COPYRIGHT: The following materials are copyrighted by the corresponding publishers (e.g. Springer Verlag, ACM, SIAM, IEEE Press, World Sci., .....), you can download them only if you follow their restrictions (e.g., for private use or educational use...). The online version may be slightly different from the final version. I put them online just for the convenience of academic sharing.

Here is the list of the papers that have been selected as either best paper of the conference, or the best demo, or the best paper candidate:
  1. ACM MobiCom 2016, Best Poster Award, Martian: Message Broadcast via LED Lights to Heterogeneous Smartphones, by Haohua Du, Junze Han, Xuesi Jian, Qiuyuan Huang, Cheng Bo, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Hongli Xu.
  2. ACM MobiCom 2016, Best Video Award Runner-up, Making sense of mechanical vibration period with sub-millisecond accuracy using backscatter signals; by Lei Yang, Yao Li, Qiongzheng Lin, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu,
  3. IEEE GlobeCom 2015, Best Paper Award, for paper ESTRA: Incentivizing Storage Trading for Edge Caching in Mobile Content Delivery, Yifeng Zhong; Ke Xu; Xiang-Yang Li; Hui Su; Qingyang Xiao
  4. BigCom 2015 Best Paper Runner-up, for paper "A Framework for Optimization in Big Data: Privacy-preserving Multi-agent Greedy Algorithm", by Taeho Jung, Xiang-Yang Li, Junze Han.
  5. IEEE IPCCC 2014, Best Paper Award, for paper "Network Agile Preference-Based Prefetching for Mobile Devices", by Junze Han, Xiang-Yang Li, Taeho Jung, Jumin Zhao#, and Zenghua Zhao#.
  6. ACM MobiCom 2014, Best Paper Award, for paper "Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High Precision Using COTS Devices", by Lei Yang, Yekui Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, Chaowei Xiao, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu; See this video for the demo of our experimental results in lab environment. PDF file of our presentation, and PDF file of our paper.
  7. ACM MobiCom 2012, Best Demo Award, for "Demo: Clock calibration using fluorescent lighting", by Zhenjiang Li, Cheng Li, Wenwei Chen, Jingyao Dai, Mo Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu; See PDF file of our MobiCom paper, PDF file of our journal version.
  8. ACM MobiCom 2008, Best Paper Candidate, for paper, "Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model", by Shi Li, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li see PDF file of our paper.
  9. ACM MobiCom 2005, Best Student Paper Candidate, for paper A Unified Energy Efficient Topology for Unicast and Broadcast, by Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song and Weizhao Wang, see PDF file of our paper.
  10. IEEE HICSS 2001, Best Paper Award, for paper Sparse Power Efficient Topology for Wireless Networks, by Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang*, Ophir Frieder.
  11. COCOON 2001, Best Paper Award(Hao Wang Award) for paper How Good is Sink Insertion, by Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*.
LIST: publications at DBLP Bibliography (this is pretty accurate); technical report uploaded at arXiv, and Google Scholar site.

Books: Some books written or edited (or as area editor) by me.
  1. Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications, ISBN-13: 9780521865234, Pub. Date: June 2008, Cambridge University Press.
  2. Encyclopedia of Algorithms, edited by Ming-Yang Kao, Springer publisher. I am area editor for mobile computing. ISBN: 978-0-387-30770-1.
  3. Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks : Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects, by S. Kami Makki (Editor), Xiang-Yang Li (Editor), Niki Pissinou (Editor), Shamila Makki (Editor), Masoumeh Karimi (Editor), Kia Makki (Editor), ISBN-13: 9780387773193 Pub. Date: July 2008.
  4. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: Third International Conference, AAIM 2007, Portland, or, USA, June 6-8, 2007, Proceedings.
Journals | Peer-Reviewed Conferences | Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers | Poster/Demo Papers | Invited Talks (Complete List) | Book Chapters | Technical Report | Coauthors (Complete List)

Journal articles.

    Accepted or Published (in the order from the most recent) (authors with * are my students, authors with # are my visiting scholar, authors with ^ are my co-advised students)

