Publications of Jiansong DENG from USTC (under categories)

Time order


  1. Youdong Ding, Jiansong Deng, HCT spline interpolating surfaces over triangulation, Journal of USTC, Vol.27, No.4, 377--381, 1997. (in Chinese)
  2. Zhibing Chen, Jiansong Deng, Meicheng Xi, Yuyu Feng, On the dimension of spline space S_6^3(\Delta_ms) for Morgan-Scott partition, Journal of USTC, Vol.28, No.5, 505--512, 1998 (in Chinese)
  3. Jiansong Deng, Meicheng Xi, Yuyu Feng, On the dimension of the C^4 spline space for Morgan-Scott partition, Appl. Math. --JCU, Vol.13, Ser. A, Suppl., 1--98, 1998 (in Chinese)
  4. J.S. Deng, Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, A Note on the Dimension of the Bivariate Spline Space over the Morgan--Scott Triangulation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol.37, No.3(2000), 1021-1028. (SCI, EI)
  5. Zhangjin Huang, Jiansong Deng, Xin Li, Dimensions of spline space over general T-meshes, Proceedings of the 1st Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, Busan, South Korea, 92--101, 2005.8. Republished on Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.6, 573--581, 2006. (Proceedings version)
  6. Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Yuyu Feng, Dimensions of spline spaces over T-meshes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.194, No.2, 267--283, 2006. (SCI)
  7. Zhangjin Huang, Jiansong Deng, Yuyu Feng, and Falai Chen, New Proof of Dimension Formula of Spline Spaces over T-meshes via Smoothing Cofactors, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.24, No.4, 501--514, 2006 (SCI)
  8. Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Dimensions of Spline Spaces Over 3D Hierarchical T-Meshes, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.3, No.3, 487--501, 2006. (EI)
  9. Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Surface Modeling with Polynomial Splines over Hierarchical T-meshes, The Visual Computer, Vol.23, No.12, 1027-1033, 2007. (SCI)
  10. Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Xin Li, Changqi Hu, Weihua Tong, Zhouwang Yang, Yuyu Feng, Polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes, Graphical Models, Vol.74, No.4, 76--86. 2008. (SCI)
  11. Liangbin Jin, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Submesh Splines over Hierarchical T-meshes, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 204—209, 2009. (EI)
  12. Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Polynomial splines over general T-meshes, The Visual Computer, Vol.26, No.4, 277—286, 2010. (SCI)
  13. Jun Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Liangbing Jin, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Adaptive surface reconstruction based on implicit PHT-splines. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2010: 101-110.
  14. Ping Wang, Jinlan Xu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Adaptive isogeometric analysis using rational PHT-splines, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.43, 1438-1448, 2011. (SCI)
  15. Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Liangbin Jin, Dimensions of biquadratic spline spaces over T-meshes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.238, 68-94, 2013. (SCI)
  16. Meng Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Dimension of spline spaces with highest order smoothness over hierarchical T-meshes, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.30, 20-34, 2013. (SCI)
  17. Hongmei Kang, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Modified T-splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 30(9), pp 827-843, 2013/12.
  18. Meng Wu, Weihong Zhang, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Spline spaces with mixed orders of continuity over T-meshes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.268, 179-193, 2014.
  19. Hongmei Kang, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Hierarchical B-splines on regular triangular partitions, Graphical Models, Vol.76, No.5, 289-300, 2014.9. (SCI)
  20. Hongmei Kang, Falai Chen, Yusheng Li, Jiansong Deng, Zhouwang Yang, Knot calculation for spline fitting via sparse optimization, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.58, 179-188, 2015.
  21. Chao Zeng, Fang Deng, Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Dimensions of biquadratic and bicubic spline spaces over hierarchical T-meshes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.287, 162-178, 2015.
  22. Chao Zeng, Fang Deng, Jiansong Deng, Bicubic hierarchical B-splines: Dimensions, completeness, and bases, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.38, 1-23, 2015. (SCI)
  23. Hongmei Kang, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Hierarchical box splines, 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 73—80, 2015.
  24. Hongmei Kang, Jinlan Xu, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, A new basis for PHT-splines, Graphical Models, Vol.82, 149—159, 2015. (SCI)
  25. Chao Zeng, Meng Wu, Fang Deng, Jiansong Deng, Dimensions of spline spaces over non-rectangular T-meshes, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 1—28, 2016. (SCI)
  26. Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, On the dimension of spline spaces over T-meshes with smoothing cofactor-conformality method, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.41, 76—86, 2016. (SCI)
  27. Xin Li, Falai Chen, Hongmei Kang, Jiansong Deng, A survey on the local refinable splines, Science China --- Mathematics, Vol.59, No.4, 617—644, 2016.
  28. Hongmei Kang, Xin Li, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Truncated hierarchical Loop subdivision surfaces and application in isogeometric analysis, Computers and Mathematics with Application, Vol.72, 2041—2055, 2016.

