Kong, China (SPM
- Shape Modeling International, Oct.
28-30, 2014, Hong Kong, China (SMI
- The 7th ACM Siggraph Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia, Dec.
3-6, 2014, Shenzhen, China (SIGGRAPH
Asia 2014)
- Symposium on Geometry Processing, July
6-8, 2015, Graz, Austria (SGP
- International Workshop on Geometry,
Schloss Seggau (Seggau castle), July 10-12, Seggau, Austria (Seggau
- 第八届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,浙江杭州,2015年8月22日-24日
- International Conference on
CAD/Graphics, Aug. 25-27, 2015, Xi'an, China (CAD/Graphics
- Pacific Graphics, Oct. 7-9, 2015,
Beijing, China (PG 2015)
- Conference of Computational Visual Media
Conference, April 5-8, Cardiff, UK (CVM 2016)
- 第九届全国几何设计与计算学术会议,安徽合肥,2016年7月15日-17日 (GDC
- The 43th International Conference and
Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, July 22-28,
2016, Anaheim, USA (SIGGRAPH 2016)
- IEEE TVCG Workshop on New Advances in
Computer Graphics and Visualization, Sep. 22, 2016, Beijing, China
- China-Israel Bilateral Workshop on
Visual Computing and Machine Learning, Oct. 15-16, 2016, Kunming, China
- 中国计算机大会,2016年10月20-22日,中国太原(CNCC
- The 7th Asian Conference on Design and
Digital Engineering, Oct. 25-27, 2016, Jeju, Korea (ACDDE
- 中国计算机辅助设计与图形学大会,2016年11月4-6日,中国杭州 (Chinagraph
- The 10th Dagstuhl Workshop on Geometric
Modeling, May 28-June 2, 2017, Dagstuhl, Germany (Dagstuhl
- 人机交互HHME2017会议,2017年7月24-25日,山东青岛
- GDC 2017,2017年8月11-13日,山东烟台
- CAD/Graphics 2017,2017年8月23-25日,湖南张家界
- 全国计算机辅助设计与图形学大会,2017年10月11-14日,天津
(ChinaCAD&CG 2017)
- ChinaVR 2017,2017年10月21-22日,河南郑州
- 软体机器人理论与技术国际研讨会,2017年12月16-18日,中国上海
GMP 2018,2018年4月9-11日,Aachen,
第十三届数字娱乐与艺术大会暨机器人与服务智能论坛,2018年8月20-21日,大连 (DEA 2018)
- Academic Visit
Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Hong
Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong), Jan.15-Feb. 15,
Prof. Bert Juettler
(Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria), Jun.6-27, 2006
- Prof.
Yiyu Cai and
Jianmin Zheng (Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore), Feb. 6-11, 2007
Prof. Deok-Soo Kim (Hanyang
University, Seoul, Korea), Feb. 14-18, 2007
Prof. Wenping Wang (The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Apr. 28-May5, 2007
Prof. Xianfeng Gu (Stony
Brook University, USA), June 6-June 9, 2009
Prof. Olga Sorkine (New York
University, USA), Nov. 16, 2010
Prof. Richard Hao Zhang (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Nov. 21-24, 2010
Prof. Steven J. Gortler
(Harvard University, USA), May 2009-Jan. 2011
Prof. Craig Gotsman
(Technion, Israel), June 14-June 17, 2011
Prof. Ying He (Nanyang
Technological University), Mar. 15-18, 2012
Prof. Wenping Wang (The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), May 29-June 1, 2013
Prof. Leif Kobbelt (RWTH
Aachen University, Germany), May 21-24, 2014
- Dr.
Yann Savoye (TU Innsbruck, Austria), July 1-3, 2015
Prof. Bernd Bickel (IST,
Austria), July 3-5, 2015
Prof. Niloy Mitra
(UCL, UK), Mar. 29-31, 2016
Dr. Manfred Lau
(University of Lancaster, UK), April 1-2, 2016
- Dr.
Bailin Deng (University of Hull), April 3-4, 2016
Prof. Hans-Peter
Seidel and Dr. Renjie
Chen (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), June 2-4, 2017
Prof. Konrad Polthier
(Freie Universität Berlin), June 5-6, 2017
Prof. Michael Wand
(Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz), June 7-8, 2017
Prof. Konrad Polthier
(Freie Universität Berlin), April 11-12, 2018
- Prof.
Mark Pauly (EPFL), April 13-14, 2018
Prof. Stelian Coros (ETH),
April 15-16, 2018
- Computer Graphics (计算机图形学), Undergraduates,
- Mathematical Modeling (数学建模),
Undergraduates, 001139
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
(计算机辅助几何设计), Graduates,
- Digital Geometry Processing (数字几何处理), Graduates,
- Digital Image Processing (数字图像处理), Graduates,
Advances in Computer Graphics (计算机图形学前沿进展),
Senior undergraduates and graduates, Summer School, 001M0601
Summer, 2012
Summer, 2013
Summer, 2014
Summer, 2015
Summer, 2016
Summer, 2017
Summer, 2018
Summer, 2019
Summer, 2021
Summer, 2022
Summer, 2023
Summer, 2024
- GAMES在线课程
- Seminar on paper reading
(Siggraph 2020 & Siggraph Asia 2020)
202109 (Siggraph 2021)
- Overview on Mathematics (数学大观),
Junior undergraduates, Summer School, 001M0401
- 指导学生的学位论文
SmartChair: We have developed a
powerful online conference management system, called SmartChair,
in our lab. It has all the features (submission, review, registration, etc.)
that all the other conference systems have and it allows users to customize
its features. It is totally FREE. If you want to use SmartChair to manage
your conferences, please contact us via Enjoy it!
- Hobbies: travelling, photography, badminton, tennis,
football, etc.
Copyright © Ligang Liu |