  1. Accurate Quantification of Sensor Noise in Participatory Sensing Network.
    Chaocan Xiang, Panlong Yang, Chang Tian, Changzheng Li, Qingyu Li, Xiang-Yang Li
    Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 30(3-4): 163-182 (2016)
  2. Yi Gao, Wei Dong, W.b. Wu, Jiajun Bi, Cheng Chen, XiangYang Li
    Optimal Monitor Assignment for Preferential Link Tomography in Communication Networks
    ACM Transaction on Networking, May, 2016
  3. Taeho Jung, Junze Han, Xiang-Yang Li
    PDA: Semantically Secure Time-Series Data Analytics with Dynamic Subgroups
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, April, 2016
  4. Yaqin Zhou, Xiang-Yang Li, Min Liu, ZhongCheng Li, Xiaohua Xu
    Link scheduling for throughput maximization in multihop wireless networks under physical interference
    Wireless Networks, March, 2016
  5. Cheng Bo, Taeho Jung, Xu-Fei Mao, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang
    SmartLoc: sensing landmarks silently for smartphone-based metropolitan localization
    EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. March, 2016, 2016:111
  6. Cheng Bo, Xuesi Jian, Taeho Jung, Junze Han, Xiang-Yang Li, Xufei Mao, Yu Wang
    Detecting Driver’s Smartphone Usage via Non-intrusively Sensing Driving Dynamics
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, March, 2016
  7. Zhiyong Tian, Taeho Jung, Yi Wang, Fan Zhang, Lai Tu, Chengzhong Xu, Chen Tian, Xiang-Yang Li
    Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(11): 3098-3109 (2016)
  8. Gang Lu, Mingtian Zhou, Xiaoming Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiao-Jun Wu, Yumei Zang
    Principles of the Complete Voronoi Diagram Localization
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, August, 2015.
  9. Panlong Yang, Qingyu Li, Yubo Yan, Xiang-Yang Li, Yan Xiong
    ``Friend is Treasure'': Exploring and Exploiting Mobile Social Contacts for Efficient Task Offloading,
    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, July 2015.
  10. Xiang-Yang Li, Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Ping Xu;
    SPA: Almost Optimal Accessing of Nonstochastic Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks.
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, July 20, 2015.
  11. Panlong Yang, Bowen Li, Jinlong Wang, Zhiyong Du, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, Yubo Yan, Yan Xiong
    "Online Sequential Channel Accessing Control: A Double Exploration vs. Exploitation Problem"
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, April, 2015.
  12. Jiliang Wang, Zhichao Cao, Xufei Mao, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Towards Energy Efficient Duty-Cycled Networks: Analysis, Implications and Improvement
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, Published 65(1): 270-280 (2016)
  13. Xi Chen, XiaoPei Wu, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu
    Privacy-aware High-Quality Map Generation with Participatory Sensing
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, March, 2015.
  14. Gao, Yi, and Dong, Wei, and Wu, Wenbin, and Chen, Chun, and Li, Xiang-Yang,and Bu, Jiajun,
    Scalpel: Scalable Preferential Link Tomography Based on Graph Trimming
    IEEE Transactions on Networking, Feb 2015.
  15. Qiuyuan Huang, Xin Li, Jing Zhao*, Dapeng Wu, Xiang-Yang Li
    Social Networking Reduces Peak Power Consumption in Smart Grid
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, November 2014.
  16. Dong Zhao#, Xiang-Yang Li, HuaDong Ma
    Budget Feasible Online Incentive Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing Tasks Truthfully
    IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, November, 2014
  17. Wenchao Huang, Yan Xiong, Xiang-Yang Li, Hao Lin, XuFei Mao, Panlong Yang, Yunhao Liu, Xinfu Wang,
    Swadloon: Direction Finding and Indoor Localization Using Acoustic Signal by Shaking Smartphones,
    IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, November, 2014.
  18. Yan Sun, Xukai Wang, Hong Luo, Xiang-Yang Li
    Conflict Detection Scheme based on Formal Rule Model for Smart Building Systems
    IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. Oct, 2014.
  19. Taeho Jung*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zhiguo Wan, Meng Wan,
    Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity With Fully Anonymous Attribute Based Encryption,
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Oct. 2014.
  20. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Kebin Liu, Taeho Jung*, Yunhao Liu
    Message in a Sealed Bottle: Privacy Preserving Friending in Mobile Social Networks,
    IEEE TMC, Oct. 2014.
  21. Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Xiang-Yang Li, Lizhao You, Jiliang Wang, Jingsong Han, and Yan Xiong;
    WizBee: Wise ZigBee Coexistence via Interference Cancellation in Single Antenna;
    IEEE TMC, Sept. 2014.
  22. He Huang, Yu-e Sun, Xiang-Yang Li, Shigang Chen, Mingjun Xiao, and Liusheng Huang
    Truthful Auction Mechanisms with Performance Guarantee in Secondary Spectrum Markets
    IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, July, 2014.
  23. Cheng Wang^, Shao Luo, Xiang-Yang Li, and Changjun Jiang
    Capacity Scaling of Wireless Social Networks (the supplement file)
    IEEE TPDS, May, 2014,
  24. Jizhong Zhao, Zhi-Ping Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Shaojie Tang*, Jinsong Han, Wei Xi, Kun Zhao, Zhi Wang, Bo Xiao
    Communicating Is Crowdsourcing: Wi-Fi Indoor Localization with CSI-based Speed Estimation JCST (Journal of Computer Science and Technology), 2014.
  25. Cheng Bo*, Junze Han*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang* and Bo Xiao
    SA-MAC: Self-stabilizing Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wire- less Sensor Networks
    JCST (Journal of Computer Science and Technology), 2014.
  26. Rui Li, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Yuan He, Wei Xi, Zhi Wang, Jizhong Zhao, Meng Wan
    Assessing Diagnosis Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts and Analysis
    JCST (Journal of Computer Science and Technology), 2014.
  27. Lili Du, Lanshan Han, Xiang-Yang Li
    Distributed Coordinated in-Vehicle Online Routing Using Mixed-Strategy Congestion Game
    Transportation Research Part B, May, 2014.
  28. Yue-E Sun, He Huang, Xiang-Yang Li, Hongli Xu, and Liusheng Huang
    PPS: Privacy-Preserving Strategyproof Social-Efficient Spectrum Auction Mechanisms
    IEEE TPDS, March, 2014.
  29. Yin Wang, Yunhao Liu, Yuan He, Xiang-Yang Li, Dapeng Cheng
    Disco: Improving Packet Delivery via Deliberate Synchronized Constructive Interference
    IEEE TPDS, March, 2014.
  30. Taeho Jung*, Xiang-Yang Li, Meng Wan
    Collusion-Tolerable Privacy-Preserving Sum and Product Calculation without Secure Channel
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2014, Feb. Here is a revised version that address a small issue in the previous version.
  31. Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang, and H. Yan
    The Impact of Rate Adaptation on Capacity-Delay Tradeoffs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE TMC 2014, January
  32. Huadong Ma, Dong Zhao#, Shaojie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    COUPON: A Cooperative Framework for Building Sensing Maps in Mobile Opportunistic Networks
    IEEE TPDS, Dec 2013.
  33. Zhong Li, Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li
    LASS: Local-Activity and Social-Similarity Based Data Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks
    IEEE TPDS, Dec 2013.
  34. Xinlin Zhang, Zheng Yang, Zimu Zhou, H.B. Cai, Lei Chen, Xiang-Yang Li
    Free Market of Crowdsourcing: Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Sensing
    IEEE TPDS Dec 2013.
  35. Wei Lou, J. Ma, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Contiguous Link Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE TPDS, Nov 2013.
  36. Zhong Li, Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li
    Multicast capacity scaling for inhomogeneous mobile ad hoc networks.
    Ad Hoc Networks 11(1): 29-38 (2013)
  37. Dan Tao#, ShaoJie Tang*, Haitao Zhang#, XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, Huadong Ma
    Strong Barrier Coverage Detection and Mending Algorithm for Directional Sensor Networks
    Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 18(1-2): 17-33 (2013)
  38. Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Zhenquan Qin, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Xiang-Yang Li
    A backoff differentiation scheme for contention resolution in wireless converge-cast networks,
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25(1): 112-128 (2013)
  39. Yaqin Zhou^, Xiang-Yang Li, Min Liu, XuFei Mao, Shaojie Tang*, ZhongCheng Li
    Throughput Optimizing Localized Link Scheduling for Multihop Wireless Networks Under Physical Interference Model
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, August, 2013.
  40. Bowen Li^; Panlong Yang; Wang, Jinlong; Wu, Qihui; Tang*, Shaojie; Li, Xiang-Yang; Liu, Yunhao
    Almost Optimal Dynamically-Ordered Channel Sensing and Accessing for Cognitive Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2013, July.
  41. Zhenjiang Li, Wenwei Chen, Cheng Li, Mo Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    FLIGHT: Clock Calibration and Context Recognition using Fluorescent Lighting
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2013.
  42. Ming Xia, Yabo Dong, Wenyuan Xu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Dongming Lu
    MC2: Multi-Mode User-Centric Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for Long-Term Monitoring
    ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks, 2013.
  43. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, JiaGuang Sun, JinSheng Lei, and Yunhao Liu
    Mechanism Design for Finding Experts Using Locally Constructed Social Referral Web
    IEEE TPDS, 2013
  44. Zhenjiang Li, Mo Li, Longfei Shangguan, Yunhao Liu, Shaojie Tang*, and Xiang-Yang Li.
    Understanding Multi-Task Schedulability in Duty-Cycling Sensor Networks,
    IEEE TPDS, 2013.
  45. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Jing Yuan, Cheng Wang^
    A Framework for Amazon EC2 Bidding Strategy under SLA Constraints
    IEEE TPDS, 2012,
  46. Xufei Mao*, Yunhao Liu, ShaoJie Tang*, Huafu Liu, JianKang Han, Xiang-Yang Li
    Finding Best and Worst k-Coverage Paths in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE TPDS, 2012, official: 24(12): 2396-2406 (2013)
  47. Yin Wang, Yuan He, Xufei Mao*, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li
    Exploiting Constructive Interference for Scalable Flooding in Wireless Networks
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2012.
  48. YunHao Liu, Yuan He, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li
    Does Wireless Sensor Network Scale? A measurement study on GreenOrbs,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012.
  49. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Scaling Laws of Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks over General Primary Network Models,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012.
  50. Xiaohua Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Min Song
    Efficient Aggregation Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks with SINR Constraints
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, November, 2012. official: 12(12): 2518-2528 (2013)
  51. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang*
    Aggregation Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks: Extended Network Case,
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2012, September.
  52. Deke Guo, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu, Panlong Yang, Xiangyang Li, Xin Wang
    Link Scheduling for Exploiting Spatial Reuse in Multi-hop MIMO Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012.
  53. HuaDong Ma, Haitao Zhang#, Xiang-Yang Li, and ShaoJie Tang*
    In-Network Estimation with Delay Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012.
  54. JiZhong Zhao, Wei Xi^, Yuan He, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, LuFeng Mo, and Zheng Yang
    Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Wild: Pursuit of Ranging Quality
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 21(1): 311-323 (2013)
  55. Dezun Dong, Xiangke Liao, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Zhengbin Pang
    Fine-Grained Location-Free Planarization in Wireless Sensor Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted, February, 2012. ---> 12(5): 971-983 (2013)
  56. Panlong Yang, BoWen Li, JinLong Wang, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Optimal Frequency-temporal Opportunity Exploitation for Multichannel Ad Hoc Networks ,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted in February, 2012.
  57. Ashraf Nusairat*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    WiMAX/OFDMA Burst Scheduling Algorithm To Maximize Scheduled Data ,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, September, 2011
  58. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, ShaoJie Tang*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    SelectCast: Scalable Data Aggregation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks ,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted Dec, 2011.
  59. Cheng Wang^, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Changjun Jiang
    Multicast Capacity Scaling Laws for Multihop Cognitive Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, September, 2011.
  60. Qian Wang, Ping Xu*, Kui Ren, Xiang-Yang Li
    Towards Optimal Adaptive UFH-based Anti-jamming Wireless Communication,
    IEEE JSAC, June, 2011.
  61. Xiaohua Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, ShaoJie Tang*
    Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011, August.
  62. Dezun Dong, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Xiangke Liao
    Topological Detection on Wormholes in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011, March.
  63. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Shaojie Tang*, Yuan He, Xufei Mao, and Yunhao Liu
    Scaling Laws of Multicast Capacity for Power-Constrained Wireless Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, accepted, February 2011.
  64. Xufei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiaohua Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li, HuaDong Ma
    Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted in January 2011.
  65. Ming Xia, Yabo Dong, Wenyuan Xu, Dongming Lu, and Xiangyang Li
    Multi-mode user-centric design of wireless sensor networks for long-term monitoring
    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 25-27, July 2010
  66. Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, and Weizhao Wang*
    A 6-Approximation Algorithm for Computing the Least Common AoN-supertree With Application to the Reconstruction of Glycan Trees
    Theoretical Computer Science, Accepted to appear, 2010, July.
  67. Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Minsu Huang, Teresa A. Dahlberg
    Energy-Efficient Localized Routing in Random Multihop Wireless Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), September, 2010. Official Site
  68. Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang, Shaojie Tang*, and Yunhao Liu,
    Multicast Throughput for Hybrid Wireless Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, August, 2010.
  69. XuFei Mao*, Xiaohua Xu*, ShaoJie Tang*, and XiangYang Li
    Providing and Finding $k$-Road-Coverage Efficiently in Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, July, 2010 accepted; first online 22 SEP 2010.
  70. Ping Xu*, and XiangYang Li
    TOFU: Semi-Truthful Online Frequency Allocation Mechanism for Wireless Networks
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, July, 2010.
  71. ShiGuang Wang*, Xufei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Jizhong Zhao, and GuoJun Dai
    On ``Movement-Assisted Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks''
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, April, 2010 accepted.
  72. Xiang-Yang Li, YaJun Wang, and Yu Wang*
    Complexity of Data Collection, Aggregation, and Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, Feb, 2010 accepted; 2010-02-18. Official cite
  73. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    On multicast throughput scaling of hybrid wireless networks with general node density,
    Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2011
  74. XuFei Mao, Xiang-Yang Li and GuoJun Dai
    Flow admission control for multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks,
    Wireless Networks, Vol. 17, Issue 3, 2011.
  75. Xufei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Ming Gu
    MENs: Multi-user Emergency Navigation System Using Wireless Sensor Networks
    Ad hoc and Sensor networks, April, 2010 accepted; published 2011
  76. ShaoJie Tang*, XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Cheng Wang^
    Impact of Deployment Size on the Asymptotic Capacity For Wireless ad hoc Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model
    ACM Wireless Networks, accepted in December 2010, published 2011.
  77. Siyuan Chen, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Xinghua Shi
    Capacity of Data Collection in Randomly-Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Wireless Networks, August, 2011.