Mu-bases and moving lines/planes method

  1. Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, and Liyong Shen, Computing mu-bases of rational curves and surfaces using polynomial matrix factorization, Proceedings of the ISSAC'2005, Manuel Kauers ed., 2005.7, 132--139, ACM Press, USA. (EI, ISTP)
  2. Liyong Shen, Falai Chen, Bert Juettler, Jiansong Deng, Approximate mu-bases of rational curves and surfaces, Proceedings of Geometric Modeling and Processing 2006, M.-S. Kim and K. Shimada eds., Lecture Notes in Comptuer Science, 4077, 175--188, 2006. (SCI)
  3. Falai Chen, Liyong Shen, Jiansong Deng, Implicitization and parametrization of quadratic and cubic surfaces by ¦Ì-bases, Computing, Vol.79, No.2-4, 131--142, 2007.4 (SCI)
  4. Xuhui Wang, Falai Chen and Jiansong Deng, Implicitization and parametrization of quadratic surfaces with one simple base point, ISSAC'2008, 31--38.
  5. Xiaohong Jia, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Computing self-intersection curves of rational ruled surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.26, No.3, 287 -- 299, 2009.3. (SCI)

Implicit curve and surface construction

  1. Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Dynamic implicit curve reconstruction based on approximate geometric distance, Journal of Software, Vol.15, 264-272, 2004 (in Chinese, EI)
  2. Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Fitting point clouds with active implicit B-spline curves, The Visual Computer (Special Issue for Pacific Graphics 2005), 21 (8-10), 831--839, 2005. (SCI)
  3. Zhouwang Yang, Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, and Falai Chen, Specification of Initial Shapes for Dynamic Implicit Surface Reconstruction, The proceedings of the 1st Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, Busan, South Korea, 209--218, 2005.8, Republished on Journal of Computer Science and Technology after a minor modification, Vol.21, No.2, 249--254, 2006. (SCI)
  4. Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, and Changqi Hu, A Successive Minima Method for Implicit Approximation, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.2, No.2, 375-384, 2005 (EI)
  5. Chendong Xu, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Cubic algebraic spline curves design, Applied Mathematics -- A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, Vol.26, No.2, 213-229, 2011. (SCI)
  6. Jun Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Liangbing Jin, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Parallel and adaptive surface reconstruction based on implicit PHT-splines, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.28, 463-474, 2011. (SCI)
  7. Chendong Xu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Zhouwang Yang, Constructing implicit curves based on guidance vectors, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.40, No.12, 1211-1224, 2010.12.
  8. Weihong Zhang, Jiansong Deng, Zhouwang Yang, Ligang Liu, Parametric curve with an implicit domain, Science China --- Mathematics, Vol.57, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11425-014-4832-0. (SCI)
  9. Wenyue Feng, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Moving multiple curves/surfaces approximation of mixed point clouds, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2, 107-124, 2014.
  10. Zhao Liu, Maodong Pan, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Recovery of Sharp Features in Mesh Models, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.3, No.2, 263-283, 2015.

Blending surfaces

  1. Falai Chen, Changsong Chen, Jiansong Deng, Blending pipe surfaces with piecewise algebraic surfaces, Chinese J. Computers, Vol.23, No.9, 911-916, 2000 (in Chinese, EI)
  2. Chen Falai, Deng Jiansong, Feng Yuyu, Algebraic Surface Blending using Wu's Method, Computer Mathematics, Lecture Notes Series on Computing vol.8, 2000, 172-181.
  3. Chen Changsong, Chen Falai, Deng Jiansong, Feng Yuyu, Filling Holes with Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces, Computer Mathematics, Lecture Notes Series on Computing vol.8, 2000, 182-191.
  4. Wenping Lou, Yuyu Feng, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, The method of Groebner basis for constructing algebraic blending surfaces, Chinese J. Computer, Vol.25, No.6 (2002), 599-606. (in Chinese, EI)
  5. Yuyu Feng, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Changsong Chen, Xing Tang, Constructing piecewise algebraic blending surfaces, in Geometric Computing, Lecture Notes Series on Computing, Vol.11, ed. Falai Chen and Dongming Wang, World Scientific, 34--64, 2004
  6. Chendong Xu, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Determination of free parameters in algebraic surface blending, in the Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Hong Kong, 2005.12, 79-84. (ISTP)
  7. Jun Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Blending surfaces with algebraic tensor-product B-spline surfaces, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.6, 598--603, 2006. (in Chinese)