  78. Xiaohua Xu*, ShiGuang Wang*, XuFei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang* and XiangYang Li
    A Delay Efficient Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Sept. 2009 accepted; January 2011 (vol. 22 no. 1). Official Cite
  79. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu:
    On multicast throughput scaling of hybrid wireless networks with general node density.
    Computer Networks 55(15): 3548-3561 (2011)
  80. Mo Li, Weifang Cheng, Kebin Liu, Yunhao Liu, Xiangyang Li, Xiangke Liao
    Sweep Coverage with Mobile Sensors
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10(11): 1534-1545 (2011)
  81. Yunhao LIU, Guomo ZHOU, Jizhong ZHAO, Guojun DAI, Xiang-Yang LI, Ming GU, Huadong MA, Lufeng MO, Yuan HE, Jiliang WANG, Mo LI, Kebin LIU, Wei DONG, Wei XI
    Long-term large-scale sensing in the forest: recent advances and future directions of GreenOrbs
    Front. Comput. Sci. China 2010, 4(3): 334¨C338
  82. Sanjiv Kapoor, Xiang-Yang Li.
    Proximity Structures for Geometric Graphs.
    Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl., 2010: 415~429
  83. Zheng Yang, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li,
    Beyond Trilateration: On the Localizability of Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April, 2010; accepted; Dec. 2010 Volume: 18 Issue:6 On page(s): 1806 - 1814. official cite
  84. Ping Xu*, ShiGuang Wang*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    SALSA: Strategyproof Online Spectrum Admissions for Wireless Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, Jan, 2010 accepted; December 2010 (vol. 59 no. 12). Official Cite
  85. Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu, Shi Li, and ShaoJie Tang*
    Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Nov. 2009 accepted; Aug. 2010, Volume: 18 Issue:4, On page(s): 1145 - 1157. Official Cite
  86. Cheng Wang^, Xiangyang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, Changjun Jiang, and YunHao Liu
    Capacity and delay in mobile ad hoc networks under Gaussian channel model
    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 14 Issue 3, July 2010
  87. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Jiujun Cheng
    Improved asymptotic multicast throughput for random extended networks
    Computer Communications 33(18): 2195-2202 (2010)
  88. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Multicast throughput for large scale cognitive networks,
    Wireless Networks 16(7): 1945-1960 (2010)
  89. DeKe Guo, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li
    False Negative Problem of Counting Bloom Filter
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering (TKDE), Oct, 2009 accepted; May 2010 (vol. 22 no. 5) pp. 651-664. Official Cite
  90. YanWei Wu*, Shao-Jie Tang*, Ping Xu*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Dealing With Selfishness and Moral Hazard in Non-Cooperative Wireless Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, March 2010 (vol. 9 no. 3). Official Cite
  91. Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun, and WeiZhao Wang*
    Cost Sharing and Strategyproof Mechanisms for Set Cover Games
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2010, vol. 20, no3, pp. 259-284 [26 page(s)].
  92. Ming Xia, Yabo Dong, Wenyuan Xu, Dongming Lu, Xiangyang Li
    Multi-mode user-centric design of wireless sensor networks for long-term monitoring.
    Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2010: 25~27
  93. Ping Xu*, Xiangyang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, and JiZhong Zhao
    Efficient and Strategyproof Spectrum Allocations in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, Nov, 2009. official link
  94. YanWei Wu*, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu, and Wei Lou
    Energy-Efficient Wake-up Scheduling for Data Collection and Aggregation,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2009. 10 Mar. accepted; February 2010 (vol. 21 no. 2) pp. 275-287. Official Cite
  95. Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun, WeiZhao Wang*, XiaoWen Chu, ShaoJie Tang*, and Ping Xu*
    Mechanism Design For Set Cover Games When Elements Are Agents
    Theoretical Computer Science, 2009 accepted; Volume 411, Issue 1, 1 January 2010, Pages 174-187.
  96. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Haiming Chen, Xiaowen Chu, Yanwei Wu*, Yong Qi,
    Reliable and Energy Efficient Routing for Static Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Unreliable Links,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), October 2009 (vol. 20 no. 10) pp. 1408-1421. Official Cite
  97. Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*, Chan-Hua Wu, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Multihop Scatternet Formation and Routing for Large Scale Bluetooth Networks
    International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2009 - Vol. 4, No.5 pp. 251 - 268
  98. Yan-Li Cai, Wei Lou, Ming-Lu Li, and Xiang-Yang Li,
    Energy-efficient Target-Oriented Scheduling in Directional Sensor Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Computers September 2009 (vol. 58 no. 9) pp. 1259-1274. Official cite
  99. Xiang-Yang Li, Ashraf Nusairat*, Yanwei Wu*, Yong Qi, JiZhong Zhao, Xiaowen Chu, and YunHao Liu
    Joint Throughput Optimization for Wireless Mesh Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), July 2009 (vol. 8 no. 7) pp. 895-909. Official cite
  100. Xiang-Yang Li
    Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 17, Issue 3 (June 2009). Official cite
  101. Yu Wang*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Efficient Algorithm for p-Self-Protection Problem in Static Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Issue Date: Oct. 2008, Volume: 19 Issue:10 On page(s): 1426 - 1438. Official Cite
  102. Chungui Liu, Yantai Shu, Lianfang Zhang, Zenghua Zhao#, Xiang-Yang Li
    A Multi-layer Experimental Study of Multimedia And QoS Communication in Wireless Mesh Networks,
    Pervasive and Mobile Computing - Elsevier (PMC), 2008. Conference version appeared in Springer Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN) 2006.
  103. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Wen-Zhan Song* and YanWei Wu*
    Efficient Throughput for Wireless Mesh Networks by CDMA/OVSF Code Assignment
    Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks: An International Journal, 2008.
  104. Yu Wang*, WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Wen-Zhan Song*
    Interference-Aware Joint Routing and TDMA Link Scheduling for Static Wireless Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, January, 2008 accepted; Volume 19 Issue 12, December 2008
  105. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Zheng Sun
    Designing Multicast Protocols for Non-Cooperative Networks,
    IEEE Journal of Selected Area on Communications (IEEE JSAC), January, 2008 accepted; Issue Date: September 2008 Volume: 26 Issue:7 On page(s): 1238 - 1249
  106. Fan Li, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li and Ashraf Nusairat*
    Gateway placement for throughput optimization in wireless mesh networks
    ACM MONET Special Issue on Advances in Wireless Mesh Networks. March, 2008. Pages 198-211.
  107. Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder
    OVSF-CDMA Code Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Algorithmica, Volume 49 , Issue 4 (December 2007), Pages: 264 - 285.
  108. WeiZhao Wang*, Wen-Zhan Song* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Maximizing the Lifetime of Two Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks Through Clustering
    Accepted, Special Issue on Distributed Systems of Sensors and Applications, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley, 2007. Volume 9 Issue 3, Pages 325 - 334
  109. Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, WeiZhao Wang*
    Average Case Analysis for Binary Tree Labeling Schemes.
    Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 378, Issue 3, 9 June 2007, Pages 271-291
  110. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Efficient Delaunay-based Localized Routing for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks,
    International Journal of Communication Systems, 2006. Published Online: 18 Sep 2006. PDF file.
  111. Yu Wang* and Weizhao Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Efficient Distributed Low Cost Backbone Formation for Wireless Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS). July 2006 (Vol. 17, No. 7) pp. 681-693.
  112. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun
    Design Differentiated Service Multicast With Selfish Agents
    IEEE Journal of Selected Area in Communications (JSAC), Volume 24, number 5, May 2006.
  113. Weizhao Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Low-Cost Routing in Selfish and Rational Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, May 2006 (Vol. 5, No. 5), pp. 596-607.
  114. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Simple Approximation Algorithms and PTASs for Various Problems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Volume 66 , Issue 4 (April 2006) Special issue: Algorithms for wireless and ad-hoc networks Pages: 515 - 530, 2006
  115. Wen-Zhan Song* and Xiang-Yang Li and Ophir Frieder and WeiZhao Wang*
    Local Construction of Energy-Efficient and Low-Weighted Topology for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Volume 17, Number 4, page 321-334, April, 2006.
  116. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Localized Construction of Bounded Degree and Planar Spanner for wireless ad hoc networks,
    Special issue of ACM Mobile Network and Applications (MONET) for DialM 2003, Volume: 11, Number: 2, Pages: 161-175, Apr. 2006
  117. Chih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder,
    Asymptotic Distribution of The Number of Isolated Nodes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Bernoulli Nodes,
    IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 54, Number 3, March, 2006. (journal version of WCNC 2003). (Official site)
  118. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Minimum Power Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Spanner Property,
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume: 11, Number: 1, Pages: 99-112, Feb. 2006
  119. Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*
    Localized Topology Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks, Volume 2 , Issue 1 (February 2006) Pages: 129 - 153.
  120. Xiang-Yang Li
    Localized Construction of Low Weighted Structure and Its Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM Wireless Network (WINET), Issue: Volume 11, Number 6, Date: November 2005. (Official site)
  121. Kousha Moaveninejad*, Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Robust Position-based Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks,  Vol 3, Issue 5, pages 546-560, September, 2005.
  122. Kousha Moaveni-Nejad*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Low-interference topology control for wireless ad hoc networks
    Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks: An International Journal (Old City Publishing), Volume 1, Number 1-2, 2005.
  123. Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*
    Efficient Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Non-uniform Transmission Ranges,
    ACM Wireless Network (WINET), Issue: Volume 11, Number 3, Date: May 2005, Pages: 255 - 264, (Official site)
  124. Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li and Ophir Frieder
    Localized Algorithms for Energy Efficient Topology in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM Mobile Network and Applications (MONET), Volume 10, number 6, 911-923, 2005.
  125. Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveninejad*, and Ophir Frieder
    Regional Gossip Routing for Wireless ad Hoc Networks ,
    ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Volume 10 , Issue 1-2 (February 2005), Pages: 61 - 77. (Official site)
  126. Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang* and WeiZhao Wang*
    dBBlue: Low Diameter and Self-Routing Bluetooth Scatternet,
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 2005, Elsevier Science Publications. Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 178-190, (February 2005) (Official site)
  127. Yu Wang*, Ivan Stojmenovic?and Xiang-Yang Li
    Bluetooth Scatternet Formation for Single-hop Ad Hoc Networks Based on Virtual Positions,
    Journal of Internet Technology, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 43-52, Jan. 2005
  128. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Wen-Zhan Song*
    Applications of k-Local MST for Topology Control and Broadcasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2004. December 2004 (Vol. 15, No. 12), pages 1057-1069. (at; at TPDS)
  129. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Efficient Construction of Low-Weighted Bounded Degree Planar Spanner ,
    International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, World Science Publications. Volume 14, Number 1-2, Pages 69-84. April 2004. (Official site)
  130. Xiang-Yang Li, Ivan Stojmenovic, and Yu Wang* ,
    Partial Delaunay Triangulation and Degree Limited Localized Bluetooth Multihop Scatternet Formation,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), April 2004 page(s): 350- 361, Volume: 15, Issue: 4, ISSN: 1045-9219. (Official site)
  131. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Peng-Jun Wan, and Chih-Wei Yi
    Robust Deployment and Fault Tolerant Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2003, Wiley Publications. Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2004, Pages: 109-125
    Modified version of the MobiHoc 2003 paper.
  132. Xiang-Yang Li, G. Calinescu, Peng-Jun Wan, and Yu Wang*
    Localized Delaunay Triangulation with Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. October 2003 (Vol. 14, No. 10), pages 1035-1047. (Official site) or TPDS site
    Modified version of the INFOCOM'2002 paper.
  133. Khaled Alzoubi, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Peng-Jun Wan and Ophir Frieder ,
    Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2003. April 2003 (Vol. 14, No. 4), pages 408-421. (Official site)
    Modified version of ICDCS 2002 paper.
  134. Xiang-Yang Li,
    Algorithmic, geometric and graphs issues in wireless networks ,
    Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2003, Wiley Publications. Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 119 - 140. (Official site)
  135. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder
    Coverage Problems in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks.
    IEEE Transactions for Computers. June 2003, page(s): 753- 763, Volume: 52, Issue: 6. (Official site)
    Journal version of the ICC 2002 paper.
  136. Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li and Ophir Frieder
    Distributed Spanner with Bounded Degree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, 2003, World Science Publications. Vol. 14, No. 2 (2003) Pages 183-200. (Official site)
    Journal version of the HICSS 2002 paper.
  137. Xiang-Yang Li
    Generating Well-Shaped d-dimensional Delaunay Meshes
    Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 296 , Issue 1 (March 2003), Pages: 145 - 165. Elsevier Science Publications. (Official site)
    Journal version of the COCOON'2001 paper.
  138. Peng-Jun Wan, G. Calinescu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Ophir Frieder
    Minimum Energy Broadcast Routing in Static Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
    ACM Wireless Networking (WINET). Volume 8 , Issue 6 (November 2002), Pages: 607 - 617. (Official site)
    Journal version of the IEEE INFOCOM'2001 paper.
  139. Xiang-Yang Li, Liwu Liu, Peng-Jun Wan, and Ophir Frieder
    Practical Traffic Grooming Scheme for Single-Hub SONET/WDM Rings
    Journal of HighSpeed Networks, 2002. IOS Press Publications. Volume 11, Issue 2. Pages: 103 - 119. (Official site)
    Journal version of LCN 2000 paper.
  140. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan
    Constructing Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks
    ACM Journal of Mobile Computing and Communication Review (MC2R), Vol 5, Num 4. 2001. (Official site)
    Journal version of the MobiHoc 2001 paper.
  141. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    To Generate Good Triangular Meshes: Conforming to Control Spacing Requirements
    the Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES),Vol 2, Num 1. 2000, Tech Science Publications. (Official site)
  142. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Biting: Advancing Front Meets Sphere Packing
    the International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering (IJNME), 1999, Wiley Publications. Volume 49, Issue 1-2 , Pages 61 - 81. (Official site)
    Journal version of the 2nd STUMG paper.
  143. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Simultaneous Refinement and Coarsening for Adaptive Meshing, in
    Journal of Engineering with Computers
    Springer-Verlag, Vol. 15, Pages 292-302, 1999. (Official site)
    Journal version of the 7th IMR paper.
  144. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng
    Practical Human-Machine Identification over Insecure Channels , in
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (Official site)
    Kluwer Publications, Vol.3 Issue 4, 1999.