  1. Jiansong Deng, Yuyu Feng, A method to construct a smooth convexity-preserving parametric-like curve through interpolatory subdivision, Appl. Math. --JCU, Vol.13, Ser. A, Suppl., 1--8, 1998. (in Chinese)
  2. Wenming Zhu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Subdivision surfaces based on point-based splines, in the Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Hong Kong, 2005.12, 113-118. (ISTP)
  3. Ghulam Mustafa, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Estimating error bounds for binary subdivision curves/surfaces, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 193, 596--613, 2006. (SCI)
  4. Wenming Zhu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Constructing Subdivision Curves on Manifolds with Conformal Mapping, Journal of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol.19, No.1, 48--53, 2007.1. (in Chinese). (EI)
  5. Ghulam Mustafa, Jiansong Deng, Estimating error bounds for ternary subdivision curves/surfaces, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.25, No.4, 473--484, 2007. (SCI)
  6. Zhangjin Huang, Jiansong Deng, Guoping Wang, A bound on the approximation of a Catmull-Clark subdivision surface by its limit mesh, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.25, No.7, 457-469, 2008.
  7. Ghulam Mustafa, Jiansong Deng, Pakeeza Ashraf, Najma Abdul Rehman, The mask of odd points n-ary interpolating subdivision scheme, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2012, Article ID 205863, 20 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/205863. (SCI)
  8. Pakeeza Ashraf, Ghulam Mustafa, and Jiansong Deng, A six-point variant on the Lane-Riesenfeld algorithm, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2014, Article No.628285, 7 pages, 2014.(SCI)
  9. Ghulam Mustafa, Pakeeza Ashraf, and Jiansong Deng, Generalized and unified families of interpolating subdivision schemes, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol.7, No.2, 193-213, 2014.
  10. Pakeeza Ashraf, Ghulam Mustafa, and Jiansong Deng, A six-point variant on the Lane-Riesenfeld algorithm, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2014, Article No.628285, 7 pages, 2014. (SCI)
  11. Ghulam Mustafa, Pakeeza Ashraf, and Jiansong Deng, Generalized and unified families of interpolating subdivision schemes, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol.7, No.2, 193-213, 2014. (SCI)
  12. Ghulam Mustafa, Hao Li, Juyong Zhang, Jiansong Deng, L1-regression based subdivision schemes for noisy data, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.58, 189-199, 2015.

Interval curves and surfaces

  1. Lou Wenping, Chen Falai, Chen Xiaoqun, Deng Jiansong, Optimal degree reduction of interval polynomials and interval Bezier curves under L1 norm, The 6th International conference on CAD/CG, Dec. 1-3, 1999, Shanghai, China, Vol.3, 1010-1015. (ISTP)
  2. Jiansong Deng, Yuyu Feng, Falai Chen, Best one-sided approximation of polynomials under L1 norm, J. of Comp. and Appl. Math., 144(2002), 161-174. (SCI, EI)
  3. Deng Jiansong, Ma Jianxin, Luo Xiaoxian, Feng Yuyu, Some notes on the best one-sided approximation of polynomials under L1 norm, CAD/Graphics, Macau, 2003, 262-267. (ISTP)
  4. Hui Wu, Jiansong Deng, Degree reduction of Bezier surfaces with ball control points, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.6, 582--589, 2006. (in Chinese)
  5. Haicheng Liu, Jiansong Deng, Fitting Scattered Data with Disk/Ball Bezier and B-Spline Curves/Surfaces, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.38, No.2, 113--120, 2008.2.
  6. Yueqiang Chen, Yuyu Feng, Jiansong Deng, Interval implicitization of rational B-spline surfaces, Journal of Computer Aided Design and Graphics, Vol.19, No. 7, 849--853+860, 2007.7. (in color) (in Chinese) (EI)
  7. Yueqiang Chen, Hui Wu, Jiansong Deng, Degree reduction of ball-control-point Bezier surfaces over triangular domain, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol. 37, No.7, 777--784, 2007.7 (in Chinese)
  8. Xuchuan Fan, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Zeros of univariate interval polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.216, No.2, 563--573, 2008.7. (SCI)
  9. Mingbo Zhang, Jiansong Deng, Number of zeros of interval polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.237, 102-110, 2013. (SCI)

Water simulation

  1. Qianhua Chen, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Simulation of ripples, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol.38, No.5, 524--528, 2001. (in Chinese, EI)
  2. Qianhua Chen, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Water animation with disturbance model, Proceedings of Computer Graphics International'2001, Hong Kong, 73-80. (EI)

Image processing on surfaces

  1. Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, Wenming Zhu, Falai Chen, Image inpainting on implicit surfaces, Pacific Graphics 2005, Macau, 142--144 (ISTP)
  2. Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Fast data extrapolating, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.206, No.1, 146--157, 2007.9. (SCI)
  3. Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Iterative Improvement of Data Extrapolating Theorem, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.10, 1075--1081, 2006.10 (in Chinese)
  4. Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Diffusion equations over arbitrary triangulated surfaces for filtering and texture applications, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.14, No.3, 666--679, 2008.5/6. (SCI)
  5. Chunlin Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen and Xuecheng Tai, Scale-space analysis of discrete filtering over arbitrary triangulated surfaces, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, 670--709, 2009. (SCI)

Mesh parametrization

  1. Ying Li, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Spherical Parametrization of Genus-Zero Meshes by Minimizing Discrete Harmonic Energy, accepted by CKJC 2006 and recommended to be published in Journal of Zhejiang Unviersity (Science A), Vol.7, No.9, 1589--1595, 2006. (EI)
  2. Ying Li, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Spherical Parametrization of Genus-Zero Meshes using the Lagrange-Newton Method, Journal of Software, Vol.18, Supplement, 8--17, 2007.12. (submitted to CAD/CG'2007 with the color verison).
  3. Jinlan Xu, Falai Chen, Jiansong Deng, Two-dimensional domain decomposition based on skeleton computation for parameterization and isogeometric analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284, 0-14, 2015. (SCI)

Approximate parametrization

  1. Yuyu Feng, Fangling Zeng, Jiansong Deng, High accuracy approximation of hyperboloid surface patch by bicubic Bezier polynomials, Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol.14, No.10, 2002, 953-958. (in Chinese, EI)
  2. Yuyu Feng, Fangling Zeng, and Jiansong Deng, Perfect Approximation of Ellipsoid by Polynomials, CAD/CG'2001. Reprint on J. of Chinese software, 13 (2002), 526-531. (EI journal)
  3. Yuyu Feng, Fangling Zeng, and Jiansong Deng, High Accurate Approximation of Ellipsoid surface patch by bicubic Bezier Polynomials, The Second International Conference on Image and Graphics, Anhui, Hefei, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.4875, No.2, Wei Sui ed., 2002, 1030-1037. (EI)
  4. Yuyu Feng, Fangling Zeng, and Jiansong Deng, Polynomial Interpolant Approximation with Geometric Continuity is Much Better than Hermite Interpolation, J. of USTC, vol.23, No.2, 2003, 127-133.
  5. Xuhui Wang, Jiansong Deng, Arc-length preserving approximation of circular arcs by polynomial curves with lower degrees, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.41, No.5, 392-398, 2011.5. (in Chinese)