Conference papers accepted (Selected List of conference papers that went through complete review)
(See information about acceptance ratios of conferences in networking collected by Professor Kevin C. Almeroth.) (authors with * are my students, # are my visiting scholar, ^ are my co-advised students)

  1. Ting Li, Taeho Jung, Hanshang Li, Lijuan Cao, Weichao Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, and Yu Wang
    Scalable Privacy-Preserving Participant Selection in Mobile Crowd Sensing
    IEEE PerCom 2017
  2. Hongli Xu, Zhulong Yu, Chen Qian, Xiang-Yang Li, and Zichun Li
    Minimizing Flow Statistics Collection Cost of SDN Using Wildcard Requests
  3. Taeho Jung, Xiang-Yang Li, Wenchao Huang, Jianwei Qian, Linlin Chen, Junze Han, Jiahui Hou, Cheng Su
    AccountTrade: Accountable Protocols for Big Data Trading Against Dishonest Consumers
  4. Haisheng Tan, Zhenhua Han, Xiang-Yang Li, and Francis Lau
    Online Job Dispatching and Scheduling in Edge-Clouds
  5. Yong Cui, Shihan Xiao, Xin Wang, Zhenjie Yang, Chao Zhu, Xiangyang Li, Liu Yang, Ning Ge
    Diamond: Nesting the Data Center Network with Wireless Rings in 3D Space
    USENIX NSDI 2016
  6. Zhenhua Li, Weiwei Wang, Tianyin Xu, Xin Zhong, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, Christo Wilson, Ben Y. Zhao
    Exploring Cross-Application Cellular Traffic Optimization with Baidu TrafficGuard
    USENIX NSDI 2016
  7. Xiang-Yang Li, Chunhong Zhang, Taeho Jung, Jianwei Qian, Linlin Chen
    Graph-Based Privacy-Preserving Data Publication
  8. Jianwei Qian, Xiang-Yang Li, Chunhong Zhang, Linlin Chen, Junze Han
    De-anonymizing Social Networks and Inferring Private Attributes Using Knowledge Graphs
    IEEE INFOCOM 2016.
  9. Yu-e Sun, He Huang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yang Du, Miaomiao Tian, Hongli Xu, Mingjun Xiao
    Privacy-Preserving Strategyproof Auction Mechanisms for Resource Allocation in Wireless Communications.
    BigCom 2016: 13-26
  10. Wei Xi, Chen Qian, Jinsong Han, Kun Zhao, Sheng Zhong, Xiang-Yang Li, Jizhong Zhao:
    Instant and Robust Authentication and Key Agreement among Mobile Devices.
    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2016: 616-627
  11. Wenchao Huang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yan Xiong, Panlong Yang, Yiqing Hu, XuFei Mao, Fuyou Miao, Baohua Zhao, Ju-Min Zhao
    WalkieLokie: sensing relative positions of surrounding presenters by acoustic signals.
    UbiComp 2016: 439-450
  12. Lan Zhang, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Cihang Liu, Xuan Ding, Yunhao Liu,
    Privacy-friendly photo capturing and sharing system.
    UbiComp 2016: 524-534
  13. Hongli Xu, Xiang-Yang Li, Liusheng Huang, Jianxin Wang, Bing Leng,
    High-throughput anycast routing and congestion-free reconfiguration for SDNs.
    IEEE IWQoS 2016: 1-6
  14. Lei Yang, Yao Li, Qiongzheng Lin, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu,
    Making sense of mechanical vibration period with sub-millisecond accuracy using backscatter signals.
    ACM MobiCom 2016: 16-28
  15. Cihang Liu, Lan Zhang, Zongqian Liu, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Lasagna: Towards Deep Hierarchical Understanding and Searching over Mobile Sensing Data
    ACM MobiCom 2016.
  16. Haohua Du, Junze Han, Xuesi Jian, Qiuyuan Huang, Cheng Bo, Yu Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Hongli Xu
    Martian: Message Broadcast via LED Lights to Heterogeneous Smartphones.
    ACM MobiCom 2016, Poster (Best Poster Award).
  17. Yifeng Zhong; Ke Xu; Xiang-Yang Li; Hui Su; Qingyang Xiao
    ESTRA: Incentivizing Storage Trading for Edge Caching in Mobile Content Delivery
    IEEE GlobeCom 2015.
  18. Lei Yang, Qiongzheng Lin, Xiang-Yang Li, Tianci Liu, and YunHao Liu
    See Through Walls with COTS RFID Systems!
    ACM MobiCom 2015.
  19. Lan Zhang, Cheng Bo, Jiahui Hou, Xiang-Yang Li, Kebin Liu, Yu Wang, YunHao Liu
    Kaleido: You Can Watch It But Cannot Record It
    ACM MobiCom 2015
  20. Yifeng Zhong, Ke Xu, Xiang-Yang Li, Hui Su, and Qingyang Xiao,
    ESTRA: Incentivizing Storage Trading for Edge Caching in Mobile Content Delivery,
    IEEE GlobeCom, 2015.
  21. Taeho Jung, Xiang-Yang Li, Junze Han
    A Framework for Optimization in Big Data: Privacy-preserving Multi-agent Greedy Algorithm
    International Conference on Bigdata Computing and communication (BigCom) 2015
  22. Dajiang Chen, XuFei Mao, Zhen Qin, Weiyi Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Zhiguang Qin:
    Wireless Device Authentication Using Acoustic Hardware Fingerprints.
    International Conference on Bigdata Computing and communication (BigCom) 2015: 193-204
  23. Lan Zhang^, Taeho Jung*, Puchun Feng, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li and Yunhao Liu,
    PIC: Enable Large-scale Privacy Preserving Content-based Image Search on Cloud
    International Conferences on Parallel Processing (ICPP) 2015.
  24. Lan Zhang^, Taeho Jung*, Cihang Liu, Xuan Ding, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    POP: Privacy-preserving Outsourced Photo Sharing and Searching for Mobile Devices
    IEEE ICDCS 2015: 308-317
  25. Yiqing Hu, Yan Xiong, Wenchao Huang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yanan Zhang, XuFei Mao, Panlong Yang, Caimei Wang:
    Lightitude: Indoor Positioning Using Ubiquitous Visible Lights and COTS Devices.
    IEEE ICDCS 2015: 732-733
  26. Tianci Liu, Lei Yang, Xiang-Yang Li, Huaiyi Huang, Yunhao Liu,
    TagBooth: Deep Shopping Data Acquisition Powered by RFID Tags
  27. Qiongzheng Lin, Lei Yang, Yuxin Sun, TianCi Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu
    Beyond One-dollar Mouse: A Battery-free Device for 3D Human-Computer Interaction via RFID Tags
  28. Lei Yang, Peng Pai, Fan Dang, Cheng Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu
    Anti-counterfeiting via Federated RFID Tags' Fingerprints and Geometric Relationships
  29. Zenghua Zhao#, Fucheng Zhang, Shaoping Guo, Xiang-Yang Li, Junze Han*,
    RainbowRate: MIMO Rate Adaptation in 802.11n WiLD Links,
    IEEE IPCCC 2014 (33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference).
  30. Cheng Bo*, Lan Zhang^, Taeho Jung*, Junze Han*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Continuous User Identification via Touch and Movement Behavioral Biometrics,
    IEEE IPCCC 2014 (33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference).
  31. Zenghua Zhao#, XuanXuan Wu, Jing Zhao*, Xiang-Yang Li
    ZigBee vs WiFi: Understanding Issues and Measuring Performances of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.15.4 Coexistence,
    IEEE IPCCC 2014 (33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference).
  32. Junze Han*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zenghua Zhao#, Jumin Zhao#
    Network Agile Preference-Based Prefetching for Mobile Devices,
    IEEE IPCCC, 2014 (33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference).
  33. Junze Han*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Pickup Game: Acquainting Neighbors Quickly and Efficiently in Crowd
    IEEE MASS 2014.
  34. Zenghua Zhao#, Xin Zhang, Xuanxuan Wu, Xiang-Yang Li;
    GasNet: Efficient Residential Building Gas Leak Monitoring via Opportunistic Networking
    IEEE MASS 2014.
  35. Cheng Bo*, Guobin Shen, Jie Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, YongGuang Zhang, Feng Zhao
    Privacy.Tag: Privacy Concern Expressed and Respected,
    ACM SenSys 2014.
  36. Jiliang Wang, Shuo Lian, Wei Dong, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li
    Every Packet Counts: Fine-Grained Delay and Loss Measurement with Reordering
    IEEE ICNP 2014.
  37. Yi Gao, Wenbin Wu, Wei Dong, Chun Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, Jiajun Bu
    Preferential Link Tomography: Monitor Assignment for Inferring Interesting Link Metrics
    IEEE ICNP 2014.
  38. Lei Yang, Yekui Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, Chaowei Xiao, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu
    Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High Precision Using COTS Devices,
    ACM MobiCom 2014.
  39. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Wenchao Huang, Kebin Liu, Shuwei Zong, Xuesi Jian, Puchun Feng, Taeho Jung*, and Yunhao Liu;
    It Starts with iGaze: Visual Attention Driven Networking with Smart Glasses
    ACM MobiCom 2014.
  40. Wei Xi, Xiang-Yang Li, Chen Qian, Jinsong Han, ShaoJie Tang*, Jizhong Zhao, Kun Zhao
    KEEP: Fast Secret Key Extraction Protocol for D2D Communication
    IEEE IWQoS 2014, HongKong.
  41. Jie Hu#, Chuang Lin, Xiang-Yang Li, Jiwei Huang
    Scalability of Control Planes for Software Defined Networks: Modeling and Evaluation
    IEEE IWQoS 2014, Short paper (6 page) HongKong.
  42. Yaqin Zhou^,Qiuyuan Huang, Fan Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Min Liu, Zhongcheng Li and Zhiyuan Yin.
    Almost Optimal Channel Access in Multi-Hop Networks With Unknown Channel Variables,
    IEEE ICDCS 2014.
  43. Sara Motahari, Taeho Jung*, Hui Zang, Krishna Janakiraman, Xiang-Yang Li, Kevin Soo Hoo,
    Predicting the Influencers on Wireless Subscriber Churn
    IEEE WCNC 2014.
  44. Xi Chen, Xiaopei Wu, Xiang-Yang Li, Yuan He, YunHao Li
    Privacy-preserving High-quality Map Generation with Participatory sensing
  45. Jing Zhao*, Taeho Jung*, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li,
    Achieving Differential Privacy of Data Disclosure in the Smart Grid,
  46. Wei Xi^, JiZhong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li, Kun Zhao, ShaoJie Tang*, Xue Liu, and Zhiping Jiang^.
    Electronic Frog Eye: Counting Crowd Using WiFi,
  47. WenChao Huang, Yan Xiong, Xiang-Yang Li, Hao Lin, Xufei Mao*, Panlong Yang, YunHao Liu
    Shake and Walk: Acoustic Direction Finding and Fine-grained Indoor Localization Using Smartphones
  48. Lan Zhang^, Kebin Liu, Yonghang Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu, Panlong Yang
    Montage: Combine Frames with Movement Continuity for Realtime Multi-User Tracking
    IEEE INFOCOM 2014,
  49. Dong Zhao#, Xiang-Yang Li, and Huadong Ma
    How to Crowdsource Tasks Truthfully without Sacrificing Utility: Online Incentive Mechanisms with Budget Constraint
    IEEE INFOCOM 2014.
  50. Xiao-Hua Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Min Song
    Distributed Scheduling for Real-Time Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE Globecom, 2013.
  51. Yubo Yan, Panlong Yang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yue Tao*, LiZhao You
    ZIMO: Building Cross-Technology MIMO to Harmonize ZigBee Smog with WiFi Flash without Intervention
    ACM Mobicom 2013.
  52. ShaoJie Tang*, Jing Yuan, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Cheng Wang^, Xuefeng Liu,
    MINT: Maximizing Information Propagation in Predictable Delay-Tolerant Network
    ACM Mobihoc 2013, short paper.
  53. He Huang, Yu-e Sun, Xiang-Yang Li, Zhili Chen, Wei Yang, Hongli Xu
    Near-Optimal Truthful Spectrum Auction Mechanisms With Spatial and Temporal Reuse in Wireless Networks
    ACM Mobihoc 2013, short paper.
  54. Chaocan Xiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Panlong Yang, Chang Tian, Qingyu Li:
    Feeling Sensors' Pulse: Accurate Noise Quantification in Participatory Sensing Network.
    IEEE MSN 2013: 212-219
  55. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, and YunHao Liu
    Message in a Sealed Bottle: Privacy Preserving Friending in Social Networks
    IEEE ICDCS 2013.
  56. Zhiping Jiang^, JiZhong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li, JinLong Han, Wei Xi^
    Rejecting the Attack: Source Authentication for Wi-Fi Management Frames using CSI Information
  57. Taeho Jung*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Zhiguo Wan
    Privacy Preserving Cloud Data Access With Multi-Authorities
  58. Taeho Jung*, Xiang-Yang Li, and ShaoJie Tang*
    Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation without Secure Channel: Multivariate Polynomial Evaluation
  59. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, QiuYuan Huang, and Dapeng Wu
    Smoothing the Energy Consumption: Peak Demand Reduction in Smart Grid
  60. Taeho Jung*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Search Me If You Can: Privacy-preserving Location Query Service
    IEEE INFOCOM 2013.
  61. Yin Wang, Yuan He, Dapeng Cheng, YunHao Liu, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Triggercast: Enabling Wireless Collisions Constructive
    IEEE INFOCOM 2013 mini conference.
  62. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, and YunHao Liu
    Verifiable Private Multi-party Computation: Ranging and Ranking
    IEEE INFOCOM 2013 mini conference.
  63. Zhenjiang Li, Wenwei Chen, Cheng Li, Mo Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    FLIGHT: clock calibration using fluorescent lighting.
    ACM MOBICOM 2012: 329-340
  64. Shaojie Tang*, Jie Wu, Guihai Chen, Cheng Wang^, Xuefeng Liu, Tao Li, Xiang-Yang Li
    On Minimum Delay Duty Cycling Protocol in Sustainable Sensor Network
    IEEE ICNP 2012.
  65. Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, and Changjun Jiang
    Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs in Mobile Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE MASS 2012.
  66. ShaoJie Tang*, Cheng Bo*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Yunhao Liu
    SmartMote: Energy and VoI Aware Solar-Powered Sensor Network Design for Environment Monitoring
    IEEE MASS 2012.
  67. Bowen Li, Panlong Yang, JinLong Wang, Qihui Wu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Yunhao Liu
    Statistics Exploration vs. Diversity Exploitation: Online Sequential Channel Access in CRN
    IEEE MASS 2012.
  68. ShaoJie Tang*, Jing Yuan, Xiang-Yang Li
    Towards Optimal Bidding Strategy for Amazon EC2 Cloud Spot Instance.
    IEEE CLOUD 2012: 91-98
  69. ShaoJie Tang*, XuFei Mao*, Taeho Jung*, JunZe Han, Xiang-Yang Li, Boliu Xu, Chao Ma
    Closing the Gap in the Multicast Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks
    ACM Mobihoc 2012.
  70. Cheng Bo*, ShaoJie Tang*, DanPing Ren, Xiang-Yang Li, XuFei Mao, QiuYuan Huang, LuFeng Mo, ZhiPing Jiang^, YongMei Sun, and YunHao Liu
    Locating Sensors in the Forest: A Case Study in GreenOrbs
  71. Xiang-Yang Li, Panlong Yang, Yubo Yan, Lizhao You, ShaoJie Tang*, and QiuYuan Huang.
    Almost Optimal Accessing of Nonstochastic Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks
  72. Jin Wang, ShaoJie Tang*, BaoCai Yin, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Intelligent Compressive Sensing
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012,
  73. XuFei Mao*, Xin Miao, Yuan He, Xiang-Yang Li, and YunHao Liu
    CitySee: Urban CO2 Monitoring with Sensors
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012.
  74. Yin Wang, Yuan He, Xufei Mao*, Yunhao Liu, Zhiyu Huang, Xiang-Yang Li
    Exploiting constructive interference for scalable flooding in wireless networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012.
  75. BoWen Li, Panlong Yang, Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, YunHao Liu, and QiHui Wu
    Almost Optimal Dynamically-Ordered Multi-Channel Accessing for Cognitive Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012 mini conference.
  76. Yaqin Zhou^, Xiang-Yang Li, Min Liu, ShaoJie Tang*, Xufei Mao*, QiuYuan Huang, and ZhongCheng Li
    Distributed Link Scheduling for Throughput Maximization under Physical Interference Model
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012 mini conference
  77. Lan Zhang^*, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu, QiuYuan Huang, and ShaoJie Tang*
    Mechanism Design for Finding Experts Using Locally Constructed Social Referral Web
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012 mini conferences.
  78. Haitao Zhang#, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and HuaDong Ma
    Tracking and Identifying Burglar using Collaborative Sensor-Camera Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012 mini conference.
  79. ShaoJie Tang*, Xufei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li,
    Efficient and Fast Distributed Top-k Query Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE ICNP 2011.
  80. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Haitao Zhang#, JianKang Han, GuoJun Dai, XingFa Shen
    TelosCAM: Identifying Burglar Through Networked Sensor-Camera Mates with Privacy Protection
    IEEE RTSS 2011
  81. Ping Xu*, Sanjiv Kapoor, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Market Equilibria in Spectrum Trading with Multi-Regions and Multi-Channels
    IEEE GlobeCom 2011
  82. Shao-Jie Tang*, XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, and GuoJun Dai,
    Evaluating coverage quality through best covered pathes in wireless sensor networks,
    IEEE 19th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2011.
  83. Jing Yuan, ShaoJie Tang*, Cheng Wang^, Debraj De, Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Guihai Chen,
    A real-time rescue system: Towards practical implementation of robotic sensor network,
    SECON 2011: 458-466
  84. ShaoJie Tang*, Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang,
    Reader Activation Scheduling in Multi-reader RFID Systems: A Study of General Case,
    IPDPS 2011: 1147-1155
  85. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Xingfa Shen, Jianhui Zhang, Guojun Dai and Sajal K. Das
    Cool: On Coverage with Solar-Powered Sensors
    IEEE ICDCS 2011
  86. Haitao Zhang#, Huadong Ma, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Estimate Aggregation with Delay Constraints in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks
    ACM/IEEE ICCPS, 2011.
  87. XuFei Mao*, Shao-Jie Tang*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Multiple Objects Device-Free Passive Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE ICC 2011.
  88. BaoWen Li, Panlong Yang, Jinlong Wang, Qihui Wu and Xiang-Yang Li
    Finding Optimal Action Point for Multi-stage Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
    IEEE ICC, 2011
  89. Cheng Wang^, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li and Shao-Jie Tang*
    Aggregation Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks: Extended Network Case
    IEEE INFOCOM 2011.
  90. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang and Xiang-Yang Li
    General Capacity Scaling of Wireless Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2011.
  91. DeZun Dong^, YunHao Liu, XianKe Liao, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Fine-Grained Location-Free Planarization in Wireless Sensor Networks
  92. Qian Wang, Ping Xu*, Kui Ren, Xiang-Yang Li
    Delay-Bounded Adaptive UFH-based Anti-jamming Wireless Communication
  93. Shao-Jie Tang*, Jin Yuan, XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, Wei Chen, and GuoJun Dai
    Relationship Classification in Large Scale Online Social Networks and Its Impact on Information Propagation
  94. Yunhao Liu, Yuan He, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, Kebin Liu, Lufeng Mo, Wei Dong, Zheng Yang, Min Xi, Jizhong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li
    Does Wireless Sensor Network Scale? A Measurement Study on GreenOrbs
    IEEE INFOCOM, 2011
  95. Ping Xu*, Xiaohua Xu*, ShaoJie Tang*, XiangYang Li
    Truthful Online Channel Scheduling Mechanisms in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2011 Mini Conference.
  96. Cheng Wang^, Shao-Jie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Changjun Jiang
    SelectCast: Scalable Data Aggregation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2011 Mini Conference.
  97. XuFei Mao*, Shao-Jie Tang*, Xiaohua Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li, HuaDong Ma and GuoJun Dai
    iLight: Indoor Device-Free Passive Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2011 Mini Conference.
  98. Kebin Liu, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu, XiangYang Li, Minglu Li, Huadong Ma,
    Exploring the Hidden Connectivity in Urban Vehicular Networks,
    IEEE ICNP 2010, Kyoto, Japan, October 5-8, 2010. Acceptance Rate: 18% (31 out of 170).
  99. Wei Xi^, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu, Jizhong Zhao, Lufeng Mo Zheng Yang, Jiliang Wang, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Locating Sensors in the Wild: Pursuit of Ranging Quality
    ACM Sensys 2010.
  100. Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, ChangJun Jiang
    Multicast Capacity Scaling Laws for Cognitive Networks: General Extended Primary Network
    IEEE MASS 2010.
  101. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Jing Yuan, Cheng Wang^, GuiHai Chen and GuoJun Dai
    DREAM: On the Reaction Delay in Large Scale Wireless Networks with Mobile Sensors
    IEEE IWQoS 2010
  102. Shao-Jie Tang*, Jing Yuan, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, GuiHai Chen, Ming Gu and JiZhong Zhao
    DAWN: Energy Efficient Data Aggregation in WSN with Mobile Sinks
    IEEE IWQoS 2010
  103. Hong Luo, Jinge Wang, Yan Sun, HuaDong Ma, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Adaptive Sampling and Diversity Reception in Multi-hop Wireless Audio Sensor Networks
    IEEE ICDCS 2010.
  104. Xiao-Hua Xu*, Shao-Jie Tang*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Distributed Gateway Placement for Cost Minimization in Wireless Mesh Networks
    IEEE ICDCS 2010.
  105. ShiGuang Wang*, Ping Xu*, Xiaohua Xu*, Shao-Jie Tang*, and Xiang-Yang LI
    TODA: Truthful Online Double Auction for Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Networks,
    Fourth IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) (2010).
  106. Li Lu, Yunhao Liu, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Refresh: Weak Privacy Model for RFID Systems
  107. Sanjiv Kapoor and Xiang-Yang Li,
    Geodesic Spanners on Polyhedral Surfaces.
    ISAAC 2009 (International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation). (about 120 out of 300 submissions)
  108. Ping Xu* and XiangYang Li,
    SOFA: Strategyproof Online Frequency Allocation for Multihop Wireless Networks.
    ISAAC 2009 (International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation). (about 120 out of 300 submissions)
  109. Shao-Jie Tang*, Jing Yuan, Xiang-Yang Li, GuiHai Chen, YunHao Liu, and JiZhong Zhao
    RASPberry: A Stable Reader Activation Scheduling Protocol in Multi-Reader RFID Systems
    IEEE ICNP 2009. (36 papers out of 197 submissions)
  110. DeZun Dong^, Mo Li, YunHao Liu, and Xiang-Yang Li and JiZhong Zhao
    Topological Detection on Wormholes in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
    IEEE ICNP 2009. (36 papers out of 197 submissions)
  111. Shao-Jie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Cheng Wang^, Ping Xu*
    Multicast Capacity for Multi-Hop Multi-Channel Multi-RadioWireless Networks
    ACM MSWiM 2009 (42 regular papers out of 178 submissions)
  112. XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song*, Ping Xu*, Kousha Moaveni-Nejad*
    Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Networks
    ACM MSWiM 2009 (42 regular papers out of 178 submissions)
  113. Lufeng Mo, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu, Jizhong Zhao, Shaojie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Guojun Dai,
    Canopy Closure Estimates with GreenOrbs: Sustainable Sensing in the Forest,
    ACM SenSys, Berkeley, California, USA, November 4-6, 2009. (21 accepted out of 119 submissions).
  114. Xiaohua Xu*, ShiGuang Wang*, XuFei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang*, Ping Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Efficient Data Aggregation in Multi-hop WSNs
    IEEE GlobeCom 2009.
  115. Chao Ren, XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, Ping Xu*, GuoJun Dai
    Efficient Data Collection for Wireless Networks: Delay and Energy Tradeoffs
    IEEE GlobeCom 2009.
  116. Siyuan Chen, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Xinghua Shi
    Data Collection Capacity of Random-Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE GlobeCom 2009.
  117. Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaohua Xu*, ShiGuang Wang*, ShaoJie Tang*, GuoJun Dai, JiZhong Zhao, Yong Qi
    Efficient Data Aggregation in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks under Physical Interference Model
    IEEE MASS 2009 (62 out of 245).
  118. Cheng Wang^, Shaojie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang
    Capacity Scaling Laws of Cognitive Networks ,
    IEEE MASS 2009 (62 out of 245).
  119. Xiang-Yang Li, ShaoJie Tang*, XuFei Mao*
    Capacity Bounds for Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under Gaussian Channel model
    IEEE SECON 2009. (81 out of 431)
  120. Fang-Chun Kuo, Kun Tan, Xiang-Yang Li, Jiansong Zhang, Xiaoming Fu
    XOR Rescue: Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless networks
    IEEE SECON 2009 (81 out of 431)
  121. Siyuan Chen, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, and XingHua Shi
    Order-Optimal Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Delay and Capacity
    IEEE SECON 2009 (81 out of 431)
  122. ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaobin Wu*, YanWei Wu*, XuFei Mao*, Ping Xu*, and GuiHai Chen
    Low Complexity Stable Link Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput in Wireless Networks
    IEEE SECON 2009 (81 out of 431)
  123. XiangYang Li, Yajun Wang, Wangsen Feng
    Multiple Round Random Ball Placement: Power of Second Chance
    COCOON 2009.
  124. Qingsong Yao, Yong Qi, Jinsong Han, Jizhong Zhao, Xiangyang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Randomizing RFID Private Authentication
    IEEE PerCom 2009
  125. Cheng Wang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang, Shao-Jie Tang*, YunHao Liu, and JiZhong Zhao
    Scaling laws of networking-theoretic bounds on capacity for wireless networks,
  126. Zheng Yang, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li,
    Beyond Trilateration: On the Localizability of Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2009.
  127. Junchao Ma, Wei Lou, YanWei Wu*, Xiang-Yang Li, and GuiHai Chen
    Energy Efficient TDMA Sleep Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2009.
  128. Cheng Wang^, Shaojie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang, and Yunhao Liu
    Multicast Throughput of Hybrid Wireless Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE ICDCS 2009. (74 out of 455=16.2%)
  129. Wei Xi^, Jizhong Zhao, Xue Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Yong Qi
    EUL: an Efficient and Universal Localization Method for Wireless Sensor Network
    IEEE ICDCS 2009. (74 out of 455=16.2%)
  130. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, and GuoJun Dai
    Asymptotic Throughput for Hybrid Wireless Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
    IEEE ICC 2009.
  131. Cheng Wang^, Changjun Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, and Shaojie Tang*
    Achievable Multicast Throughput for Homogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE WCNC 2009
  132. Shi Li*, YunHao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li
    Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks Under Gaussian Channel Model
    ACM MobiCom, 2008 (Acceptance Ratio: 31 out of 264). A best paper candidate.
  133. Xiang-Yang Li and Jizhong Zhao and Yan-Wei Wu* and Shao-Jie Tang* and Xiao-Hua Xu* and Xu-Fei Mao*
    Broadcast Capacity forWireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE MASS, 2008, (Acceptance Ratio: 26 out of 250)
  134. Xiang-Yang Li, Ping Xu*, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiaowen Chu
    Spectrum Bidding in Wireless Networks and Related.
    COCOON 2008: 558-567
  135. XuFei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Shao-Jie Tang*
    Multicast Capacity for Hybrid Wireless Networks
    ACM MobiHoc 2008. (Acceptance ratio 44 out of 300 < 15%.)
  136. Xiang-Yang Li, YanWei Wu*, Ping Xu*, GuiHai Chen, and Mo Li
    Hidden Information and Actions in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    ACM MobiHoc 2008. (Acceptance ratio 44 out of 300 < 15%.)
  137. Deke Guo^, Yunhao Liu, and Xiangyang Li,
    BAKE: A Balanced Kautz Tree Structure for Peer-to-Peer Networks,
    Accepted to appear at IEEE INFOCOM, Mini-symposium, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2008.
  138. Weifang Chen, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu and Xiang-Yang Li
    Sweep coverage with mobile sensors.
    IEEE IPDPS, 2008. (Acceptance ratio 105 out of 410 ~ 25%.)
  139. Yi Hu, Xiang-Yang Li, HaiMing Chen, and Xiaohua Jia
    Distributed Call Admission Protocol for Multi-channel Multi-radio Wireless,
    IEEE GlobeCom, 2007.
  140. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li and Qian Zhang
    Efficient Self Protection Algorithms for Static Wireless Sensor Networks,
    IEEE GlobeCom, 2007.
  141. Chien-Chung Huang, Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, Weizhao Wang*
    Using Nash Implementation to Achieve Better Frugality Ratios.
    18th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2007, Sendai, Japan, December 17-19, 2007, pages 377-389.
  142. Xiang-Yang Li, Shao-Jie Tang* and Ophir Frieder
    Multicast Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    ACM MobiCom 2007 (Regular). Acceptance ratio: (26 regular +14 extended) / 233. See also my technical report for updated version with more completed proofs.
  143. WeiZhao Wang*, Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveni-Nejad*
    Optimal Cluster Association in Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks,
    IEEE DCOSS, 2007.
  144. Yan-Li Cai, Wei Lou, Ming-Lu Li, and Xiang-Yang Li,
    Target-Oriented Scheduling in Directional Sensor Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May, 2007. (Accept ratio: 252/1400 = 18%)
  145. YanWei Wu*, Xiang-Yang Li and WeiZhao Wang*
    Stochastic Security in Wireless Mesh Networks via Saddle Routing Policy
    International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA), Chicago, IL, 2007.
  146. YanWei Wu*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Maximizing Throughput Multicast Routing for Wireless Networks
    International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA), Chicago, IL, 2007.
  147. Fang Li, Yu Wang*, and Xiang-Yang Li,
    Gateway placement for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks,
    IEEE ICC 2007.
  148. XiaoWen Chu, TianMing Bu, and Xiang-Yang Li,
    A Study of Lightpath Rerouting Schemes in Wavelength-Routed WDM Networks,
    IEEE ICC, June 2007.
  149. XiaoWen Chu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Hao Yin,
    Hybrid lightpath rerouting in wavelength-routed WDM networks,
    in proceedings of the 5th International conference on Optical Communications and Networks, pages 367-371, Sept 2006.
  150. Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita, Minoru Kanehisa, Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, and Weizhao Wang*
    A 6-Approximation Algorithm for Computing the Least Common AoN-supertree With Application to the Reconstruction of Glycan Trees
    (ISAAC 2006), Kolkata, India, Dec. 18-20, 2006 (Acceptance Ratio: 73 out of >250, <30%)
  151. Xiang-Yang Li and YanTai Shu and HaiMing Chen and XiaoWen Chu and YanWei Wu*
    Energy Efficient Routing With Unreliable Links in Wireless Networks
    The Third IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2006) (Acceptance Ratio: 49 out of 197, 25%)
  152. WeiZhao Wang* and Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li and Wen-Zhan Song* and Ophir Frieder