  1. Lab of Scientific Computing and Applied Geometry in Department of Mathematics of USTC, CAI system of Computer Aided Geometric Design, Proceedings of ASTM, 1999.12, 234--238. (in Chinese)
  2. Yuyu Feng, Xuming Wang, Jiansong Deng, Total degree division in polynomial module and its application in CAGD (I), Journal of USTC, Vol. 30, No.3, 263--269, 2000. (in Chinese)
  3. Yuyu Feng, Changsong Chen, Jiansong Deng, Total degree division in polynomial module and its application in CAGD (II) Vol. 30, No.4, 379--386, 2000 (in Chinese)
  4. J.S. Deng, F.L. Chen, Bounding cones and bounding pyramids for triangular bezier surfaces, J. of Comp. Math., Vol.18, No.6, 2000, 609-620. (SCI, EI)
  5. S-F Chen and J-S Deng, A Geometric Path Planner for Car-like Robots, Journal of Mechanical Design, 122 (3): 343-346, 2000. (SCI)
  6. Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, and Chendong Xu, Visualization of Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces, Proceedings of the 1st Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, Busan, South Korea, 135--142, 2005.8 . Republished on Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.9, 960--967, 2006
  7. Lei Cao, Jiansong Deng, Constructing approximately developable surfaces based on boundary-curve-fixed ruled surfaces, Journal of University of Scicence and Technology of China, Vol.36, No.6, 590--597, 2006.(in Chinese)
  8. Liang Li, Jiansong Deng, Construction and application of approximate developable surfaces, Numerical Mathematics --- A Journal of Chinese Universities, Vol.28, No.4, 374--384, 2006. (in Chinese)
  9. Yijie Zhou, Xiaoqun Chen, and Jiansong Deng, Comparisons and chosen of evaluation methods of Bezier curves, Progress of Geometric Design and Computing in China 2007 (Proceedings of GDC'2007), Publishing House of Electrocnics Industry, 49 -- 55, 2007.7. (in Chinese)
  10. Hong Ouyang, Liang-bing Jin, Jian-song Deng, Computation of geodesic lines between two points on algebraic surfaces, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.38, No.9, 1068-1074, 2008. (in Chinese)
  11. Ping Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Jiansong Deng, Parameterization of planar unorganized points with noise, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.40, No.12, 1225--1229, 2010.12 (in Chinese)
  12. Meng Wu, Guoqing Ma, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Geometry of manifold defined by rotation minimizing frames, Journal of System Science and Mathematical Sciences,  Vol.30, No.11, 1562-1573, 2010. (in Chinese)
  13. Weihong Zhang, Ying Li, Jiansong Deng, The differential geometry of implicitly parametric curve and surface, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, Vol.42, No.6, 482-487, 2012.6. (in Chinese)
  14. Ruimin Wang, Meng Wu, Jiansong Deng, The application and promotion of the Newell formula, Journal of Graphics, Vol.33, No.2, 62-67, 2012.4. (in Chinese)
  15. Wenyue Feng, Meng Wu, Jiansong Deng, Generalization of subdivision convergence of Bezier curves, Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol.23, No.12, 2000-2005, 2011.12. (EI, in Chinese)
  16. Lubin Fan, Ruimin Wang, Linlin Xu, Jiansong Deng, Ligang Liu, Modeling by drawing with shadow guidance, Computer Graphics Forum, 32(7), pp 157-166, 2013/11/25.
  17. Weiming Wang, Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Ligang Liu, Xin Tong,  Weihua Tong, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Xiuping Liu, Cost-effective Printing of 3D Objects with Skin-Frame Structures, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(6), 2013/11.
  18. Ruimin Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Ligang Liu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen,  Decoupling noises and features via weighted L1-analysis compressed sensing, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol.33, No.2, Article No.18, March 2014.
  19. Yuan Liu, Wen Zhou, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Ligang Liu, Globally consistent rigid registration, Graphical Models, Vol.76, No.5, 542-553, 2014.9. (SCI)
  20. Huayan Zhang, Chunlin Wu, Juyong Zhang, Jiansong Deng, Variational mesh denoising using total variation and piecewise constant function space, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.21, No.7, 873-886, 2015. (SCI)
  21. Yuan Liu, Xuefeng Liu, Jiansong Deng, Zhouwang Yang, Global Structural Optimization of 3D Models Based on Modal Analysis, Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol.27, No.4, 590-596, 2015. (EI)
  22. Linlin Xu, Ruimin Wang, Juyong Zhang, Zhouwang Yang Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Ligang Liu, Survey on sparsity in geometric modeling and processing, Graphical Models, Vol.82, 160—180, 2015. (SCI)
  23. Ruimin Wang, Ligang Liu, Zhouwang Yang, Kang Wang, Wen Shan, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Construction of manifolds via compatible sparse representations, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol.35, No.2, Article 14, 2016.
  24. Linlin Xu, Ruimin Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Ligang Liu, Surface approximation via sparse representation and parameterization optimization, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.78, 179—187, 2016.