    Efficient Interference-Aware TDMA Link Scheduling for Static Wireless Networks
    Twelfth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2006) (Acceptance Ratio: 35 out of 298, 12%)
  153. WeiZhao Wang* and Stephan Eidenbez and Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    OURS- Optimal Unicast Routing Systems in Non-Cooperative Wireless Networks
    Twelfth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2006) (Acceptance Ratio: 35 out of 298, 12%)
  154. Yu Wang* and Wen-Zhan Song* and WeiZhao Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li and Teresa A. Dahlberg
    LEARN: Localized Energy Aware Restricted Neighborhood Routing for Ad Hoc Networks
    Third Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications (IEEE SECON 2006) (Acceptance Ratio: 63 out of ???, ??%)
  155. Sabyasachi Roy, Y. Charlie Hu, and Dimitrios Peroulis, Xiang-Yang Li
    Minimum-Energy Broadcast Using Practical Directional Antennas in All-Wireless Networks
    Accepted for publication, IEEE INFOCOM 2006
    (Acceptance Ratio: 252 out of 1400, 18%)
  156. Wen-Zhan Song* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Hierarchical Self-routing Scatternet for Multihop Bluetooth Networks
    IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2006)
  157. Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, WeiZhao Wang*
    Average Case Analysis for Binary Tree Labeling Schemes
    Accepted for publication, ISAAC, 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: ?? out of ???, 20%)
  158. Weizhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li:
    Towards Truthful Mechanisms for Binary Demand Games: A General Framework. AAAI 2005: 1632-1635.
  159. Kousha Moaveni-Nejad* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Low-Interference Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE SECON, 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 55 out of 202, 27%)
  160. Xiang-Yang Li and Wen-Zhan Song* and WeiZhao Wang*
    A Unified Energy Efficient Topology for Unicast and Broadcast
    ACM MobiCom, 2005.   Our PowerPoint Presentataion.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 23 out of 224, 10%). Best-paper session.
  161. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun
    Share the Multicast Payment Fairly
    Accepted for publication, 2005. COCOON.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 96 out of 360, 27%)
  162. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan
    Theoretically Good Distributed CDMA/OVSF Code Assignment for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Accepted for publication, 2005. COCOON.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 96 out of 360, 27%)
  163. Yu Wang* and WeiZhao Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Distributed Low-Cost Weighted Backbone Formation for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    ACM MobiHoc, 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 40 out of 281, 14%)
  164. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun
    Design Differentiated Service Multicast With Selfish Agents
    Accepted for publication, 2005. The First International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management (AAIM)
    (Acceptance Ratio: 46 out of 140, 33%)
  165. Zheng Sun, Xiang-Yang Li, and WeiZhao Wang* and XiaoWen Chu
    Mechanism Design For Set Cover Games When Elements Are Agents
    Accepted for publication, 2005. The First International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management, (AAIM).
    (Acceptance Ratio: 46 out of 140, 33%)
  166. Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li, and WeiZhao Wang*
    Towards Truthful Mechanisms for Binary Demand Games: A General Framework, ACM EC 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 33 out of 113, 29%)
  167. Zheng Sun and Philip S. Yu and Xiang-Yang Li
    Iterative Mining for Rules with Constrained Antecedents
    In Proceedings of the 2005 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2005.
  168. Xiang-Yang Li and Zheng Sun and WeiZhao Wang*
    Cost Sharing and Strategyproof Mechanisms for Set Cover Games
    In Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2005), volume 3404 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 218-230, Stuttgart, Germany, Feb. 24-26, 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 54 out of 217, 25%)
  169. Weizhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng Sun and Yu Wang*
    Design Multicast Protocols for Non-Cooperative Networks
    In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Communication Society (INFOCOM 2005)
    (Acceptance Ratio: 244 out of 1419, 15.9%)
  170. Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*
    Localized Topology Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE MASS, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 52 out of 207, 25%)
  171. Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li
    CBRBrain: Provide Content Based Routing Service Over Internet Backbone,
    IEEE ICCCN, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 73 out of 207, 35%)
  172. Weizhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li and Ophir Frieder
    k-Anycast Game in Selfish Networks,
    IEEE ICCCN, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 73 out of 207, 35%)
  173. Weizhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Truthful Multicast in Selfish Wireless Networks,
    ACM MobiCom, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 26 out of 327, 7.95%)
  174. Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Localized Algorithms for Energy Efficient Topology in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM MobiHoc, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 24 out of 233, 10.3%)
  175. Yu Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Minimum Power Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Spanner Property,
    Accepted, IEEE HPSR, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  176. Xiang-Yang Li, Ivan Stojmenovic, Yu Wang*,
    Bluetooth Scatternet Formation for Single-hop Ad Hoc Networks Based on Virtual Positions,
    IEEE ISCC, 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  177. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Peng-Jun Wan, Wan-Zhen Song*, and Ophir Frieder
    Localized Low-Weight Graph and Its Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Accepted for publication, IEEE INFOCOM'2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 261 out of 1420, 18.3%)
  178. Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveni-Nejad*, and Ophir Frieder
    Regional Gossip for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Accepted for publication, IEEE LCN, 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , 32.9%)
  179. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveni-Nejad*, Yu Wang* and Wen-Zhan Song*
    The Spanning ratios of Beta-Skeletons,
    Accepted by Canadian Computational Conference on Geometry (CCCG), 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 41 out of , %)
  180. Sanjiv Kapoor and Xiang-Yang Li
    Proximity Structures for Geometric Graphs,
    Accepted by WADS 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: about 40 out of 126, 32.9%)
  181. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Efficient Construction of Low Weight Bounded Degree Spanner,
    COCOON, 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 52 out of 114, 45.6%)
  182. Xiang-Yang Li
    Approximate MST for UDG Locally,
    COCOON 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 52 out of 114, 45.6%)
  183. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Peng-Jun Wan and Chi-Wei Yi
    Fault Tolerant Deployment and Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM MobiHoc, 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 29 out of 189, 15.3%)
  184. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi and Ophir Frieder
    Robust Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE ICC 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 704 out of 1879, 37.5%)
  185. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*, and Ophir Frieder
    Localized Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    IEEE ICC 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 704 out of 1879, 37.5%)
  186. Chih-Wei Yi, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, and Ophir Frieder
    Asymptotic distribution of the number of isolated nodes in wireless ad hoc networks with Bernoulli Nodes,
    IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 167 out of 568, 29.4%)
  187. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang* and Ophir Frieder
    Efficient Hybrid Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ICCCN 2002, Miami, FL.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 100 out of 272, 36.7%)
  188. Xiang-Yang Li and Ivan Stojmenovic
    Partial Delaunay Triangulation and Localized Bluetooth Scatternet Formation,
    AD-HOC NetwOrks and Wireless (ADHOCNOW), Toronto, 2002
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  189. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Geometric Spanners for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (updated version here),
    IEEE ICDCS 2002. Australia
    (Acceptance Ratio: 61 out of 331, 18.4%)
  190. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Ophir Frieder
    Revisiting Coverage Problems in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks.
    IEEE ICC 2002
    New York City, April 28--May 2nd.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 655 out of 1568, 41.8%)
  191. Xiang-Yang Li, G. Calinescu, Peng-Jun Wan
    Distributed Construction of Planar Spanner and Routing for Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE INFOCOM'2002, New York, June 23-27, 2002.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 192 out of 938, 20.5%)
  192. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang*, Ophir Frieder
    Sparse Power Efficient Topology for Wireless Networks.
    won one of the Best Paper awards set by
    IEEE HICSS35, Hawaii, Janauary, 2002.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  193. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang*, Ophir Frieder
    Constrained Shortest Paths in Wireless Networks.
    IEEE MilCom'2001,
    McVean, VA, Oct 28-31, 2001.
  194. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Yu Wang*
    Power Efficient and Sparse Spanner for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN01),
    Scottsdale, Arizona, Oct 15-17, 2001.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 89 out of 218, 40.8%)
  195. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*
    How Good is Sink Insertion.
    7th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'2001),
    GuiLin, China, Aug 20-23, 2001.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 50 out of 97, 51.5%)
  196. Xiang-Yang Li
    Generating Well-Shaped d-dimensional Delaunay Meshes.
    won the Huang Hao award set by
    7th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'2001) ,
    GuiLin, China, Aug 20-23, 2001.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 50 out of 97, 51.5%)
  197. Peng-Jun Wan,G. Calinescu, Xiang-Yang Li, and Ophir Frieder
    Minimum Energy Broadcast Routing in Static Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
    IEEE INFOCOM'2001, Anchorage, Alska, Apr 23-28, 2001.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 192 out of 830, 23.1%)
  198. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng
    Generate Sliver Free Three Dimensional Mesh,
    Twelfth ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)
    Washington, DC, United States. Jan. 7 -9, 2001.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 127 out of 313, 40.5%)
  199. Xiang-Yang Li
    Spacing and Sliver Free Mesh,
    9th International Meshing Roundtable,
    New Orleans, Louisiana. Oct 2-5, 2000.
  200. Xiang-Yang Li
    Functional Delaunay Refinement
    7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations
    Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Sept. 25 - 28, 2000.
  201. Xiang-Yang Li, Liwu Liu, Peng-Jun Wan and Ophir Frieder
    Practical Traffic Grooming for Single Hub SONET/WDM Rings
    IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks(LCN00)
    Tampa, Florida, Nov. 8-10, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 70 out of 128, 54.7%)
  202. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan and Liwu Liu
    Select Line Speeds for Single Hub SONET/WDM Ring Networks,
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2000), Page 495 -499 vol.1
    New Orleans, Louisiana. June 18-22, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  203. Herbert Edelsbrunner,Xiang-Yang Li, Gary Miller, Andreas Stathopoulos, Dafna Talmor, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Ungor and Noel Walkington
    Smoothing and cleaning up slivers
    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC00) , page 273-278,
    Portland, Oregon. May 21-23, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 85 out of 182, 46.7%)
  204. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Generate Good Mesh Respecting Control Spacing, accepted by
    ICES00:International conference on Computational Engineering Science
    Los Angeles, California, 20-25 August, 2000.
  205. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, and Alper Ungor
    Point placement for meshless methods using sphere packing and advancing front methods, accepted by
    ICES00:International conference on Computational Engineering Science
    Los Angeles, California, 20-25 August, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  206. Liwu Liu,Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan and Ophir Frieder
    Wavelength Assignment in WDM ring to Minimize SONET ADMs.
    IEEE INFOCOM'2000 ,
    Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 26 - 30, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 192 out of 735, 26.1%)
  207. Xiangmin Jiao, Xiang-Yang Li and Xiaosong Ma
    SIFFEA: Scalable Integrated Framework for Finite Element Method,
    ISCOPE99: the third International Symposium on Computing in Object-oriented Parallel Environments
    Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes: LNCS 1732 page 84-95),
    San Francisco, California, December 7-10, 1999.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  208. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Biting in 3D,
    8th International Meshing Roundtable.(pp. 85-97),
    South Lake Tahoe, California, October 10-13, 1999.
  209. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Biting Ellipsoid to Generate Anisotropic Mesh,
    8th International Meshing Roundtable.(pp. 97-108),
    South Lake Tahoe, California, October 10-13, 1999.
  210. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng and Alper Ungor
    Biting:Advancing Front Meets Sphere Packing,
    2nd Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation
    Boulder, Colorado, August 4-6, 1999.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  211. Xiang-Yang Li, Shang-Hua Teng, Alper Ungor
    Simultaneous Refinement and Coarsening: Adaptive Meshing with Moving Boundary ,
    7th International Meshing Roundtable, (pp. 201-210),
    Dearborn, Michigan, Oct 26-28,1998.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  212. Xiang-Yang Li and Shang-Hua Teng
    Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Unstructured Meshes,
    5th International Symposium on:Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, IRREGULAR98
    Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes: LNCS 1457 pp. 144-155),
    Berkeley, California, Aug 9-11,1998.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)

Workshop Papers Accepted (through complete peer review)

  1. Taeho Jung*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Enabling Privacy-preserving Auctions in Big Data
    BigSecurity workshop, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
  2. Cheng Bo*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yue Tao*, Fouad Teymour, Paul Anderson, ShangPing Ren
    SA-MAC: Self-stabilizing Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
    workshop CPNS, of IEEE ICDCS 2013
  3. Yue Tao*, Xiang-Yang Li, and Cheng Bo*
    Performance of Coexisted WiFi and ZigBee Networks
    workshop CPNS, of IEEE ICDCS 2013
  4. Lan Yao*, Xiang-Yang Li.
    Pattern Regulator: Protecting Temporal Usage Privacy for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks
    workshop CPNS, of IEEE ICDCS 2013
  5. Lan Zhang^, Xuan Ding, Zhiguo Wan, Ming Gu and XiangYang Li
    WiFace: A Secure GeoSocial Networking System Using WiFi-based Multi-hop MANET. 1st ACM Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Services: Social Networks and Beyond (MCS 2010). ACM MobiSys, MCS workshop
  6. Ping Xu*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Online Market Driven Spectrum Scheduling and Auction
    CoRoNet workshop of ACM MobiCom, 2009.
  7. Xiaohua Xu*, ShiGuang Wang*, XuFei Mao*, ShaoJie Tang*, XiangYang Li
    An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks
    FOWANC workshop of ACM Mobihoc, 2009
  8. ShaoJie Tang*, XuFei Mao*, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Optimal k-support Coverage Paths in Wireless Sensor Networks
    The First International Workshop on Information Quality and Quality of Service for Pervasive Computing (IQ2S workshop) of IEEE PerCom 2009.
  9. Kazuya Okamoto, Wei Chen, and Xiang-Yang Li
    Ranking of Closeness Centrality for Large-Scale Social Networks,
    The Second International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW 2008).
  10. Ashraf Nusairat*, Xiang-Yang Li and S. Kami Makki,
    QoS-Aware Integrated Cellular and WiFi Networks
    WTASA 2007, International Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks, Miami, Florida, USA, 2007.
  11. XuFei Mao* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Static Channel Assignment for Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
    WTASA 2007, International Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks, Miami, Florida, USA, 2007.
  12. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li, Xiaowen Chu
    Nash Equilibria, Dominant Strateies in Routing
    Accepted for publication, Workshop for Internet and Network Economics, 2005.
    (Acceptance Ratio: ?? out of ???, ??%)
  13. Peng-Jun Wan, Xiang-Yang Li, Ophir Frieder
    OVSF-CDMA Code Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    ACM DialM, 2004. (Acceptance Ratio: 12 out of ??, ???%)
  14. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Truthful Low-cost Unicast in Selfish Wireless Networks,
    Accepted, 4th International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN) of IPDPS 2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 20 out of 60, 33.3%)
  15. Kousha Moaveninejad*, Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Robust Position-based Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Accepted for publication, WWAN04 workshop of IEEE ICDCS'2004.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 21 out of 52, 40%)
  16. Xiang-Yang Li and WeiZhao Wang*<
    Efficient Strategyproof Multicast in Selfish Networks,
    International Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc Wireless and Peer-to-Peer Networks, 2004. Invited.
  17. Wen-Zhan Song*, Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang* and WeiZhao Wang*
    dBBlue: Low Diameter and Self-Routing Bluetooth Scatternet,
    Accepted for publication, ACM DialM, 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 8 out of 27, 29.6%)
  18. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Localized Construction of Bounded Degree Planar Spanner,
    Accepted for publication, ACM DialM, 2003.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 8 out of 27, 29.6%)
  19. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Quality Guaranteed Localized Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2003 (MWN workshop).
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)
  20. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Simple Heuristics and PTASs for Intersection Graphs of Wireless Networks,
    ACM DialM 2002, Atlanta.
    (Acceptance Ratio: 7 out of , %)
  21. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Distributed Spanner with Bounded Degree for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless networks and Mobile Computing,
    April 15-19, 2002, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    (Acceptance Ratio: 154 out of 280, 55.0%)
  22. Alper Ungor, Cinda Heeren, Xiang-Yang Li, Alla Sheffer, Robert Haber, and Shang-Hua Teng.
    Constrained 2D Space-Time Meshing With All Tetrahedra
    16th IMACS world congress on Scientific Computation,Applied Mathematics and Simulation.
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland. August 21-25, 2000.
    (Acceptance Ratio: out of , %)

Poster/Demo Papers Accepted (through review)

  1. Tao Li, Wei Xi, Jizhong Zhao, ShaoJie Tang*, Xiang-Yang Li,
    Use Antenna Wisely: Locating RFID Tags by Rotation
    ACM MobiCom 2014 Poster.
  2. Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Wenchao Huang, Kebin Liu, Shuwei Zong, Xuesi Jian, Puchun Feng, Taeho Jung*, and Yunhao Liu,
    It Starts with iGaze: Visual Attention Driven Networking with Smart Glasses
    ACM MobiCom 2014 Demo.
  3. Lei Yang,Yekui Chen, Chen Chen, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu
    Demo: High-Precision RFID Tracking Using COTS Devices, ACM MobiCom 2014 Demo.
  4. Cheng Bo*, Lan Zhang^, Xiang-Yang Li, Qiuyuan Huang, Yu Wang*
    SilentSense: silent user identification via touch and movement behavioral biometrics.
    ACM MOBICOM 2013: 187-190, poster.
  5. Cheng Bo*, Xiang-Yang Li, Taeho Jung*, XuFei Mao, Yue Tao*, Lan Yao*:
    SmartLoc: push the limit of the inertial sensor based metropolitan localization using smartphone.
    ACM MOBICOM 2013: 195-198, poster,
  6. Cheng Bo*, Xuesi Jian*, Xiang-Yang Li, XuFei Mao*, Yu Wang*, Fan Li
    You're driving and texting: detecting drivers using personal smart phones by leveraging inertial sensors.
    ACM MOBICOM 2013: 199-202, poster
  7. Zhenjiang Li, Cheng Li, Wenwei Chen, Jingyao Dai, Mo Li, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu
    Demo: Clock calibration using fluorescent lighting.
    ACM MOBICOM 2012 demo: 463-466
  8. Xingfa Shen, Cheng Bo*, Jianhui Zhang, Guojun Dai, Xufei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li,
    SolarMote: A Low-cost Solar Energy Supplying and Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks,
    poster, ACM SenSys 2009
  9. Xufei Mao*, Xiang-Yang Li, Xingfa Shen, Fang Chen
    iLight: Device-Free Passive Tracking by Wireless Sensor Networks
    ACM Sensys 2009, Demo,
  10. WeiZhao Wang*, Xiang-Yang Li
    Low-Cost Truthful Multicast in Selfish and Rational Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE MASS 2004. (Poster: 26 out of 207)
  11. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan
    Constructing Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks.
    Postere at ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) 2001,
    Long Beach, California, Oct 4-5, 2001. (Best Poster Papers)
    (General Paper Acceptance Ratio: 24 out of 144, 16.7%)

Invited talks and Keynotes

  1. Large Scale Wireless Network Systems: Theory, Experience, and Lessons, Department of ECE, Clemson University, February 7, 2012.
  2. Large Scale Wireless Network Systems:Theory, Experience, and Lessons, CSE Department, University of Notre Dame, February 2, 2012.
  3. Multicast Capacity for Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Computer Science Department, HKUST. HongKong, Oct. 29, 2007.
  4. How Much Is It Worth? Computer Science Department, NanJing University. China, Sept. 25, 2007.
  5. Multicast Capacity for Large Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Key-Note Address, First National Conference of Chiona on Sensor Network, August, 31, 2007, China Harbin.
  6. Computational Geometry and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Computer Science Department, Purdue. Indiana, Nov. 15-16, 2001.
  7. Geometric and Game Theoretical Approaches for Wireless Networks Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October, 2003.
  8. Communications in Selfish Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, December, 2003.
  9. Communications in Selfish Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Department of Computer Science, TianJin University, December, 2003.
  10. Computational Geometry and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Department of Computer Science, TianJin University, December, 2003.
  11. Truthful Multicast in Selfish Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Department of Computer Science, HongKong Baptist University, March, 2004.
  12. Strategyproof Routing in Selfish Wireless Networks, Invited talk at IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico. May 11th 2004.
  13. Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: a computational Geometric Approach, Invited talk at IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico. May 13th, 2004.
  14. Price of Anarchy and Strategyproof Network Protocols, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of HongKong City University, HongKong. Aug 10th, 2004.
  15. Strategyproof Network Protocol Design, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of NanJing University of Aeronautics and Astronaurics (NUAA), China. Aug 25th, 2004.
  16. Price of Anarchy and Strategyproof Network Protocols, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of Wayne State University, USA. Sept 14th, 2004.
  17. Price of Anarchy and Strategyproof Network Protocols, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of TianJing University, China. December 20th, 2004.
  18. Application of Computational Geometry in Wireless Networks, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of TianJing University, China. December 27th, 2004.
  19. Price of Anarchy and Strategyproof Network Protocols, Invited talk at Mathmatics Department of BeiJing University of Science of Technology, China. Janauary 5th, 2005.
  20. Strategyproof Network Protocol Design, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of Kent State University, USA. Feb 18th, 2005.
  21. Well-Shaped Delaunay Mesh Generation, Invited talk at Computer Science Department of University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. September 26th, 2005.
  22. Algorithm and Graph Issues in Wireless Networks, Tutorial, ACM MobiHoc, May 29th, 2005
  23. Wireless Ad hoc/Sensor Networks: Energy Efficiency and Cooperativeness, CS department, IIT, Sept 19th, 2005.

Book chapters

  1. Xiang-Yang Li and Yu Wang*
    Geometrical Spanner for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ,
    Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. Editor: Teofilo F. Gonzalez see
  2. Xiang-Yang Li and WeiZhao Wang*
    Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Algorithm Mechanism Design ,
    Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. Editor: Teofilo F. Gonzalez
  3. Yu Wang* and Xiang-Yang Li and Wen-Zhan Song*
    Scatternet Formation and Self-Routing in Bluetooth Networks
    Book Chapter of "Wireless LANs and Bluetooth", Nova Science Publishers 2005, to appear.
  4. Kousha Moaveninejad* and Xiang-Yang Li
    Energy Efficient Broadcasting Using Sparse Topology in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Book chapter of "Advances in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing" (edited by Ding-Zhu Du and Guoliang Xue), in Book Series "Network Theory and Applications", Springer, (originally, Kluwer Academic Publishers, now merging into Springer). 2004
  5. Xiang-Yang Li and Wei-Zhao Wang*,
    Strategyproof Computing in Selfish Networks ,
    Book Chapter of "Combinatorial Optimization in Communication Networks" (edited by Ding-Zhu Du, Maggie Cheng and Yingshu Li), to be published by Kluwer. 2004
  6. Xiang-Yang Li and Kousha Nejad*,
    Path exposure, target location, classification and tracking in sensor networks ,
    Book Chapter of "Sensor Networks", to be published by John Wiley and Sons. 2004.
  7. Xiang-Yang Li, WeiZhao Wang*,
    Efficient Strategyproof Multicast in Selfish Wireless Networks Book chapter of "Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc Wireless and Peer-to-Peer Networks", to be published by CRC Press, 2004, edited by Prof. Jie Wu.
  8. Xiang-Yang Li and Wen-Zhan Song*,
    CDMA Code Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Book Chapter of "Design and Analysis of Wireless Networks", to be published by Nova Science Publishers 2004.
  9. Xiang-Yang Li and Ivan Stojmenovic,
    Broadcasting and Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    in: Handbook of Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Networking and Computing, (A. Boukerche and I. Chlamtac, eds.), CRC Press, 2004, to appear.
  10. Xiang-Yang Li, WeiZhao Wang*,
    Truthful Computing in Wireless Networks
    Book Chapter of "Resource Management in Wireless Networking", edited by M. Cardei, I. Cardei and D.-Z. Du, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2003
  11. Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang*,
    Wireless Sensor Networks and Computational Geometry
    Book Chapter of "Handbook of Sensor Networks", edited by Mohammad Ilyas et al. CRC Press. 2003
  12. Xiang-Yang Li,
    Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Book Chapter of "Ad Hoc Networking", IEEE Press, edited by Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, and Ivan Stojmenovic. 2003
  13. Xiang-Yang Li,
    Applications of Computational Geomety in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Book Chapter of "Ad Hoc Wireless Networking", Kluwer, edited by XiuZhen Cheng, Xiao Huang, and Ding-Zhu Du, 2003.

Technical report

  1. Cheng Bo*, Xuesi Jian, Xiang-Yang Li
    TEXIVE: Detecting Drivers Using Personal Smart Phones by Leveraging Inertial Sensors,
    March, 2013.
  2. Cheng Bo*, Xiang-Yang Li, Taeho Jung*
    SmartLoc: Push the Limit of the Inertial Sensor Based Metropolitan Localization Using Smartphone,
    December, 2012.
  3. Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song*, Yu Wang*
    Localized Topology Control for Heterogenous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, CS, IIT, May, 2003.
  4. Xiang-Yang Li, Peng-Jun Wan
    Theoretically Good Distributed CDMA/OVSF Code Assignment for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, CS, IIT, May, 2003.
  5. Xiang-Yang Li,
    Sliver-free Three-Dimensional Delaunay Mesh Generation. UIUCDCS-R-2000-2176, October, 2000.
  6. Xiang-Yang Li, Lori A. Freitag
    Optimization-Based Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Mesh Untangling and Smoothing Techniques , Argonne National Lab, August, 1999.
  7. Xiangmin Jiao, Xiang-Yang Li and Xiaosong Ma
    SIFFEA: Scalable Integrated Framework for Finite Element Method, 1999.
  8. Xiang-Yang Li,
    Dynamic Algorithms in Computational Geometry, 1998.

My coauthors (alphabetic order)

  1. Professor G. Calinescu, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  2. Professor XiaoWen Chu, Department of Computer Science, HongKong Baptist University.
  3. Professor Herbert Edelsbrunner, Department of Computer Science, Duke University.
  4. Dr. Lori Freitag, San Dia National Lab, was at Argonne National Laboratory.
  5. Professor Ophir Frieder, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  6. Professor Robert Haber, TAM, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  7. Cinda Heeren, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  8. Dr. Xiangmin Jiao, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  9. Professor Sanjiv Kapoor,Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  10. Professor Ming-Yang Kao, Department of Computer Science, Northwestern University, IL.
  11. Liwu Liu, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  12. Professor Xiaosong Ma, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University (was at UIUC).
  13. Professor Gary Miller, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
  14. Kousha Moaveninejad, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  15. Dr. Alla Sheffer, was at UIUC.
  16. Wen-Zhan Song*, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  17. Professor Andreas Stathopoulos, Department of Computer Science, College of William and Mary.
  18. Professor Ivan Stojmenovic,SITE, University of Ottawa.
  19. Professor Zheng Sun, Baptist University, HongKong. Now at Google.
  20. Dr. Dafna Talmor, Intel Corp.
  21. Professor Shang-Hua Teng, Department of Computer Science, Boston University (was at UIUC).
  22. Professor Alper Ungor, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, University of Florida (was at UIUC, then Duke).
  23. Professor Noel Walkington, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
  24. Professor Peng-Jun Wan, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  25. Professor Yu Wang*, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
  26. Weizhao Wang*, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  27. Chih-Wei Yi, Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. Now National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
  28. Philip S. Yu manager of the Software Tools and Techniques group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.